21. Valentines Day

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*a week and a half later*

Bowser was nervous. He had spent the past week worrying about whether Peach would like what he had planned for the two of them or not. Bowser knew Peach had extremely high standards. It had to be extra-special because it was also his and Peach’s one-year anniversary of dating. Bowser was waiting next to his car in front of Peach’s house.

5 minutes after 6 pm, Peach exited her house and walked to Bowser’s car. She was stunning. Peach had worn hot pink stilettos, a glittery magenta dress, and a white blazer. She also wore sapphire earrings, a diamond necklace, and a red hair bow. Peach’s makeup consisted of mascara, red lipstick, and coral blush.

“You look beautiful,” Bowser smiled.

“Thanks,” Peach replied. Bowser opened the car door for her and entered the car after her.

“Oh, you have to have this around your eyes because where I’m taking you is a surprise,” Bowser tied a cloth around Peach’s eyes.

“My makeup might be ruined!” Peach complained.

“It won’t be,” Bowser assured. During the car ride, Peach was getting impatient.

“Are we there yet?” Peach asked ten minutes into the car ride.

“No,” Bowser answered.

“Are we there yet?” Peach asked ten minutes later.

“Umm, sorry to say this but we’re stuck in traffic,” Bowser said. Peach groaned. “Well, you shouldn’t be surprised because there’s always traffic during evenings of Valentines Day… For obvious reasons,” Bowser pointed out.

“I guess that makes sense,” Peach said.

“We’re at our destination!” Bowser told Peach twenty minutes later.

“Yes!” Peach replied happily.

“But, now we have to ride an elevator.”


“Come on, let’s get out of the car,” Bowser took Peach’s hand and the two of them got out of the car. Bowser thanked his driver. Then, they headed into an elevator.

“What floor is this place you’re taking me to on?” Peach questioned.

“100th,” Bowser replied simply.

“Well, we’re gonna be here for awhile,” Peach mumbled to herself.

The elevator doors opened three minutes later. Bowser and Peach walked down a short hallway and then they stopped.

“I’m removing your cloth now,” Bowser untied the cloth that was covering Peach’s eyes.

The first thing Peach saw was a large rectangular poster on a wall. It said “Blue Star” in an elegant font. At the top of the poster, it said “First Revolving Restaurant In Toad Town”. At the bottom of the poster, it said “5-Star International Cuisine”.

Bowser nervously glanced at Peach. To his relief, she looked awestruck.

“Omg, thanks so much! I’ve been wanting to go here since it opened,” Peach kissed Bowser on the cheek. Blue Star had only opened about a month ago.

“Anytime for you,” Bowser smiled as the two of them approached the entrance.

“Reservation for 2 under Koopa,” Bowser told the hostess. She led the couple to their table.

“I have a gift for you, too,” Peach gave Bowser a small wrapped box.

“Thanks. Can I open it?” Bowser asked.

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