34. The Human Girl With Orange Hair

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*the following Saturday*

"We'll be at your house in twenty minutes," Yoshi told Daisy.

"Okay," Daisy said, managing to contain her excitement. "See you then!"

"Bye," Yoshi replied, ending the call.

Daisy jumped out of her bed and ran to her bathroom. There, she took a quick shower and changed into an outfit that consisted of a yellow tee, white jeans and orange Nikes. When Daisy came out of her bathroom, there was only ten minutes left until Yoshi's car arrived at her house.

Daisy said goodbye to her parents, who were still in bed. After that, she grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen. Daisy ate the granola bar outside as she waited for a certain car to show up at her house.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before Yoshi's car came into Daisy's view. Once it had parked, Daisy got in.

"Hey, guys!" she excitedly exclaimed. Besides Yoshi and Yoshi's mother, Toad and Birdo were seated in the car.

"Hi, Dai," Yoshi said from the passenger seat.

"Good morning, ma'am," Daisy greeted Yoshi's mother, who was in the driver seat.

"Happy early birthday, Daisy," she responded.

"Thanks," Daisy replied before turning to face Toad and Birdo. "Where are the others?"

"Boo and Rosalina are carpooling with Luigi. We're meeting them at Golden 'Shroom Karts," Toad explained.

"Oh," Daisy said. Golden 'Shroom Karts was the go-karting place that Daisy and her friends were going to celebrate her birthday at.

Thirty minutes later, the group arrived at their destination.

"Wow," Daisy murmured, glancing around her in amazement. "I can't believe we're actually here right now."

"Well, let's wait for the others. Luigi texted me that they're almost here," Yoshi stated. Sure enough, the friends soon met up.

"What do we do now?" Birdo questioned.

"Let's go in and sign up," Yoshi suggested. "How long are we gonna go-kart again?"

"Didn't we decide on three hours?" Boo replied.

"Oh yeah," Yoshi nodded.

"Oh my gosh," Daisy's eyes widened. "Three hours?!"

"Yup," Luigi grinned. "Now, let's go sign up. I can't wait to go-kart!"

*fifteen minutes later*

"Well?" Rosalina said once the entire group had signed up. "Where should we go first?"

"There's like six different tracks here, so we can either split up into groups or do everything all together," Yoshi glanced at Daisy. "Which do you prefer?"

"Let's do everything together!" Daisy smiled. She and her friends walked to the nearest track, which happened to be the most basic one out of all of them. They had assistance in putting on helmets and getting into go-karts.

A few workers also explained how to go-kart to the group and told them some rules and tips. Rosalina's go-kart started out right next to Daisy's.

"Daisy," Rosalina spoke. The shorter girl turned to face her.

"Yes?" she said.

"I hope you'll enjoy your birthday celebration," Rosalina stated sincerely.

"Don't worry, I already am enjoying this," Daisy assured. "But, forget about that for now- let's race to the finish!" And with that, Daisy left that starting line as her friends trailed behind her.

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