31. A Single Peach

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*two weeks later*

One of the last school dance planning sessions were taking place.

"We're almost done planning," Yoshi stated. "Will we be able to put up the posters soon?" He chose to ignore the glares that Mario constantly shot him.

"Let's try to finish planning today and put up the posters after school," a Koopa Troopa named Melanie suggested.

"Okay," Rosalina nodded. "Sounds good. But, I know what we should plan next."

"What kind of dance it will be?" a red Yoshi named Jake guessed.

"Yeah," Rosalina said.

"What do you mean?" Toadette questioned.

"Will the dance be boy-ask-girl, vice versa, or both?" Rosalina elaborated.

"Girl-ask-boy," Peach replied almost immediately. "Aka Sadie Hawkins."

"Everyone in favor of a Sadie Hawkins dance, raise your hand," Abbey said. Eight out of twelve people raised their hand.

"Okay, so Sadie Hawkins it is," a human named Sofia murmured, taking down notes.

Peach caught Mario staring at her and smiled at him. She was satisfied to see that Mario began blushing once he realized he had been caught staring at her. Bowser nudged Mario, who was sitting next to him.

"Eyes off my girl," Bowser whispered. Mario quickly nodded in return.

*the following Monday*

Mario was disappointed to see that Peach was absent today. And to add to that, Bowser was in a really bad mood. Mario, being the good friend he wanted to be, decided to approach Bowser before class started.

"Dude," Mario said. "What's up?"

"Peach and I broke up," Bowser muttered, randomly kicking his locker. Mario wasn't supposed to be happy, but he was. Of course, he couldn't show his happiness.

"That sucks," Mario replied. "But, she didn't deserve your attention."

"True," Bowser stated. "She's so dramatic."

*during lunch*

By now, the entire class was aware of Bowser and Peach's breakup. The popular girls wouldn't stop gossiping about it and the popular guys made sure to give Bowser some space. Peach was still absent.

"Who would've thought it would happen?" Daisy said before taking a bite of her BLT sandwich.

"They've been together for about a year and two months," Toad calculated. "That's an awfully long time to be in a relationship at our age."

"From what I've heard, they ended it because they were becoming distant from each other," Rosalina stated.

"Mario," Luigi suddenly said.

"What about him?" Yoshi questioned.

"Now that Peach is single and he's a popular..." Luigi trailed off.

"He actually has a chance with her now," Boo replied.

"Peach is going to play with his heart like the conceited snob she is," Birdo stated. "Either that or she'll just keep rejecting him."

"I just hope that Mario still has at least a little common sense left," Luigi murmured.

When the unpopulars finished eating their lunches, they left the cafeteria to hang out in the hallways.

"Oh, look at this!" Rosalina pointed to a poster on the wall. She and her friends began to read it.

A Night At Hollywood

Sadie Hawkins/Girl-ask-boy (PARTNERS ARE NOT REQUIRED)

Theme: Red carpet

Where: Mushroom High, Gym 1

When: Friday, May 23 (5 p.m. - 11 p.m.)

Fee: 50 coins per person

Family/friends outside of school are welcome!

For more information, approach any of the following people:

Bowser (freshman)

Mario (freshman)

Peach (freshman)

Rosalina (freshman)

Toadette (freshman)

Yoshi (freshman)

Abbey (sophomore)

Chad (sophomore)

Jake (sophomore)

Melanie (sophomore)

Sofia (sophomore)

Troy (sophomore)

"Wanna go with me to the dance?" Daisy asked Luigi once she was done reading the poster.

"Of course!" Luigi answered.

"And Yoshi, will you go to the dance with me?" Birdo said.

"Definitely," Yoshi replied.

"Boo, do you want to go to the dance and just hang out there with me?" Rosalina asked.

"Yeah," Boo responded.

"Yay, I'm the seventh wheel," Toad said sarcastically.

"It's okay, I'm sure Toadette will ask you soon," Luigi assured.

"Birdo, Daisy," Rosalina said. "Let's go shopping for the dance sometime, okay?"

"Sure!" Birdo grinned.

"Umm... That isn't necessary," Daisy replied.

"Of course it is!" Rosalina stated. The unpopulars spent the rest of their lunch break talking about the dance.

*after school*

"You're late," Boo stated quietly when he saw Bowser enter the library.

"What did you say?" Bowser glanced at him.

"Nothing," Boo said, knowing Bowser was in a very bad mood.

"Whatever," Bowser sat down," So, what are we doing today?"

"Let's summarize Chapter 8 of To Kill A Cheep Cheep," Boo suggested. "You can do Chapter 9 for homework."

"You know how much I hate being given homework, especially by someone who happens to be my classmate," Bowser groaned. Boo's cheeks turned slightly red.

"I'm sorry, but I'm your tutor," he stated. "I'm supposed to give you homework."

"Whatever, wimp," Bowser crossed his arms. "You're not the boss of me." A barely audible sigh escaped Boo's mouth and the ghost hoped that Bowser didn't hear it. Bowser tended to make Boo nervous easily without effort.

The tutoring session continued, but it was the most awkward one that the two freshmen ever went through.

Ta-da! An update! But sadly the last one for this book for my summer break. I'll go back to school on August 4th so this week is my last week of summer! Nooooo. You're probably thinking, "Why will you stop today? You still have four days of summer left". I'm gonna update RWM&F and TLOM&F once each. After those updates are done I'll most likely spend a big fraction of my time on DeviantART and FanFiction.net. I also do stuff on those sites you know. I'd appreciate it if you visit my profiles on those two sites. Anyways pls add, comment, vote, etc. Thanks!

- pinkandpeachy

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