1 Every Breath He Takes

Start from the beginning

What if he was going to give it back? Then I wouldn't have to try to get to Mikey until tonight. Maybe I could sneak out after dinner with my parents. That was usually when Sasha went to eat his own dinner. I might have an hour to get the stuff and be back before they were the wiser.

Amy looked surprised when I didn't come back stinking of weed I think. She gave me a look and I pretended to hang myself. She snorted and went back to her notebook. I sighed and played with my pen. Math was too easy. My tutor had already gone over all this shit with me.

I tried not to cause a disturbance even though I was bored. It was harder than you'd think for someone who made it a habit. I preferred getting kicked out of class, but that wouldn't be considered 'good behaviour' I don't think.

I watched the clock tick away the minutes and felt like it had been hours. The drone of the teacher was like an insect buzzing near your ear while you try to take a relaxing nap. I struggled to keep my eyes open. I shifted in my seat and looked around the room to see what other people did.

Most were taking notes. Boring. One kid picked his nose and wiped it on his shirt. Disgusting. Glad I didn't do his laundry. One girl kept braiding and unbraiding her hair. No wonder it looked all tangle-y. Amy smiled and gave me a wave. I rolled my eyes.

I yawned and scratched the back of my neck. This day was taking too long. I just wanted to go home and light up my beauty. Let the smoke take me to a better mood and a more relaxing place. My foot tapped irritably. These people were all going through the motions.

As soon as the bell cried shrilly to sound the end of the day, I was running to my locker to shove my things away and making my way to the car park. I looked for the black car that was usually parked out front and nodded to Sasha as he held my door for me before getting in next to me.

"As promised, little prince." He muttered as he slipped me my joint back. I smiled with content and rolled it around in my hand all the way back. I excused myself to go to my room and he followed me to the door until I shut it in his face.

I ran the joint under my nose and walked over to my bay window to get comfy. Might as well really enjoy it. I laid back and lit it up, inhaling the sharp smoke and feeling the burn in my chest. I blew it out and sighed as the chemicals altered my brain.

Suddenly I felt happy again. A smile spread across my face and I took another inhale. I closed my eyes as it felt like I was getting lighter. I watched a beam of light reflect through my window and create a rainbow on the floor with the afternoon sun. A knock sounded at my door and I put out my joint in a nearby ashtray.

"Who is it?" I say, getting up to answer the summons.

"Are you coming to dinner? Never mind, you reek like drugs. Stay home. We don't want the embarrassment. I will have the chef throw something together for you and you can eat in your room." My mother waved her hand at me like I was a pesky bug, then sauntered off in her too-tight dress and stiletto heels.

"Hey mum, nice to see you too. What? Yes of course, my day was great. You want me to join you for dinner out? Why I'd love to. Thanks. So nice to get advance notice of these things." I pretended to have a conversation with the air until I saw the disapproving look from Sasha and slunk back into my bedroom.

"Are you alright?" His low voice came from the door I had forgotten to close behind me. I just fake-smiled in his direction.

"Sure. Why wouldn't I be?" I laughed and it sounded even worse than the smile felt on my lips. My hand shook a little as I reached for the remainder of the joint and lit it up. He stood watching me as I finished smoking the last of it.

I wasn't really that happy after she had killed my buzz, but I felt mellow at least. I laid in my window seat and stared as the rainbow made its way across the floor. I looked up as the darkness cast shadows across my room and he was still standing there.

"You shouldn't smoke. It's bad for you." He said in his low voice. I smiled.

"I know. It's just a coping mechanism." I said without blinking.

"You should quit." He shot back in a demanding voice. I straightened and tilted my head at the tone.

"No. You aren't my father." I bared my teeth at him. He chuckled. He actually chuckled! The warm sound nearly took my breath away and my mouth hung open in shock.

"No, I am not your father." He murmured as he stalked his way to my side. I watched those black eyes alit with humour and danger get close, too close! I leaned away as he bent forward to look me in the eyes.

"You aren't the boss of me." I muttered childishly. He grinned still, then reached forward to grab my chin. I gasped at the contact.

"Would you like me to be?" He purred as we held each other's eye. I gulped and tried to shake my head. His eye brow raised and I hesitated.

"I..." I had never been asked such a question before. Did I want him to be the boss of me? I didn't like that my parents had appointed him to watch me, but I didn't hate him or his bossy ways really.

"Think about it." He allowed and moved away from me. I missed the warmth and firmness of his hand against my jaw. I panicked as he moved towards the door to leave.

"Yes!" I shouted. I clapped a hand to my mouth and felt like my eyes were going to pop out from shock. Oh god, what did I just say? I saw him close the door and grin at me.



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