Chapter:- 63 It's not a big deal...

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Third person's p.o.v

Radhika covered her face which was probably bright shade of red, Shivam looked at her in aww and handed her coffee.

"After this take medicine and rest ok, I'll be in my study room if you need anything just let me know" Radhika nodded at him and sat oh her bed as he left the room she hurried to t.v remote and started surfing through random channels finally she settled at a movie which was obviously a horror movi looke again, even though she was Damm scared of ghosts and dark. She had a weird obession with horror movies, it's like they were inviting her to watch them and then get scared of slightest thing.

So being an stubborn idiot she is, she switched off the lights of her room closed all the curtains and made sure each window was locked so no one, not even the ghost can enter to scare her, finally moving towards washroom door she did the same with it.

"Finally I'm safe... Shitt..." She cursed herself looking at the open wordrobe she made a run to it locking the door,and sat down on the bed with remote in her hand a big teddy to cuddle and a thick blanket to wrap around herself and boom she was ready to watch the movie all by herself.

The movie started and it was okay at the starting but soon started getting scarier, it was getting interesting but a big thunder had to ruin it and the storm, which was so strong that the window which she thought was shut tightly sarted to shutter making a weird noise, the strong winds blew curtains open and the closing and opening of windows making it even more scarier, she looked at the window then at the tv same thing was happening in the movie making her more scared.

"Remote where is it..." She tried to search but the lack of light made it impossible to see anything.

Radhika's p.o.v

Where is the remote I thought, I thought for the first time I would behave like a brave girl and watch a horror movie by myself .

"Brave my foot... " Now the remote is playing hide and seek with me, I can't do anything, I can't even leave this blanket which is the only way to protect myself from these scary ghost and Mr teddy is here with me, but I'll have to do something, and that something I did was to hide my whole body in the blanket. I looked like a gift wrap not a single part of my body showing not even my legs.

Don't know why I suddenly started feeling dizzy, maybe the medicines are finally kicking in thank god... I was lost in my own world when the door of my room opened. Tv was switched off I guess since no voice of that ghost was heard, but then a creaking sound came as if someone was opening the door, then the bed dipped and my heartbeat stopped.

"It must that girl's ghost who came in to kill me, good save me, after sometime he tv was off, god I promise I won't ever dare to see not even think of horror movie just save me this once let the ghost spare my life I swear on my life I'll never ever think about doing something like this again..." I was parying to God and also mentally preparing myself to face the ghost, suddenly the blanket was pulled off me and a hand was placed on my head making me scream loudly.

"Please... Please don't kill... Me... I didn't do anything... Please I... Will never ever see a horror movie again if you leave me just this time... Please..."

Against His Wishحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن