Stargazing (Prinxiety)

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December 1st, 2019
Requested by AMC2Life

I'm back from my break! I hope you enjoy this cute little one shot as a returning gift from myself lol

Virgil's POV:

Roman was holding my hand and smiling brightly as he tugged me to follow him. I couldn't help but smile to myself even though I was rolling my eyes. When he was in the mood to flatter me or be romantic, it was kind of irresistible even for someone as cynical as me.

"Come on! I've got a great day plan for us today!" he said, pulling me through the gate to the Imagination.

Instantly, I felt comforting feelings wash over me and the Imagination's perfect weather eased my anxieties. It was always strange to me how quickly I could feel at ease here. It was completely fabricated of Creativity's spirit, so in a way it felt like Roman's spirit was giving mine a hug. A small voice in my head prayed that it was only Roman's half that was at work this evening; if Remus were to get involved with the Imagination while I was inside, it wouldn't end well.

Roman led me through the familiar scenery of the Imagination's kingdom and toward the woods. I rolled my eyes again, knowing how much he loved romantic forest settings. He was always going to be a sucker for fairy tale settings and given that we were in the part of the Mind Palace he could shape however he wanted, it made sense he would make the most of it.

"Seriously, Princey, what is your plan?" I asked as he kept pulling on my hand.

He was leading me deeper into a part of the woods I hadn't seen before. "This!" he exclaimed. He stopped and turned to me, gesturing to the clearing we had reached. It was a grassy clearing filled with luscious plant life. There was a blanket laid out in the center with a picnic basket waiting for us. With a snap of his fingers, there were softly glowing candles around it. Roman turned to me. "What do you think?"

"It's beautiful, Princey," I said to him. I smiled a little bashfully as guilt tugged at my stomach. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble though..."

"Nonsense! I love being treating you like this! It's enjoyable for me and it helps me feel better about how I treated you before we were dating and before we were friends. I was so unbelievably nasty to you, and for that, I don't think I'll every be able to truly forgive myself," he admitted, tone serious. 

It was quiet for a moment as the gravity of his words hung in the air. He then shook his head out and beamed at me. "Which is one of the many reasons I love spoiling you!"

"Alright, as long as you don't feel like you're required to in order to make it up to me or something. I've forgiven you," I told him as I walk toward the picnic blanket. I smiled a little as I sat down. "This is really nice though."

Roman smiled at me affectionately, causing heat to rise into my cheeks. He sat down beside me and we began to unpack the basket. There was plenty of food and even some wine inside waiting for us; the Imagination had many perks when it came to food and drinks. We enjoyed ourselves for over an hour but the fun ceased once the sun sunk below the horizon.

The prince beside me seemed to freeze up suddenly. I noticed his discomfort instantly and was quick to ask him if he was alright. "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Y-Yeah, yeah, it's just getting pretty dark so I think I should trade these candles for a campfire!" he said, clapping his hands together. The candles disappeared but no campfire replaced them. He furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion and I could tell by the slight tremble in his breathing that he was a bit frantic. He clapped his hands again but nothing happened. "What the hell? Why can't I- oh shit, I think Remus is messing with me."

I scowled. "Huh?"

"He likes to make it dark and not let me summon light sources because... because he knows I'm scared of the dark..." Roman said. He took a deep and shaking breath. "I don't like it, and I don't know what to do."

I looked around for something to distract him with. One of the most effective types of coping mechanisms for panic attacks was to find a distraction. 

My gaze shifted upwards, noticing that the sky was practically glowing with the amount of stars there were. I gently took my boyfriend's hand and pulled his chin to make him look at me. "Hey, everything's going to be okay," I breathed. "Just look up..."

He obeyed, his caramel-colored eyes shifting to look up at the sky. They widened as they focused on the stars. "Whoa," he breathed. "I've never stayed out here late enough to see the stars. They're absolutely beautiful!"

"That's it, just focus on those stars," I told him with a smile as I squeezed his hand.

He sighed happily as his body relaxed. "This helps a lot, thank you Virgil. What on earth would I be without you?"

I flushed at his comment and leaned in him to hide it. Even when he was coming down from a panic attack, he was the charming one. I guess he couldn't help it if he tried. Part of his purpose was to be the romantic Side.

"You'd be a beautiful, creative, romantic prince."

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