19. Party Poopers

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*6 days later*

“Bro, are you sure you’re not even the tiniest bit nervous?” Luigi questioned as they saw Toad’s house coming into view. Mario and Luigi had worn blazers and jeans to the party.

“Why should I?” Mario laughed.

“Something always goes wrong with the populars…” Luigi said.

“Hey, it’s never too late to have a change of heart,” Mario grinned. The brothers saw Daisy and Rosalina and ran to meet them. It was very obvious that the girls had put a lot of effort into their outfits. Daisy was wearing a simple yellow dress and a pair of Converse sneakers. She was sporting a white flower hairband and clip-on earrings. Daisy had also put on a gold necklace and a set of orange bangles. However, Daisy had something that she never had before… She wore a natural shade of lipstick and blush. Daisy had never worn makeup before.

“I know I look different, but Rosalina helped me choose my outfit,” Daisy explained. “She also made me wear makeup.”

“Natural makeup fits you,” Rosalina smiled. She was wearing a blue, sleeveless dress and aqua flats. Her hair had been styled and curled at the ends. Rosalina sported her favorite necklace and diamond earrings. Rosalina also wore a glittery blue hair clip and a silver bracelet with an infinity sign charm. She had put on eyeliner, pale pink blush, and red lipstick. Rosalina looked stunning and everyone knew it.

“You’re beautiful,” Luigi said, hugging her.

“Umm, where are Yoshi and Boo?” Daisy quickly changed the subject.

“I’m here,” Boo suddenly appeared behind Mario, causing him to flinch.

“Dude, you really need to stop doing that,” he muttered.

“And as for Yoshi, I dunno where he is,” Boo said.

“We’re not going in without him,” Luigi stated.

“Oh, I see him!” Rosalina said. The group turned around and saw Yoshi running to them.

“Hey, guys!” Yoshi said once he got to them. “Are we going in yet? The party probably started about half an hour ago.”

“Finally, you’re here! We’re going in now,” Mario grinned, full of eagerness.

*meanwhile, in Toad’s house*

“Omg, when are the losers coming?” Dixie whined for the tenth time since the party started. “Did they, like, chicken out?”

“Di, I already told you- I don’t know!” Peach replied, annoyed. Suddenly, the front door opened and the nerds went in. Though she would never admit it, Peach thought the nerds actually looked decent. However, it was Rosalina that caught her eye. Her utter beauty was enough to put Peach in a bad mood. One of the things Peach used to like most about Rosalina was her near-perfect taste in fashion, accessories, and makeup. Peach glared at Rosalina and sashayed away to the kitchen. “Peachy, wait up!” Dixie went after Peach. Peach noticed Birdo sitting on the kitchen counter and hyperventilating. “Bow!” Peach exclaimed. “What’s wrong?”

“Are they here, Peach?” Birdo asked nervously. “Please tell me they’re not here.”

“If you’re talking about the nerds, then they’re unfortunately here,” Peach answered. “We don’t want them around either.”

“Is… Is… Is Yoshi here?” Birdo whispered.

“He’s here,” Peach said. “Why do you look like you’re dreading to see him? Have you finally come to your senses and decided that he’s a weirdo?”

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