Chapter 21

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Dedicated to:

20th Nov 2014

Oh my lord! daniel!!! Jake surprised me today! Woke me up and said it was an emergacy. So he told me that we are recording a song in 6 days!! I was screaming. I know i shouldnt be happy but im recording a song!! I just wish you were ther to help me get the pitches right.!!! And ive been staying in the house now. I have to, luke has stayed with e every night so far. He has been good to me with everything that has been happening. So has everyone but mainly luke. A sad part today i was talking out of bed and i ran to the toilets and started vomiting. I dont know what was wrong and dont know how it happened but it did. Im not sure if it was something i ate or a bug. But im feeling better now, hope t doesnt happen again. And yesterday mum called. She says i need to go to school. But i dont think i can. The amount of peoples eyes that will be on me as i walk through that halls. I just cant. But i guess maybe thats what you would want so i will cnsider it but dont expect an answer soon, i hate school.
Wake uppp skippyyy love you xx
-Winter Sahyounie

30th November 2014

Winter P.O.V

As the sound of my annoying alarm rigs through my ears at 6:30 AM my eyes spring open like when soeones says food. I stiffen up and let my mnd overpower my body. Today im going to back to school back to a liveing hell whole. I slept a night alone in my house so there was no one to get me up and ready. Which now also means ive got to ake my own wa to school. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and walk slowly into my bathroom. I turn the hot water on in the shower and strip down int nothing. I wait until the water is warm before stepping insie.

Once showered i carry myself across my bedroom floor with a white towl wrapped around my body. I yawn and open my cobord to be met with my schol uniform. I slip my esentuals on then get ready into my summer dress and shoes and socks. I walk over to my table where my make up and har products are. I quickly do my hair into a high ponytail then put a navy blue ribben around the hair band. I pin back the loose strands of hair then move onto my mmake up. I cover my face wth minumal amounts of foundation the add eye liner and mascara. I stand up and wal downstairs. I grab myself a health granola bar. I munch on that while putting books into my side bag. I swing my bag over my shoulder and fixing the twisted strap before walking upstairs. Grabing my house key, phone and a black over coat then walking downstairs and into the garage. I stair at the bikes and sateoads before diciding on walking. I lock up the house and walk out side. And lock the front door. "Winter!" I heard my name being called with a shreek i turn around and saw the brooks brothers waving their arms out of the car window "didnt think we would let you go to school by yourself now would we?" Jai said as a door to the back opend. A smile appered on my face as i walk down the path and into the car "thankyou" i said as i strap myself in ready for today.

I get out of the car with luke and jai and i feel mos eyes are on us. "Thanks beau" i said quietly as he nodded "have fun kids" he says driving off into the distance. We walk down the halls as my head is hung low and whisper are getting said around me. "I dont like this" i whisper to jai and luke "dont worry about it they can say anything they want" luke said as his finges intwinded with mine.

We walk into home room and i sit on my usual desk, alice jake and marcus walk in a spot me, they walk up with smiles on their faces "hey winter good to be back?" Jake says sitting infront of me as alice sits next ot me and marcus sits next to jake "mm ever so happy" i said sarcastically "good morning class" mr ronoldo said walking into class as everyone quiets down and replys to him "ah good to see you back, winter, jai and luke" he said stairng at the three of us. Yes jai and luke both took the same amount of days of as me to help everything. "Lets hope you three stay at school from now and onwards" he said slightly pissed. I scoffed "pft doubt that" i said putting my head down o the esk.

Any classes flew by and last class came up. Maths it was nearly the end of the class and most of the day i wasnt even paying atenntion didnt really plan f paying attention anyway. "Miss sahyounie please pay atenetion" the teacher called at my head snapped up to the board. I sighed and looked at the board. And from a few minutes the bell run. And everyone ran out of class "ah winter" mr fling said calling me over. I walked over and he lokoed at m sympathetically "im sorry to hear about your brother" he said as my facedropped "um yeah me to' i said not kning how to reply "but this cant stop your school work, i need you to concentrate winter" he said as  did nothing "you havent been here for a long long time and you need to catch up! So im signing you up for extra classes" he said unexpectedly "what sir i cant, i have to be there for daniel and the band needs me right now. I cant just drop everything for this clas-" i protested "winter, your grades are very importan-" he said but this time i cut him off "my bother is more important than anything!" I said walking out of class. Down the halls and outside. I ran home and went and grabbed my bike. I pulled the sky blue bike out and jumped straight on it. I rode outside and straght to the hospital.

'Im not going to do anything what that teacher says! He cant expect me to drop everything and do an extra math class! No who does he think he is!' I thought to yself. As something in my head sas that it is the right thing to do is to just go. I need the grades. But i cant. I need to be here for daniel. He needs e, and i need him.

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