Chapter 12~ Part 2

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Luke P.O.V

I put wintr down from my back and i released the blindfold and watched how her perfect smile lightened up the sky. "I love skating!" She said as we waled into the activity center.

I decided to take winter roller-skating as i know her top 15 things to do in melbourne and im going to do them all!

My conversation with skip last night helped a lot! So now i see a dirrerent side!

I walked to the counter and asked for some skates. "Sizes?" The man on the other side of the counter said. Not taking his eyes put from the computer. He was probebly just a bit older than me. "Umm for me a 8 1/2" i said then looking at winter "oh um a 7 please" her angelic voice said over the counter to the man who finally looked up with shocked eyes then calming down and turning around and gathering our shoes. He placed the blades down and checking out winter. We got our skates and walked over to some chairs where we sat and i put on my skates the buckling them up. I looked up to see winter done looking at me "you ready" i said standing up and grabbing our posesions "no" she said as i saw her grip on the chair get tighter. I chocked out a laugh and placed our beonging on a table next the the chairs and rolled over to winter and held out both my hands

Winter looked up and staied into my eyes and i felt the process of my heart melt. Winter tooky my hands and hauled herself up standing still. I turned around letting go of one of my hands and pulled her along side me to get to the rink which had people talking and laughing umung friends or family. We went out into the rink and i could feel winter wasnt leting go anytime soon.


After a hour or too and many falls we got ourself up again from another fall and skated off and back to our seats. "That wasnt too bad was it"  said taking a huge gulp of my water "well that 1st fall pretty hurt" she said rubing her back as we both laughed. To took off our skates and went to hand them into the skate hire when i saw winter had walked back i placed my skates down "your one lucky man" i heard. I looked up to see the same man as before looking at me "what?" I asked confussed "your lucky you have her. She is a stunner" he said looking over at winter as my ees followed to where she was putting on the shoes. "Yeah" i said simply and turnt and smiled and walked off to put put my shoes on aswell.

We walked back to the zoo where my car was parked and got into it and drove off.


Winter P.O.V

Pulling up to my drive way i got out and saw daniels holden parked out the front. "Thank you for a wonderful day luke" i said as we walked upto the door "any time i just hope you had a good time" he asnwered back as i smiled.

I started to lean in as we got closer and closer. Our lips brushed each others before we got cut off by yelling from inside the house. I quickly pulled back and gave an apoligetical look to luke before going in side to see the damage.

I closed the door and leaned on the inside and took a deep breath. Waling into the kitchen i saw my mum standing at the bench with food on the bench and daniel standing at the entry point to where i was standing right behind him. They were yelling at each other "YOU HAVE NO RESPONSABILIT AROUND HERE! I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW YOUR SISTER PUTS UP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!" She yelled at daniel who looked more angry as every crule word left her mouth "YOUR THE BLOODY ONE WHO LEFT US!" He screamed back swinging his arms back and forth trying to gain more air in his lungs "I SHOULD HAVE EARLIER!!" My mum screamed back as i now got taken back by her words. "YEAH YOU SHOULD HAVE!" Daniel yelled before turning around and giving a sympothy look to me and jogging upstairs as i heard a door slam shut. "Hey hunny want anything to eat" my mother spoke to me tuning around and cutting some vegitables. I huffed in anger and turnt my heel eading upstairs.

Knocking on daniels door i opened it slightly and peeped through. Knowing he was going to be stressed and angry i walked in slowly and shut the door behind me "why cant she ever be happy for me" daniel said sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his plams. I walked over and sat next to him making the bed dip. "We ar going on an Australian tour" he said looking up at me. My eyes lite up and a small smile appered "oh my gos that is amazing!" I said gasping a little "but ofcourse she hates the idea of me being happy" he said leaning back onto his back looking at the ceeling. I followed his steps and didnt say anything. "So when are you leaving?" I asked about the mini tour "next week monday" he answred looking to his side at me. I nodded and smiled "wht are oy smiling at" daniel asked confused "remeber when i first road a horse?" I asked and heard daniel scoff and laugh "yeah and you fell off after 2 seconds" he answered and we both started laughing

"So how was your day with luke?' Daniel asked "amazing" i said looking over at him "so your going out?" He asked "nope" i sighed looking at the celing drowing in silence. Suddenly someone piped up "ive got an idea" danel said sitting up straight as i followed "what?" I said getting up and walk out the room with daniel infront of me "lets have a winter and daniel afternoon." He said running out the doo with me behind and we walked down the street i shrugged and agreed "where are we going?" I asked trying to keep up with his fast pase "lets go..... to.... center" daniel said slowing down his pase. As we approch the train station.

We got on the train and sat on a spare double seat. "Okay so what are we going to do there?" I asked daniel focusing on my phone. "We will probebly just walk around. Although im in the mood for ice-cream" he said looking at his phone as well "sameeee" i said as the train pulled to a stop and more people pilled into the train and found seats.

After many more stops and more and more people getting off and getting on our stop came and we got off with a bunch of other people. "Lets start this fun" i said and started running out of the station with daniel "why are we running?" Daniel said as we comtinued running up the streets and around the parks. "WORRRKOUTTTT" i screamed running aroundthe fountain and daniel started getting puffed and sat on the founitain side. I got a bt cheecky and ran one more time around the fountain before going infront of daniel and pushed him in. He fell back and landed with a splash making people look at him as i oubled over in laughter. Daniel stood up with a shocked expression palastered on his face and his clothes were baggy and falling off him  drippng with water. He stepped out and came over to me unsecpected and gave me a hug swinging me around and laughing our heads off.with him andwalking back over to the fountain and jumping in. Splashing around after a few minuts we got out and layed on the grass waiting to dry.

We are now dry and its getting a bit late. "Lets go get ice-cream" i said getting up and wlaking to the ice-cream palorand got some ice-cream. We got a small bucket eah and walked out side. And started eating.


We walked back to the house still eating the ice-creams with many breaks in between while talking. We reached the house and walked in.

I found my parents wernt home so daniel and i went to the kitchen and enjoyed each others company for once. Just us. I really enjoyed it today "what do you want for dinner?" I asked daniel as i got up and walked around the the pantry and looked around "ummmmm chicken" daniel said smiling. I started cooking which i laughed along to daniels terrible jokes.

Hey guys : )
Hope you enjoyed this one today ; )


Bye for now, not forever, until next time
-Megan xxx

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