Chapter:- 63 It's not a big deal...

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"I'll leave you if you promise to sleep and never ever again try to do something like this...followed by a weird laugh" the voice was different superiseingly it was not of a girl instead it was rough and kind of horse, but does it even matter if the ghost is girl or boy when it is going to kill you in end stupid Radhika.

"I..." I was going to say something when the ghost chuckled and called me.

"Radhika..." Wait the voice is familiar, I opened my eyes and looked at him, there he was standing, trying hard to control his laughter I was so embrassed and scared shitless there he was laughing his guts out.

"Oh... My...god you get scared so easily, look at you wrapped up in blanket with this huge teddy like a scared kitten but still looking so cute, were you always like this or am I noticing it now..." He laughed again.

I was angry on him and more on myself what will he think of me now, that I'm a scared cat, I sat on bed and tried to push him but this gaint here didn't even budge so the only option left for me was to leave, I tried to stand up only to sit down when my head sting badly the sound of laughter stopped and there he was kneeling down and his hand already on my forehead.

" You have high fever oh god, are you alright I'm sorry maybe it's because I scared you, I just thought to have some fun and tease you... " He was worried and then an idea clicked in my mind, I pushed his hand and stood up and made way towards the door I knew he was following me and then I acted as if I'm going to faint he was fast to catch me before I hit the ground. Which I was sure I wouldn't.

"Now let's have some fun... Shall we..." I smriked.

Third person's p.o.v

Shivam was in shock, he didn't know what happened to her, but one thing was clear it just gave him mini heart attack. She was not well already and he scared her, he shouldn't have done that and now he regret it.

Lifting her in his arms, he placed her on the bed and tried to wake her up.

"Radhika... Hey Radhika... Wake up... C'mon..." He patted her face softly, his heart was beating loudly, he was just messing with her never wanted to do something so serious that she would faint.

"It's not funny Radhika wake up... I should call a doctor..." He was going to have a panicking attack soon e knew but she was more important.

He carresed her face and then kissed her forehead smoothly and went in bathroom to bring a bowl and cloth to keep on her head to reduce her tempreature, he was busy filling the bowl with cold water when.

"Booo...." Someone screamed loudly in his ears.

"Gotcha..." She was there now laughing her guts out looking at his horrified expression.

"Some kind of prank that was..." She wiped her eyes and looked at him, he was looking at her with an unreadable expression and without saying anything he left the room slamming the door in process.

"Now what happened to him... Why is he so hard to understand..." Although she was feeling a bit guilty but then he started it.

Against His WishOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz