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Summery: Set in season 6.Hiccup finds out what Astrid and Heather talked about in season 1.

Note- probably will be short
It was the day before the gang were to go back to Berk, Dagur, Heather, Mala and Throk were helping the gang pack their stuff. Heather was helping Astrid, Dagur was helping Hiccup, Mala was helping fishlegs and Throk was helping Snotlout. The twins could pack themselves since they have too much. At that moment, Astrid chose the time to tell Heather about her betrothal to Hiccup.

" WHAT?!" Heather screamed. " FINALLY!" She cheered. ( Heather is us)"Stop that." Astrid said. " And you said you didn't like him." Heather said. " Technically I never told you anything." Astrid said. "Eh True." Heather shrugged. What the girls didn't know was Hiccup was walking past Astrid's hut and heard them talking. He stopped and listened from the door.

" Hey Astrid?" Heather asked. " Hmm?" Astrid replied. " Remember our little talk in the woods the first time you guys saw me again?" Heather asked. " Yeah why?" Astrid asked curiously. " You said 'I guess if you like that unassuming, heroic, dragon rider type' apparently you're into the unassuming, heroic, dragon rider type." Heather giggled. Hiccup who was hiding heard that and smirked while thinking' She thinks I'm heroic?' ( Oh great his ego's been boosted) " Ok, so maybe I am-" Astrid was cut off. " Maybe?" Heather asked incredulously. " Fine, I am. But it's not just that Heather, he's smart, funny, sarcastic, handsome, witty, sweet, and strong. He's so much more than what the village thinks he is." Astrid said. "Astrid, you're swooning..." Heather teasingly said. " No I'm not!" Astrid defended. " That's the last of it." Heather said as she finished helping Astrid. Hiccup, still in his hiding place left because he could sense the conversation was over.

That evening Hiccup saw Astrid watching the sunset. He walked up behind her grabbing her waist. " watching the sunset one last time before we leave the edge, Milady?" He whispered in her ear. " Might as well, we aren't coming back for a long time or might never." She replied. " So, I couldn't help but over hear..... you think I'm heroic?" He asked cockily. She gasped and turned her head to him." You heard that?!" She asked." Today I did and Milady have I ever told you how smart, funny,beautiful, witty, graceful, tough, gorgeous, breathtaking and Hot you are?" He asked," No, I'm not." She whispered. " You are." He said instantly. " Why can't you see what I can?" He asked kissing her ear and bringing her closer. If he wasn't holding her up, she would've let her legs give out.

" I love you Astrid." He said suddenly. " I love you." She replied. They didn't like saying 'too'. They wanted their ' I love you's' to symbolize equality in their relationship. Meaning Hiccup doesn't expect her to be meek, obedient, cleaning, cooking and sewing and Astrid doesn't expect him to be the dominant one in their relationship. They are equals.


(In medieval times Women weren't educated and were taught to be meek and obedient. Rarely women got an education)