7 - Wasted True Potential

Start from the beginning

-"Of course." - she stops what she was doing and walk to the mainframe. "What do you need?"

-"How many occurrences can you find of Okami as a family name in the last 22 years?"

-"Why is this name sounds so familiar to me?"

-"Does it? That is good! check your personal database, see if you find anything about Ruby Okami."

-"None" - she replies in last then a second - "However, I felt turbulence in my data, as if it was deleted or defragmented. WHO is Ruby Okami?"

-"Long story! I need to find her. Any reference to the family name."

-"Not in the time bracket you gave me"

-"OK, what is the closest one."

-"Kataro Okami, 23 years ago"

-"What's about?"

-"Disappeared, 20th January."

Ruby's birthday, I thought to myself, it has to be related.

-"Moridunum, a small seaside town on the west coast, here is the coordinates." she projects at the big screen.

-"I know where it is."

-"Can you send all the information you got to my table. By the way, which copter can I fly to Moridunum?"

-"Take the 7-P3, it has plenty of fuel. Would you like me to go with you?"

-"No, Thanks Pixal, it is something I need to do by myself."

-"OK, call me if you need any backup."

-"I will, I am glad at least one of you have managed to keep in shape."

-"Well, I am a Nindroid".

-"So is Zane"

-"Truth! I guess, he is far more human than me."

-"Nope! He is just a Boy!" - We laugh a bit together before I left.

- At the Monastery NOPV -

WU: I can't believe we're back to this. (Lloyd passes gas, shrugs and looks at Wu. Wu stares at him in disgust.)

Lloyd: What?

Wu: After every big victory, you get lazy, complacent errors.

Kai: Uh, that is not true! (Drinks his soda.)

Cole: (Stretches his arm out.) We're recovering. We're resting our muscles.

Wu: It was months ago.

Nya: Months? Really?

Cole: Are you sure?

Wu: Yes!

Kai: Well, well, who's counting? (Puts his hand above his head innocently.)

Wu: I am! Look at yourselves! (Pokes his staff at Lloyd's stomach.) You've all gone soft. (Points his staff at Jay and Zane.) You do nothing all day, but play video games, and eat cake. (Smacks Cole's sandwich down.) And soak in this... this...

Cole: (Looks around the water.) Hot tub?

Wu: (Enraged.) It's not a hot tub!! It's sacred. Out! Out! All of you! (The Ninja complains at once.) Emergency meeting in the monastery. In three minutes! (Leaves.)

(The Ninja are chatting in the Monastery.)

Wu: (Points at Zane.) You have become soft, lazy, (Throws Cole's sandwich into the air.) flabby.

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