6. Getting Closer

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*two weeks later*

If there was sport Daisy hated, it was dodgeball. And it didn't help that she was so. Damn. Clumsy. But, to her dismay, that was what they were going to play in PE class today. Unsurprisingly, Daisy got hit within the first minute of play. She was the first to be out. It wasn't shocking, though. Daisy was, like, the worst  in the class at dodgeball. The populars laughed at her on her way to the bleachers, of course. And just a few minutes later, Peach walked over to the bleachers because she was out.No one laughed at her, though. Daisy sighed. Every day was the same. What did she do to be treated like this...? "Hi," a voice said next to her. Daisy turned and saw Boo.

"Hey," Daisy forced a smile on her face.

"Umm..." Boo shuffled around in his spot, he looked like he was trying to say something.

"What?" Daisy asked.

"Rosalina keeps saying how she, you, and Peach used to be best friends," Boo said. "Do you mind telling me... How you guys seperated?"

"Ok, I guess I'll tell you,"Daisy sighed. "It's probably fair that you know the story."


It was the end of the school day. Daisy grabbed her bag from her locker and walked to the place where she, Peach, and Rosalina usually met up to walk to their homes together. When she arrived, Peach and Rosalina were already there. "Daisy," Peach started.

"Yeah?" Daisy asked.

"You know how Rosie and I both tried out for cheer last week?" Peach said. Daisy nodded. "Well, both of us made it. I'm the cheer captain," Peach applied some lip gloss.

"Congrats!" Daisy smiled.

"However..." Peach frowned. "I talked about this with the other cheerleaders and we have to stop hanging out."

"Why?' Daisy asked, confused.

"Because you're too uncool. Dixie, Birdo, and Toadette are all better than you. Rosie and I were given a choice, to stay a loser like you or be a popular with them," Peach answered. "I don't know about Rosie, but I'm choosing to be a popular."

Wait- so... Can I hang out with you guys?" Daisy asked.

"Eww, no," Peach replied, flipping her hair. "I hate you, Daisy. It's a new school year. I've changed." So, that explains why Peach had been ignoring Daisy lately.

"I thought we were friends..." Daisy said.

"We were, years ago. But, now, I can't stand you!" Peach said.

"Tell me again- why are you leaving me?" Daisy asked, getting sadder by thPeach replied. "I'm the cheer captain. I'll be the queen bee of school and I can't miss that opportunity! Sorry, but you can't join us. We all despise you."

"What?" Daisy almost whispered.

"Wait-" Daisy got cut off.

"My friends are here, Daisy. Bye," Peach went to join Dixie, Birdo, and Toadette.

"I just wanted to give her this," Daisy said quietly to herself, holding a heart-shaped keepsake box that said "To my BFF" on the top. Daisy hugged it to her chest. She was on the verge of tears. "Rosie?" she asked her only friend left. Was she?

"Sorry, Dais," Rosalina mumbled and headed towards the other girls. When Daisy got home, she flopped on her bed and cried harder than she ever had before.


"And I haven't shed a tear since then," Daisy said. "That was at the beginning of 7th grade."

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