27. Hallucinations

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*a week and a day later*

Birdo woke up with a smile on her face. She was finally able to get a decent amount of sleep. And she hadn’t overslept.

After taking a shower, Birdo went to her kitchen to eat breakfast. She served herself a bowl of Star Bits (not actual star bits). Birdo was eating peacefully and temporarily forgetting about her problems when she got a FaceTime call from Toadette. Birdo accepted the call…

And the first thing she saw on her phone screen was Yoshi. Birdo gasped and blinked several times.

“Bow, what’s wrong?” Toadette asked. Birdo suddenly noticed that Yoshi was nowhere in sight. I must’ve been hallucinating, Birdo thought.

“There was an ant near my breakfast!” Birdo exclaimed the first lie that she thought of.

“Umm… Okayyy,” Toadette didn’t look very convinced, but she bought the lie nonetheless. “I was just gonna inform you that we’re almost at your house.”

“Okay, I’ll go outside in a bit!” Birdo replied and ended the call. She shuddered, remembering Yoshi’s face. That has never happened to me before, Birdo thought. She tried to forget about it and went outside.

Peach, Dixie, and Toadette came to Birdo’s house just in time.

“Hi, Birdo!” Peach waved.

“Hey,” Birdo said to all three of her friends. They can’t know about what happened, Birdo thought. And why do I talk to myself in my head so much? Birdo listened to her friends’ nonstop talking, but she didn’t join in. She wasn’t really in the mood to talk.  Birdo was zoning out into her own thoughts.

“Birdo,” Peach suddenly said.

“What?” Birdo turned around and saw that Yoshi was where Peach was supposed to be. She screamed.

“What’s wrong, Bow?” Yoshi (Peach) asked. Oh gosh, it even sounds like him! Birdo thought. Once she blinked, Yoshi was gone.

“It’s nothing,” Birdo lied. Unfortunately, she began hyperventilating right after she said that.

“If you say so,” Dixie replied. “But, you know you can tell us anything.”

“I know,” Birdo sighed shakily. Luckily, her friends dropped the subject and immediately moved on to another one.

*during History class*

“And thus, the great Kingdom War started…” Mr. Shy Guy was giving the students one of his many semi-boring lectures. Birdo couldn’t help but zone out into her own thoughts.

She knew Yoshi was on the very end of the front row, just out of her sight. Birdo tried her hardest not to look at him. She copied some notes from the whiteboard to distract herself.

“Birdo?” Mr. Shy Guy said, causing Birdo to look up. “Do you know what year the Kingdom War ended for good?”

“No…” Birdo replied honestly. Mr. Shy Guy frowned.

“Who knows?” he questioned, glancing at the entire class. “Bowser?”

“Umm… 1681?” a voice said from her left. However, it wasn’t Bowser’s voice. Birdo fell out of her chair when she saw that Yoshi was seated on her left. Two Yoshis? she thought. Once again, Birdo started hyperventilating… Very loudly.

“Yes Bowser, you’re correct,” Mr. Shy Guy then averted his attention to Birdo. “Birdo, what is wrong?” Birdo soon began sweating, even though the room wasn’t very hot.

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