Chapter 15

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*3 days later*

Its been 3 days since daniel has dropped me off at alices and its been really good! Today Marcus and jake are coming over as planned and we are making a question and answer. Right now w are sitting on alices bed waiting for the boys the come. "Lets make out  tweet asking for questions!" Alice said as i agreed and got onto my laptop with my phone by my side, '@WinterSahyounie: hey guys make sure to ask up questions using the hashtag #stormsQ&A we need loads of questions so get asking xx' i pressed tweet and my notifications went like a bomb. I read through many of them and they were really good! Not long after waiting the doorbell rang and Alice refussed to get up, so i got up and answered the door and saw marcus and jake with bags on their backs. We exchanged hey's and hugs and walked up stairs.

I set up the camera and made sure everthing was set, i pressed play and sat down on Alices bed with alice as the 2 boys sat on the floor leaning on the bed "hey guys we're Lightz'n' Boltz and today we are doing a Q&A"  marcus said into the camera with a small wave. "Okay so lets begin" i said andlooked at my phone scrolling down "okay so @heyitslucy says what do we like to do in our spare time?" I spoke as i looked up int the camera "well personally i like to write on my blog or hang with friends" i said looking deeply into the camera as the others started talking "i like to sleep, does that count" jake said looking to all of us as we laughed tat bit "okay well i go to shoppingg!" Alice said like a kid on christmas waiting to get their presents "i like too.... ummm play soccer" marcus sad still thinking about it. "Okay then.... next question is from @laurathinel and she says what injuries have you all had major ones..." i sid again "oh gosh i once fell off a balencing beam and broke my arm!' Marcus said "oh and i re broke that arm when i ran into the wall at school" marcus added as we all looked at him like he said the most rediculous thing ever "i havent done anthing serious to my body" alice said suggin her shoulders "i sprained my ankel few months back as you probably know and i fractured and broke my foot when i was in grade 3" i said smiling for some reason "how could you fracture and brack you foot?" Jake asked laughing a bit. "Well i fell of a playground.. and hit broke a part of my foot and fractured a different part further down" i said sighing remembering the day.

"Anyway next question @lollyforluke says what your favourite time of the day"jake reads out from his phone. "Thats a good question" i said pointing out the fact. "Anyway my favourite time of the day would be.... night time... ecspesially when i go camping or sleep on the trampliene" i said. I really did enjoy the night sky and how preety it looked. It took away all my troubles and let my mind wind free.


We ended recording and just sat and talked. I had finished editing and it was now time to just hang out. I went onto my phone and tried to again contact skip, me: yo skippy! I quickly sent it and waited for a reply. I went on twitter and scrolled through my feed. I favourited a few tweets and follwed some people. By now it was about 10:30 and everything was still normal, ecept we have moved positions and we were all outside sitting around the table snuggeled in blankets and sitting on the outdoor charis. The sky was absolutly amazing tonight! The moon gleemed in the night like the sun in the sky and the stars were the additiotn that made water blue!

I got up after being uncomfortable and moved onto the trampline which was located in the middle of the garden. A got ontop and bounced a few times before laying down facing the night sky. The moon was our only light souce while everyone was joinging me on the trampline and feeling the bouncyness of the equipment. I was feeling a bit down after not speaking to daniel in a few days and a bit worried but i know luke would have called or texted me if anything was wong, which put my mind at ease that little bit more every time i thought of it.

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