14. Flashbacks

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*a week later*

Dixie woke up at 9 am, just like she did on every Satirday morning. Except, there was something about today that didn't make the day an ordinary one. What happened on December 14? Dixie thought. She let the question slip away and went to eat breakfast. Dixie's parents were both at work, they had full-time jobs and Dixie was used to being home alone. Dixie walked around her backyard, eating a banana. She heard the snow crunch under her footsteps and could see her own breath. Suddenly, Dixie stumbled forward and almost fell. There was a lump on the ground that Dixie never knew was there. On other days, Dixie would just walk away and ignore its existence. But, memories flooded her mind as she realized what had happened exactly one year ago. Dixie ran upstairs and rummaged through a pile of clutter under her bed. She found what she was looking for- her 2012 calendar. A folded and wrinkled post-it was stuck on the date, Decmber 14. Dixie yanked it out and read it. "Thought we were meant to be" was what was written on the post-it. Exactly one year ago, on December 14, 2012, she and Diddy became a couple. They had been together for 6 months and had broken up 2 days after Dixie's birthday. Dixie remembered how she broke up with Diddy. 


Where is he? Dixie thought. She was looking for Diddy because she needed to break up with him. Dixie found her soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend at his locker. "Diddy, we need to talk," Dixie started dragging Diddy to the very end of the hallway. "What's wrong with you?" Dixie tried to be calm.

"Me? What's wrong with you?" Diddy replied coldly. "You never really loved me. Peach told me everything."

"You're the one who's secretly dating someone else!" Dixie snapped.

"Are you crazy? I'd never do that. You're such a bad liar," Diddy said. 

"You're the crazy one here! I loved you so much! And finding out your love was for someone else the day after my birthday was just..." Dixie couldn't complete her sentence. Her eyes welled up in sadness and anger.

"My love was for never for anyone but you! Just stop lying already and admit your defeat!" A crowd had already started to gather around Dixie and Diddy.

"You're such a liar. Not me. All I've been to you is honest!"

"You, Dixie, are the biggest faker I've ever met. Go away and bug someone else for a change."

"I'd be glad to! Consider us over!" Dixie stormed off.

*flashback over*

Dixie remembered coming home in tears shortly after the break-up at school. She remembered getting all the gifts from Diddy and burying them in her backyard. As a result, there was a lump in Dixie's backyard. At first, Dixie thought the idea of burying the things was an awesome one. Recently though, Dixie had started to regret burying Diddy's gifts and wished she had burned them like other girls would to their ex's gifts. Dixie decided to sleep again because she wanted today to pass as fast as possible.

*at Peach's house*

Unlike Dixie, the memory of Diddy and Dixie's breakup was still clear in Peach's mind. Why? Because Peach was secretly involved in it. The truth is, Diddy and Dixie really did love each other a lot and were very loyal to their relationship. Peach was responsible for breaking them up, but no one knew that.


It was decided. On this very day, Peach would begin her master plan to get Diddy and Dixie to hate each other. Because of how much Dixie loved Diddy, Dixie kind of ignored everything else, even her friends. Diddy was the only thing on her mind and it was pretty darn obvious. If this is what Dixie is like when she's in love, I don't want her to be in love ever again, Peach thought. Luckily, Peach quickly saw Donkey Kong in the hallway. Donkey Kong was Diddy's best friend, so Peach assumed he knew where DIddy was. "DK, do you know where Diddy is?" Peach asked.

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