Chapter :-14 I don't care

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Shivam's p.o.v

We were all silent, but disturbed by a sound.

"Am I hallucinating or are you really hugging this bitch Shivam. Look at you you say you don't care about her and here you are hugging her. Don't tell me you fell for this shit.... even after knowing what her scumbag of brother did with your sister...."  Jack said laughing.

That made me snapped out  and whatever pity, I had for her turned into disgust and hatred after I rememberd what her bastard brother Raj did with Samirya and her unborn baby.

"Who said that I love her. I hate her from core of my heart. I just helped her even if someone else was at her place I would had done the same, but that doesn't mean I love her or anything. I still hate her and she's still a gold digging bitch in my eyes. I stopped you because I don't want her to go to my mom and start her innocent act there..." I said.

"So you wouldn't had stopped me. If it wasn't for your mother..." Jack asked curiously.

"To be honest I would have stopped you if someone else was at place, but I hate her and I don't care whatever shit happens to her..." I replied and felt her grip loosening of my shirt. She was looking at me with hurt. Her eyes showed betrayal and pain.

She pushed herself away from me but stumbled on something as she was about to fall Sean encricled his arms aroung her waist. He helped her on her feet. After that she ran away crying. It made me feel uneasy but I know better never to trust any of them she's just like her family bloody cunning bitch.

"Guys you go my mood just ruined. I don't feel like partying anymore" and slumped down on the couch.

"You should be ashamed of yourself Shivam. That poor girl she suffered so much first you humiliated her in the party. Then she was almost rapped by this asshole here and instead of punishing him you are cursing her. I don't know what her brother did, but she shouldn't be punished because of him." This time it was Max after that he stormed out of the room Sean and Jack followed him.

His words were true but I just can't trust her after what she did with my mom. She used her in her dirty game bloody gold digger.

Radhika's p.o.v

After what he said made me loose my grip on his shirt. He said that he didn't care if anyone rapes me. He just helped me because of Pari ma. What was Jack saying about Samirya and Raj. I jerked myself away from him. His stormy grey eyes were only showing hatred and disgust. I ran back to my room which only illuminated by a small bulb and some candles which I bought.

Third person's p.o.v

Radhika went to her room and somehow with her blurry vision managed to open bathroom door. Her mouth and hands were still bound no one cared to untie them. why would they? She's not someone important.

She tried to open shower  just wanted to remove Jack's touch from her body. When the water started pouring on her head. The sobs which she was trying hard to control escaped her mouth.

She was terrified what Jack did today made her remember the incident of her childhood. But at that time atleast Mark's wife was there to confront her, but today she was all alone.

She managed to open the cloth tied to her mouth and sobed harder.

"Why God! Why! Why are you doing this don't you think I already suffered enough in my life... if you hate me so much... then plzzz take me with you... kill me God... atleast I'll be able to meet my family and granny...." She became unconscious.

On the other side Shivam tried to sleep but he was feeling restless . He tried to sleep but whenever he closed his eyes Radhika's innocent face was flashing in front of his eyes.

"I think I should check on her. If anything happens to her then mom will not leave me. Knowing that gold digger I know she will go crawling to my mom like a cry baby and then again will fool my mom by her act." He wore his cloths and went to her room.

Her room was not locked when he entered in her room he was barely able to make anything the room was dark. Only a bulb and some candles were doing a little to illuminate it.

"Hey... bi... where are you.. stop your drama and come out." But he was answered with silence.

Then he heard the faint voice of running water which was conning from washroom. He was about to open the door but then choose to knock first. Again no answer.

"Look don't try to be smart I know you are in there so open this bloody door, before I break it.." But still there was silence.

He was angry now and pushed the door hard and then realized it was not locked either.

He went in and saw a  trembling figure on floor the water was still running and pouring her body. He crouched down at her level and poked her arms with his hand to receive any answer. But she was not moving and her eyes were closed. He patted her cheeks and slapped them lightly in order to wale her up, but nothing worked. She was still unconscious and her body burning with fever.

Frustrated he lifted her limp body in bridal style and came out of the washroom. He placed her on the mattress and searched for a blanket but found none.

Sighing he again lifted her and took her to his room, placed her on the bed and covered her with his blanket. Switche off the Ac, She was still shivering and her teeth stared to chatter, skin became pale.

"I think I should change her cloths." He went to her room and opened her wardrobe.

"These rags, she's such a fashion disaster her cloths are even wrost then a beggar" he said eying the cloths.

Came back to the room and searched for something which would fit her. Took out a Black shirt and shorts. He sat bedside her and switched off the light.

He slowly lifted her up and placed a blanket between them. He first freed her hands then took out her bra and did the same with other clothings. After that he made her wear his cloths and again placed her on bed. Switched on the lights and left the room.

He went downstairs to make himself a coffe. He found her shivering when came back. He called the doctor.

The doctor arrived. "What happend Mr shekhawat are you alright." doctor asked.

"I'm fine but my maid is not well she's shivering from cold and she has fever also" The doctor examine her and saw bruises and teeth mark on her cheeks and neck when he was about to open her shirts button Shivam stopped him.

"Actually... Dr... she's not wearing...  anything underneath it.." He said scratching his neck.

"I was just checking whether she has such marks any where else or not..."

"Ya doctor she has them on her front also.." Shivam said.

The doctor gave medicine to him and also gave a cream to apply on those marks so it won't be infected.

Hey guys. Here's a new update. I'm sorry for being late.

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