Don't be Afraid to Love

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Summery: Drabbles of Astrid writing letters to herself from 12 to 22. With a bonus entry at the end.

AN: I am so sorry for taking so long to update. October will be my least updated month since I have three math tests this month.


Astrid letter #1 Age 12

Dear Future Me,

My mother tried to teach me how to sew. She says it's what good girls do when they grow up and get married. I don't want to get married and be a wife who does nothing but clean and cook all day. I want to avenge Uncle Finn. Dad says Hoffersons are supposed to be perfect. He thinks I'm not training hard enough. I can't let him down now!

Age 12.

Astrid Letter #2

Dear Future Me,

Snotlout won't stop bothering me. I don't want to be his little trophy wife! Besides you, Ruffnut is the only one I can talk to about all of this. Snotlout won't leave me alone, Fishlegs pays too much attention to his books, definitely not Tuffnut and Hiccup has his own problems I suspect. Ruff agrees that we should never marry. We want to be warriors.

Age 13/14

Astrid Letter #3

Dear Future Me,

Hiccup has been hiding a dragon! He took me on a flight this night and I must say I can't fall in love! I'm supposed to be a perfect warrior! Tonight I saw who he really is. He's nothing like the village thinks. I think I would like to be his friend since he doesn't have many. It's not out of pity!

Age 15

Astrid Letter #4

Dear Future Me,

It's been a year since the arrival of dragons and I find myself falling for Hiccup. I fear I will fall too quickly and his father will betroth him to an heiress of another tribe. I must quit falling before it's too late!

Age 16

Astrid Letter #5

Dear Future Me,

The Chief announced on Hiccup's birthday that Hiccup will have his choice of a bride. So no betrothals between Hiccup and an heiress. You may think I'm being selfish and greedy. But I love him for his personality and his heart. Though his growth spurt is something I don't mind.

Age 17

Astrid Letter #6

Dear Future Me,

Today Heather asked me if Hiccup and I are together. I told her we are just friends. I wish to be more than friends with him but I just know he doesn't feel the same way. Why would he want me?


Hi Future me its me again! I never finished writing this months ago. Hiccup and I are together and he and I are betrothed! I'm so filled with happiness! Oh how I love him so! Do not be afraid to love for it is wonderful.

Age 18/19

Astrid Letter #7

Dear Future me,

Chief Stoick died and now Hiccup is Chief. Oh and his mother has returned. Turns out she wasn't dead. I know Hiccup will not have time for me much anymore and I am fine with that just as long as he doesn't overwork himself and I know he will. I hope he knows I'll always be there for him. There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid Always.  Don't be afraid to love its amazing.

Age 20

Astrid Letter #8

Dear Future me,

The dragons have left us and Hiccup and I got married. I never thought I would get married. I always thought I would be a warrior and no man would ever want a tough girl. But I was wrong. Hiccup loves me for me! I used to be afraid of falling in love. That was before I knew how amazing it can be. Don't be afraid to love. It's the best thing in the world.

Age 21

Astrid Letter #9

Dear Future me,

Hiccup and I are parents! We have a daughter named Zephyr. She looks just like me but she has her fathers hair color. If you had told me 1o years ago that I would be in love, married and a mother I would not have believed you. Hiccup taught me I don't need to be perfect. I don't want to be perfect I just want him. To my darling Zephyr if you find these one day remember this, do not be afraid to love.

Age 22


Letter #10

Dear Mom,

You were right love is Amazing. I find myself in love with Prince David my betrothed. We are to be married next month. I love and miss you everyday. Nuffy pines for Princess Adelaide like Dad pined for you. Dad misses you more than he's ever missed anyone. It's hard to believe you hated the thought of marriage. When I saw you and dad together all I saw was the truest love the archipelago had to offer. I fear dad shall leave this world soon. But I know he will be most happy to be with you as I know you'll be to be with him again. I will also never forget what you've told me. Don't be afraid to love.

Age 18