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Summery: 7 years after httyd 2. Hiccup and Astrid are having another baby.

Disclaimer: I do not own httyd! Or the references I'm going to be making In here.


Astrid was 8 months pregnant and sitting at home watching her daughter Zephyr play with her dolls. " No offense mummy but why do you and Papa need have another baby?" Zephyr asked irritated.

" Well because one kid was just too easy. One's for quitters." Astrid replied sarcastically. Zephyr said nothing as her mother picked her up. Astrid picked up Zephyr and put her down for her nap. A few days later Astrid went into confinement much to her usual annoyance.

She was in the last few days of confinement a month later and still hating it. Luckily Valka was there to keep her company. Once it had been a month since entering confinement, Astrid was in labor. " Get Hiccup and Gothi!" Valka commanded Ruffnut who was also there just like she was for the last birth.Within minutes Hiccup was waiting outside their bedroom door with the guys and his daughter.

Many hours past and finally the cry of a baby was heard. Ruffnut came out of the room at that moment." You have a healthy baby boy, Chief." She said. " I have a son?!" He asked excitedly. He ran into the room To see his wife holding their son. Their son had his mothers hair and his fathers eyes."Hiccup, come meet our son." She said. " What will we name him?" He asked. " I was thinking Nuffink?" She suggested. " I like that. Welcome to the world Nuffink Haddock." He said.

Astrid at this point couldn't stay awake. " Astrid? Astrid!" Hiccup cried. " Mom what's happening?!" He asked. "'Child bed fever..." Valka breathed. Hiccup's eyes widened. He handed his son to his mother and then ordered " Everyone out!" Not wanting to disobey the chief they left. He knelt down next to her and stayed with her for hours before begging the gods and Astrid.

" Astrid, milady, please wake up I need you our children need you. I love you so much please wake up." He pleaded with her then prayed to the gods. " Please don't take her from me. I need my wife." He begged. A few hours later Astrid awoke."Hiccup" she breathed. " Astrid!" He cried happily. He hugged her. And he wasn't letting go.

Zephyr came to met her new baby brother in excitement. Valka was proud of her son and his wife. She never thought she'd live to see this day. She looked at the sky and thought, You must be so proud of him Stoick. And she thought she could faintly hear"Aye, I am."

The End.


AN: Like what I did at the end? The stalka?