16. Christmas

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*5 days later*

"Where's Boo?" Mario asked Daisy and Yoshi. The 4 teens were going to board a train in 2 minutes and Boo had still not arrived. Daisy and Yoshi looked at each other and started laughing.

"Guys!" Mario groaned. "It's not funny. If he doesn't come in-" Boo suddenly appeared in front of Mario.

"Hello," he grinned. Mario stumbled backwards into Yoshi, making both of them fall to the floor. Daisy and Yoshi started laughing even harder.

"Boo was already here," Yoshi told Mario. "He said to keep it a surprise for you."

"I'm not in the mood for jokes," Mario grumbled. "It's 3 am and I barely got any sleep."

"I didn't sleep at all," Daisy yawned. Soon, their train had arrived and Mario, Daisy, Yoshi, and Boo boarded it. The 4 friends took beds near the back of the train. "Welcome to Shy Guy Perplex Express, Train 19," a voice said through the speaker. "This ride will be 23 hours long. We will be getting off at the DK Summit Lodge Station. Food and drinks may be purchased in the dining car. No smoking, please. And thank you for riding with us." Daisy closed her curtain and went to sleep. almost immediately. After about five hours, breakfast was being served. Mario opened Daisy's curtain to wake her up, but started laughing. Daisy was a drooling, snoring mess. Her appearance was indescribably funny. He signaled for Yoshi and Boo to come over. Both of them cracked up when they saw Daisy. Mario, Yoshi, and Boo all took pictures of Daisy. Eventually, they woke her up. The four friends then went to the dining car to get breakfast. During breakfast, Mario sent a picture he took of Daisy to Luigi.

Luigi: Lol. Why did you take that?

Mario: Why not?

Luigi: If Daisy finds out that you took that... How do you think she will react?

Mario: I don't know because she'll never find out. :D

Luigi: I'm saving that photo into my camera roll. :)

Mario: Send it to Rosalina, too.

"Send what to Rosalina?" Daisy's voice startled Mario.

"Hey! Don't read my texts," Mario said. "It's an invasion of privacy."

"Fine," Daisy left the dining car since she was finished eating breakfast.

*at night*

"What time is it?" Yoshi asked Boo.

"It's almost 9," Boo replied, checking his phone. Then, he suddenly had a great idea. "Come with me," Boo told Yoshi. The two friends went to the engine room. "Hide outside the door," Boo whispered. "Make sure no one sees you." He gave Yoshi his phone. "Take a video of the conductor," he instructed. "Don't end the video til I signal you to." Yoshi nodded, unsure of what Boo was about to do. The conductor Toad headed to a mic on the right side of the small room. Yoshi adjusted the angle of the camera, so it was focused on the conductor and started the video.

"Test, test. In 5 minutes, we will begin to turn off the-" the conductor stopped mid-sentence because Boo, who was previously invisible, appeared right in his face. "It's a g-g-ghost! AHHHHH!!!" the conductor panicked and ran away. Boo started laughing and Yoshi's facial expression was almost as priceless as the conductor's. Boo nodded at the camera and Yoshi shakily ended the video. Boo exited the engine room.

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