When It's that Time of the Month

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Germany yelped, and pulled away. Russia laughed again, her arms now clutching the pad pressing her midsection as the first of the many painful cramps came, but at least she was distracted by the flustered and angry look on her lover's face. Germany snarled half-heartedly, her own stomach squeezing in on itself wasn't helping. Picking up a pillow laying by her side, she playfully threw it at Russia's direction with all her strength, badly missing because of her eyesight.

"Gimme back my glasses, Russland(1)..." She groaned, swiping the black glasses out of her fingers and jamming it back on her face, and pointly looked at the TV. Russia snickered again, and calmed down to watch the show with her grumpy girlfriend. They were cuddling again in a few minutes.

••••••••••••••••••(mini timeskip :D)

"I need to go pee, Russ." Germany said softly, and slowly but carefully pulled apart their cozy blanket cocoon and managed to free an arm. Russia mumbled something, trying to tighten her hold on her lover, but she was definitely in too much pain to even hold a cup in hand right now. "But Ger-Ger..." She whined painfully, making little grabby motions with her exposed fingers because she didn't have the strength to move her arms. "I'm in agony..."

Germany sighed at her lover, and gave her a little peck on her lips. "I'll only take a while, try and focus on the show, okay meine liebe(2)? I promise to hurry." She stood up and stretched her stiff body, one hand still holding her second heating pad(Her first was charging) to her lower abdomen. Russia whined again, feeling the significant loss of heat from her side from the small body curled up against her body before. She curled tighter around the warm pad on her stomach, trying to get her muscles to relax.

Germany looked once more at her, making sure she wasn't going through one of the worst cramps, and dashed off to the bathroom. She wanted to stay with her lover too, and her uterus agreed, but her bladder didn't.

Russia mumbled something, grabbing her half melted bowl of ice cream from the table and stuffing a spoonful of the creamy white coolness into her mouth. She also stole a small piece of Germany's chocolate, just as a small revenge for leaving her, but not too big a piece. Germany was grumpy enough around this time of the month, and she will Literally tear her from limb to limb if she saw evidence of her sacred sweet chocolate being eaten by someone else. Russia didn't need a few more days of sleeping on the couch as punishment.

Groaning in pain, she felt her muscles tense once again, contracting in on herself. Picking up a pillow and burying her face into it she tried and forget the pain. Usually, she would now have a soothing Germany by her side, patting her long hair and rubbing comforting circles on her back. This was definitely unforgivable in her books, how could she abandon her at a moment like this?

Where was she? Did she get flushed down the toilet bowl or something? This was way too long for a toilet trip, Russia thought. She wasn't watching the show, it was more of background noise now, she was more preoccupied with her suffering midsection, it felt like someone was grabbing her by the insides of her waist and squeezing as hard as possible.

"I'm back-" "Where WERE you?! You were gone so lOnG..." Russia whined loudly, staring accusingly at her girlfriend from the back of the couch with her eyes half lidded with pain. "I..I was gone for 2 minutes.." "Well, it definitely doesn't FEEL like two minutes to meee...." She huffed, pressing her abdomen down more on the heating pad to get as much heat from it as possible.

Hearing a small sniffle, her head snapped back up, and saw her sweet Germany standing dejectedly with her eyes red and nose watery with her arms wrapped around her midsection. "...I'm sorry.." She sniffled, her hormonal emotions peaking and flowing down her rosy cheeks. Russia immediately felt bad, and took back everything she said, and pulled back the blankets and tugged the teary Germany back into the warm cocoon of soft blankets.

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