41. A New Truth

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*three days later*

"What is it with Peachy's getup?" Dixie whispered to Toadette, who shrugged.

Peach's appearance that day could be accurately described as unusual. She wore a plain pink shirt, jeans, and sapphire blue flats. She seemed to not be wearing any makeup and her hair was not in a fancy hairstyle. She wore less than half of her usual amount of accessories and jewelry. Peach looked so simple... And no one was used to it.

"Peach!" Toadette called. The blonde girl turned around to face her friends.

"What?" she replied.

"Why are you wearing that?" Dixie questioned.

"I guess I felt like wearing something different today," Peach shrugged. "It's nice to have some variety once in a while."

"Peach," Toadette said slowly. "You NEVER say that. You HATE change."

"Can't a girl just experiment for a day?" Peach sighed. "I don't know about you two, but I'm going to class now. See you there."

Peach then walked away from the two shocked girls.

"Something is definitely wrong," Toadette murmured.

"Yep," Dixie agreed. "But before making any assumptions, let's wait and see how this day goes."

*at dismissal*

"One more day..." Daisy sighed with relief. 

"This school year was so stressful," Rosalina stated.

"You don't say," Toad replied.

"Hey, guys!" Peach waved and smiled at the unpopulars.

"Go away, Peach," Mario said. "We're not in the mood."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to bug you," Peach handed Mario a piece of paper. "You all won't regret going."

"Going where?" Luigi questioned.

"Just read the paper!" Peach called over her shoulder as she left the group.

"Should we?" Mario gestured at the paper.

"Peach has been acting different lately," Boo stated. "Maybe the paper will explain why."

"Umm, Peach made it sound as if she's inviting us to something," Birdo pointed out.

"Well," Mario said. "There's only one way to find out what the paper says."

He unfolded the paper and everyone gathered around him to read it.

Please go to the auditorium asap. I promise you won't have to stay there for too long. Your presence there is really important for this matter.

- Peach

"This isn't a prank," Birdo stated.

"How would you know?" Mario asked.

"Peach doesn't usually give her victims handwritten letters. That is something she only does when she's serious about something. I was her friend for nearly two years, I should know," Birdo explained.

"Okay then," Daisy said. "So, should we go to the auditorium?"

"I think we should," Toad replied. "Whatever Peach is doing that we need to be there for can't be that bad."

"Now, let's go," Yoshi suggested. The group began heading towards their destination.

Meanwhile, Peach was backstage at the auditorium.

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