12. Experiencing New Things

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*two weeks later, last period*

"Here's our project," Daisy gave Mr. Bro the finished result of her and Peach's project. Mr. Bro glanced at it.

"It looks very well done," he said. "Good job, girls!"

"Daisy didn't do anything!" Peach told Mr. Bro. "I did everything, she didn't put in any effort!" What?! Daisy thought. I'm the one that did everything! 

"Really?" Mr. Bro questioned. "That's quite unlike her."

"I'm not lying!" Peach replied, all innocent-like. Her charm convinced Mr. Bro.

"Well, then," Mr. Bro fixed a stack of papers. "You shall get detention, Daisy."

"What?!" Daisy's eyes widened. She had never gotten detention before. "Peach is the one that didn't do anything!"

"Nonsense!" the teacher raised his voice. "Peach is perfectly innocent. You have detention for a whole week!" He turned to Peach. "You get extra effort points."

"Thank you, Mr. Bro!" Peach grinned. Daisy sighed, figuring it was no use to fight back.

"Students, you may leave now," Mr. Bro announced. Everyone immediately stood up and rushed out. As Daisy was going to her locker, she had a flashback.


"Ok, then," Peach said. "Do it."

"What?" Daisy blinked.

"Do everything yourself. Do you really expect me to do anything?" Peach examined her manicured fingers.

"Well, yeah. Unless you want to fail," Daisy replied.

"Don't worry, I have my ways," Peach smirked. Daisy didn't know what Peach meant, so she just ignored the last statement.

*flashback over*

So, convincing the teacher that Daisy did nothing when it was the exact opposite was Peach's way of "having her way?" Daisy groaned. And just at that moment, Peach sashayed past the brunette, smirking at her. Daisy was on her way to the detention room when..

"So, the nerd's going to detention?" a familiar, but annoying voice came from behind her. Daisy didn't have to turn around to know it was Dixie, aka Peach's shadow.

"Your little monster friend in makeup got me in detention," Daisy muttered. Dixie's eyes widened.

"Who's she? Birdo? Toadette? Wait, she doesn't wear makeup. Oh my gosh, it's ME??? Does my little monster friend also like bananas?" the monkey began panicking. Daisy face-palmed.

"Peach, obviously," Daisy said. She couldn't believe how dumb Dixie could be sometimes. She felt bad for Peach that she had to deal with this nuisance every day. Dixie's eyes lit up.

"Oh, yeah! Peach told all the populars about her plan!" Dixie grinned. "Such a good one, isn't it?" Daisy didn't even bother answering that question.

"Can you go leave me alone now?" Daisy tried to ask as nicely as possible. She was tired of Dixie's annoyingness. But, Dixie ignored Daisy.

"I can't believe you're in detention! Detention is for DORKS!" Dixie laughed.

"And this is coming from the person who gets detention almost every week for the same reason," Daisy replied. Dixie's eyes widened as she realized that Daisy was right and she dashed off into the detention room. Daisy entered the detention room and five pairs of eyes turned to glance at her. Bowser forced Donkey Kong to do a prank on the nerds, so both of them got in trouble, Dixie was caught texting in class, and Wario and Waluigi just had bad behavior. Dixie, Wario, and Waluigi were almost always in detention. All of the five populars were both suprised and not surprised at the same time that a nerd was in detention. They had known about Peach's plan, as Dixie had told her. Daisy sighed and sat down in a desk as far away from the others as possible. She got out her phone to text Luigi.

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