Chapter 39

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    "El! El, wait!" I didnt listen to Adrian calling out for me. I had already pushed out his office doors, pushed his guards out of the way aswell. Now I had made my way to the end of the hall, pushed open the large double doors. I knew I couldn't outrun a werewolf. But a pissed off female was sure to slow him down.

  I had managed to slide past the crowded yard. It was nice outside so most of the pack members and children were out playing or enjoying the autom air. Adrian, however, was sure to be stopped by a few members. He may be hella scary and feared but the people here respected him. Respected him enough to shake his hand and tell him thank you anytime he passed them. Plus, Adrian's hella big and theres no way hed be able to slide past like I did. Even though most move out of his way and give him that cliche walk way.

   "What the hell are you doing!?" He barged into the bedroom of the house, the one wed been staying in; his.

I shoved another large T shirt into the duffle bag. I wasnt sure if that was mine or his but quite frankly I didnt care. Hed pissed me off and crushed my self esteem or-or pride. Or maybe ego. I didnt know.


He raised an eyebrow. His hot headed ass had now turned cool and collected. Bipolar I tell you. He leaned against the door frame, crossed his arms over his chest.

"You cant."

"Watch me." I angrily zipped the duffle bag.

"Or you'll die."

It wasnt a threat, I knew that. It was the mate bond. And he knew i was stuck now.

I paused, the duffle bag digging into my shoulder. I but hard in my cheek. Ugh!

"I don't care. Visit me every Friday, problem solved. I'm going." I made a move to push passed him but he grabbed my hand as quick as lighting.

He didnt say anything. Just held my hand preventing me from leaving. He stared off into the bedroom while I faced the hallway, we stood side by side.

"Why?" He finally spoke. Gentle and calm.

"Tell me why first. If you're leaving and you really want to go I respect your choice. I wont force you to stay and do something you dont want to do, El. If you think it's the best choice for you- I want what's best for you. And if you think this is it- leaving. If you," he took a deep breath. I didnt look at him. "I dont agree or want it but I respect it. But tell me why first."

My heart clenched in my chest. Why did he have to be so good?

"Because you regret this. All of it."

His head snapped to me so fast I was surprised he didnt get whiplash. Before he could protest I continued. "The way you looked at me in there. You regret even meeting me. Dont lie and say you dont because I seen it!"

For awhile his mouth opened and shut like a fish. Then, he sighed and spoke. "Not, not like that. I do. I regret bringing you into this mess and putting you in danger. My mess, my world."

I yanked my hand out of his. "Let's get something straight, Adrian fucking Black-" I didnt care that my rough movement pulled my duffle bag off my shoulder and into the ground. "This is-" I jabbed my finger into his chest. "My world. Mine. You are being dragged into my world. Your world is being dragged into my world. You get that? Mine. You didnt drag me into shit, I dragged you into my fucked up life and world."

He looked a lot like a fish now.

"Okay. Then what I said didnt matter. I don't regret meeting you, in the slightest. I regret my world making yours a lot more dangerous."

I paused. "Well now what do I do?" It was more of a question to myself.

"You stay. And we figure out how to shut them down and what their doing. As soon as possible."

I nodded. But the what ifs and anxiety that ran throughout my body didnt help. I sighed and pushed my palm against my forhead.

"How are we gonna do that?" It was hardly hearable.

He sat me down on the edge of the bed before planting himself beside me.

We were quite for a moment. Listening to each other breath.

"Were you really gonna leave?" He questioned softly. Like a little boy.

I didnt answer at first. "I don't know, to be honest....were you really gonna let me?"

Wordlessly he lifted me up like I weighed nothing and pulled me to straddle his lap. His hands rested on my hips, mine on his shoulders.

"All your life you've been forced to do things you didnt want to do, to stay places you didnt want to stay, to put up with people you didnt want to out you with. I wasnt and will not do that to you." He spoke like every word, every syllable,  he meant.

I didnt know how to Express my gratitude and how much what he had said meant to me. My heart had felt tight like I was going to cry.

So I kissed him.

Sort of.

I stopped just as our noses connected and out lips brushed. Then I pulled back only centimeters.

"Whyd you stop?" He mumbled. We dudnt move. Our foreheads stayed laid against one another, my hand stayed against his cheek and his on my hips.

"Luke is bound to come in here any second. He does anytime were about to kiss and I dont want to ruin this moment."

He nodded, but didnt pull farther away. Slowly, his lips brushed against mine again before he dragged them slowly down my jaw. I tilted my head back slightly when he made his way to my neck.

He left beautiful butterfly kisses and mouth gaping wet ones. He mouth parted. My hands moved to his hair while he acastionally sucks, licked, kissed or nibbled at my exposed skin. When he got to the nape of my neck he drug his tongue against the flesh and gave a long open mouth kiss.

"This is where you're supposed to mark," he mumbled against my neck.

I nodded.

"Can I?"

I nodded again.

Two seconds passed before I felt sharp canines graze my skin. It send chills down my spine, leaving goosebumps all over my arms.

Just as hed tilted his head back- just about to mark me I presumed. The door swung open.

"We have more information on th-oh."

"Luke I swear I'm going to fucking kill you!"

The Alpha's PenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora