Chapter 22/ part 1

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hey everyone. So you know what today is right??? So this is a chapter dedicated to this day


No diary entry anymore. Finding it to repetative. Will continue once and if daniel wakes up ;) xxx hope you all dont mind, if do send me a message or comment

25th December 2014

I open my eyes and a smile has already appeared on my face, i sit up as fast as i can and jump out of bed. Christmas! I run down stairs and into the kitchen, i make myself a tea before hearing the sound of the door bell, confussed i wlak and open it surprised to see luke, jai, james and beau standing at the door with jake marcus and alice scatered around. "What are you guys dong here!" I asked shocked that they were here and not with family "shouldnt you be with your mum or family?" I asked indirecting the question around "and let you spen the most jyful day by yorself, think again love" alice said pushing through the crowd and giving me a hug. I tightly hug her back and welcome everyone in hugged each and wishing them all a merry christmas. Lastly was luke "did you really think we were going to let you spen the day alone?' He asked kissing my forehead "i just wasnt expecting this" i said smiling and kissing his lips. I smiled as he took my hand and walking me to the couch. Where everyone sat. "Oh hang on let me grab something" i said standing up and running up into my room . I went into the cubord and pulled out a few presents for everyone. I had many moe still to bbring down stairs "luke can you come here" i screamed from upstairs. I soon heard foot steps coming closer and closer. Lifting it up but being to heavy, i nearly droped the whole stack upon my arms. "Here" he said taking them off me, from height differences i put mor on lukes pile and took the rest upon my arms again. I walked down stairs and into the lounge where everyone sat. I pu them on the table next to the brightly decorated tree.

Luke came up and placed them on the floor right next/under the tree. "Okay let us grab ours." Jai and luke, jake and alice all rushed out the door and after a while of talking to one another, a door slamed shut and they came back inwith similar stuff to what i did. And placed them on the floor around the tree."who is going to hand them out?" Luke asked as we looked around at each other "i will!" And entusiastic beau jumped up and walked over. And hnding everyons present to each person. "Okay jake,alice,jai,winter,marcus,jame,me,jake,marcus,me,me,jai,jai,jai,luke,winter,me,james,james,winter,daniel..."e said and pople slowed down what they were doing. "Umm just put his in a pile. I will talk it up to the hospital today" i said not wanting to be reminded im nt with my brother for christmas "okay" beau said continuing to hand out the presents.

After all was handed out we sat and started opening them. Hearing a few screames here and there. I had opened a few of mine. So far i had gotten, phone covers, jewlery, clothes,shoes and many more gifts. After everything i looked over a luke to see hime siling and tlking to jai. I had kept his =present separate to everyone else. I was going to give it to him later on todaywhen everyhing was quiet. "Ugh guys we best be off" alice and jake said standing up and alice came ovr and gave me a hug before whispering in my ear "stay safe winter" and leaning out. I smiled and hugged jake. "Same here my mu didnt know i left" marcus said to me and hugged me "merry christmas all" the three shouted as the left the buiding. "So whats planned for today?" Beau said as it was only 5 of us left. "Im going to go see daniel in the hospital" i said simply. "Okay but we wil see you later right?' Jai assured me "ofcourse we wil" luke asnwered for me making me laugh "ahah well see you soon witer. Merry christmas" the 3 walked out leaving luke standing next to me "meet me in the park at 5 i ant to give you your present" he said kissing me as i smiled and nodded seeing him run out into the car before it sped off into the distace.

I walked upstiars leaving the lounge a mess. I got ready to go to the hospital. I didnt do everything full on just simply.i mainly got dressed itto the presents i got givn today but  I couldnt be that bohered.

I grabbed my back pack and stuffed daniels presents in there. Before i headed off towards the hospital. Even though so far has been amazing. I have a feeling this afernoon will be even better!


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!! i hope you all have had an amazing day and will have an amazing rest of the year. Sorry this capter is short. Due to the christmas rush, hope you all umderstand but there is a second part to this whcih i willl upadt as soon as possible im so sorry!

What did you all get from santa??? ;)


bye for now, not forever! Until next time

And if i dont update HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I wish you all the best for 2015 and a happy and healthy year. Lost of love megan xox

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