35. The Perfect Life

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*two weeks later*

Luigi, Daisy, Yoshi, Boo, Rosalina, Toad, and Birdo were eating lunch together at Flipswitch Felix's.

"Yoshi, what's up?" Luigi questioned. He had noticed that Yoshi hadn't said much during the lunch, but he had a big smile on his face.

"I'm just REALLY excited for my birthday," Yoshi stated.

"Why? What are your plans?" Toad asked.

"I thought you wouldn't ask," Yoshi ate a french fry before continuing to speak. "I'm inviting all of us to go with my family on a road trip to Lakeside Park!" Birdo gasped.

"It is SO pretty there," she smiled.

"Don't you go there every summer?" Daisy said.

"Yeah, however I want to spend my birthday there with you guys." Yoshi replied. "We can swim at the lake, go hiking, and take pictures of the scenery!"

"That sounds fun, but when do you plan to go?" Boo questioned.

"I wanna go there on Friday, since we don't have school then," Yoshi answered. "And perhaps we can return home on Sunday".

"How long will the drive be?" Rosalina asked.

"Usually, the drive is about six hours long," Yoshi said.

"I really want to go," Daisy stated. "Yosh, tell us more details on the group chat later."

"I will," Yoshi assured.

*five hours later*

"Does this dress make me look fat?" Peach stepped out of the fitting room in a strapless, pastel pink dress that ended at least three inches above her knee.

"N-no, not at all," Mario said honestly, amazed by how much the dress suited her figure. "It makes you look SO skinny."  Peach shot him a look.

"You do realize that what you said is NOT a compliment, right?" she replied slowly. "It's not good to be TOO skinny, after all."

"What I meant was," Mario hastily tried to fix his mistake. "You look... Umm..."

"Curvy?" Peach raised an eyebrow.


"Well, thank you. I was worried I had stomach fat since I ate so much pizza with Dixie and Toadette earlier for lunch."

"Are you buying that?" Mario questioned, referring to the dress.

"Yes, since you think it looks good on me," Peach did a quick twirl. "It does, doesn't it?"

"Of course. EVERYTHING looks amazing on you, Peachy."

"I hope so. Anyways, I'll just change again and I can buy the dress afterwards."

Once Peach had changed back into what she was wearing before, she and Mario headed to the cashier. Mario fortunately knew how to be a gentleman, so he paid for the dress. Peach kissed Mario's cheek in appreciation, causing Mario to blush.

"Thank you," Peach said.

"Anything for you, princess," Mario replied.

"Princess?" Peach giggled. "I like that nickname. No one has ever called me that before."

"Princess Peach," Mario murmured. "That actually sounds decent."

"I agree," Peach placed the bag with her new purchase inside in Mario's hands. "Now, let's go eat dinner."

The couple had only just left the shop when Mario turned to face Peach.

"Are you up for chicken wings?" he asked. "I know of a place that serves great chicken wings."

"Not really," Peach answered. "I'm craving steak. Are you?"

"No," Mario shook his head. "I'm in the mood for chicken wings."

"Well, I'm not," Peach stated.

"Can I please choose where to eat?" Mario questioned. 

"No, you can't because I want to," Peach replied bluntly.

"Chicken wings are healthier."

"Are you calling me fat?!"

"No! I'm just saying!"

"Then, let us eat steak! Steakhouses are better destinations for dinner dates."

"Not necessarily..."

"Of course they are! And besides, we've never had steak together before."

"Well, we've never had chicken wings together before either," Mario pointed out.

"Mario," Peach's voice was now quieter. "Today is a great day and I'm in a good mood. Please don't ruin it. I have pictured a perfect day with you and it involves a steak dinner. Today will be ruined for me if we don't have the steak date I've been looking forward to for so long. Mario, all I'm asking is for you to be at least a little considerate."

Mario was worried that Peach would either start crying or get angry. Either way, it would possibly result the couple breaking up. Mario would no longer be with the prettiest girl he knew. Peach would turn everyone against him. Mario would have to go back to hanging out with Luigi and his dorky former friends. Mario loved his current life, the one where he had the best friends and the best girlfriend.

Mario could NOT risk losing what he had now. He had to say yes to Peach's request or else a whole chain of not-so-good events would occur.

"Umm, hello?" Peach said, snapping Mario out of his thoughts.

"Oh, yes," Mario smiled. "We can have steak for dinner. What we do on our date no longer matters to me because every day spent with you is already perfect to me."

"Aww, Mario," Peach tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're too sweet... And too cheesy."

"I'm being honest though," Mario stated.

"Well, I'm also being honest when I say you're the kindest boyfriend I've ever had," Peach replied. "Bowser was nowhere near as nice to me as you are."

"Shall we go to that steakhouse?" Mario asked.

"Yeah, it's just a block away from here," Peach answered. "Let's go."

Mario smiled to himself. That was a close one, he thought.

I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I MADE THE REFERENCE. I'm talking about the Princess Peach reference. I'm THIS close to breaking the fourth-wall. And also, I just HAD to make a cheesy chapter. I apologize if you're not a fan of those. But if you like chapters about friends bonding, you're in luck. The next chapter will mostly be about Yoshi's birthday trip. Btw Lakeside Park is only found in ONE Mario game. Do you know what it is? If so, tell me! I might give you a prize of some sort... On an irrelevant note, can you believe that 2015 is in less than two months?! This year went by so fast! Anyways please add, comment, vote, etc. Thanks!

- pinkandpeachy

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