32. Not A Good Day

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*a week later*

The school's secretary, Mrs. Piranha Plant approached the unpopulars' table during lunch.

"Birdo, please report to the office," Mrs. Piranha Plant said. Birdo looked confused, but shrugged and stood up.

"Okay," she responded. Once Birdo arrived at the school office, she became even more confused.

"Hi, Birdo," a yellow birdo greeted the student, a hint of sadness in her voice.

She was Birdo's aunt and she seemed to have just been crying. Birdo, however, had no clue why.

"Aunt Christine?!" Birdo exclaimed. "What are you doing here? And what's wrong?"

"You have to leave school now and come with me," Birdo's aunt sniffed.

"What? Where?" Birdo questioned.

"To the wake."

"What wake?"

Little did Birdo know that her day would be ruined by hearing what her aunt said next.

Meanwhile, Yoshi was on his way to his locker when Birdo ran past him. She looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"Bow!" Yoshi began running after his girlfriend and he would've caught up to her if he hadn't realized that she was headed for the girls' bathroom. Without thinking twice, Yoshi went in after her. But, Birdo had already locked herself inside a stall.

"Go away," Birdo ordered. "You're not supposed to be here."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong," Yoshi stated.

"Please leave..." Birdo said quietly. "I need to be alone." Yoshi sighed.

"If you say so. Just tell me if you need someone to talk to," he replied, leaving the bathroom...

But, the principal was walking down the hallway just as Yoshi was going out of the girls' bathroom.

"Yoshi?!" Mr. Goomba said. "What were you doing in there?"

"Umm..." Yoshi turned red in embarrassment. "Sorry, sir. I was just trying to find out why Birdo is upset."

"That is no excuse to be in the girls' bathroom," Mr. Goomba shook his head. "You have detention for a week."

"Okay, sir..." Yoshi mumbled. He had never gotten detention before.

Birdo overheard Yoshi and Mr. Goomba's conversation from in her stall. She suddenly had an idea. Birdo went out of the bathroom.

"Mr. Goomba!" she said. "Watch this." Birdo ran into the boys' bathroom. Yoshi glanced at the principal to see his reaction. Mr. Goomba looked a bit angry.

"Birdo, you get detention for one week with Yoshi!" Mr. Goomba said before leaving the area. "Teenagers these days..."

Birdo soon went out into the hallway, where Yoshi was.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Yoshi asked. "You just got yourself in trouble."

"I felt guilty because you got in trouble for trying to talk to me," Birdo smiled sheepishly.

"Well, thanks but you didn't have to do that," Yoshi replied.

"Oh, I have to go now. I'm leaving the school for the rest of the day," Birdo said.

"Where are you going?" Yoshi questioned. Birdo hesitated.

"I... Have to be somewhere," she answered. "I'll tell you where when I'm ready."

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