13. Blogs

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*the following Saturday*

Yoshi was at Hurry Scurry Herbert's. He came there almost every weekend, usually alone. The cashier Toad's eyes lit up when Yoshi entered the parlor. "Yoshi!" he grinned. "Loaded chocolate chip sundae supreme as usual?" 

"Actually, not today," Yoshi replied. He thought he needed a break from the usual seven-scoop sundae. "Any new flavors?"

"Oh yeah!" We just got a new flavor a few days ago," the Toad said. "Olive oil." Yoshi glanced at the tub of olive oil ice cream. It looked like vanilla ice cream with a strange green substance drizzled over it. Yoshi had never heard of this flavor before.

"Sure, I'll try it. Olive oil ice cream in a sugar cone, medium-sized," he replied. "No toppings for now." It only took two minutes for the order to come. "Thanks!" Yoshi said when he got his ice cream. He immediately dug into it. Yoshi was amazed with the salty, but sweet flavor. He knew he had to blog about this. Yoshi finished his ice cream in about 5 minutes. He then left the ice cream parlor, hopped onto his bike, and headed home. Once Yoshi got home, he locked himself in his room and turned on his laptop. He needed a break from studying for the semester exams. Even though the exams were in January, Yoshi had already started studying. On his laptop, Yoshi typed "yom.com" in the address bar. His kind-of-popular food blog showed up on the page. Already knowing what to say, Yoshi started a new entry.

Olive Oil Ice Cream?! (at HSH)


I've mentioned Hurry Scurry Herbert's so much that I've decided to shorten the parlor's name to HSH. Well, I went to HSH today and tried out the newest flavor, olive oil. I was astonished by the sweet and salty taste. You should definitely try it! I know my girlfriend, Birdo would love it! She loves rare ice cream flavors. The olive oil ice cream basically looks like vanilla ice cream with a green substance on top. If you'd like to make this flavor, then the recipe is in the file below. Happy eating!



After publishing the post, Yoshi edited the sidebar and navigation menu of his blog. When he was done, this is what was on the sidebar, written in an eye-catching (but still readable) font and color:


If you want to suggest any food for me to try and blog about or if you want to tell me about your experiences in trying the food I blog about, contact me at this email address: yom_share@flowermail.com

In the navigation menu, you can find the list of single recipes if you want to look at the recipes that I attach to my posts. You can either view one or download one as a PDF.

The official Yom.Com Annual Cookbook Collection can also be found in the recipes list. Each volume can be downloaded as a PDF.

And if you want to see pictures of the food I blog about, visit my public Shellstagram: @yom_posts1427

News updates and more pictures can be found on my Paratwitter: @YomFood

Business email: yom_inquiries@flowermail.com

And this was what was on the navigation menu:


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