Chapter 27

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Q: whats your hair colour?

A: brown with natural orange highlights :)

Lets continue

Winter P.O.V

The next day i woke up with the sun beaming through m eyes i sat upp and looked around my room seeing the normal state that is quiet a mess. Without moving far i grabbed my laptop and opened the top with the expected same cover page of me, Alice, Marcus and jake having fun while we were at the beach once. I typed in my password fowarding me onto my home page which was covered in many diferent files assuring me i was still at school which i infact had tomorrow. I opened my youtbube as my notifications read '99+' i smiled at the reaction of others. I clicked onto my most recent video which was my 'roar' cover.

I started reading throuhg the comments which were mostly people wishing the video well i also read the hate comments which of course hurt but i laughed at what some people could scopope to just becuase they dislike what i do, for examply on comment was the sick emoji like why did you just write a normal comment instead of telling everyone the cover made her sick or she- or he just were genualy sick... i though about if ishould cooment and i laughed at what mybrain was thinking

I smiled at my reply as i pressed send reading the reply again making sure i had it all correct 'hope you get better xox' i wrote as i thought if it was too childihs but decided to leave it. They deserved it anyway.

(OMGGGG there is a massive storm where i live and omgggg i love storms but my dog just scared the living daylights out of me... okay im sorry comtinue)

I kept reading through the comments likeing and comment on some. I looked over at my clock which brightly lighted up in my eyes showing me the time which said '11:17' i looked back t my laptop closing down youtube and going on twitter and going through my feed which was filled with new and informing hashtags. Feeling not too intrested i closed my laptop and sliding it infront of me as i pushed the blankets off as i swung my legs over the bed and standing up stretching my arms above my head with a small squeke coming out of my mouth. I trodded out of my room looking into the rooms down seeing if anyone was occupied byu the materials in the room. I focused o the stairs below me as i relized everyone was down there.

I reached the bottem i kept walking until i got into the kitchen which i walked through going into the lounge where i was met with a tired but awake daniel and beau "morninggg" i sung out more than spoke, "morning" beau said not loking from the TV which was showing an unknown show. "Yeah" daniel replyed like he wasnt even listening. I brushed it off as i went and sat down on the recliner which i pulled up the leg rest as i crossed my legs and covered myself in the brown fluffy blanket hanging over the chair which i was sitting on.

I looked over to beau and daniel to see them still focused on the TV. Beau was sitting on the other recliner as daniel was lying aross the sofa with blankets covering him. "Beau?" I said taking him out of his trance "mmh" he said not opening his mouth. "Are you ever going to go home? Or are you going to give one of the other boys come stay?" I asked relizing he hasnt really left since daniel got out of hospital. "Awe dont you want me here?" He said jokingly but in a hurtfu manner "not really. You stink" i said not craking a smile. "Oh you havent smelt anything!" He said smirking as i smiled and laughed. "Nah all the boys are coming over tonight and we are having pizza!" He said getting all jumpy nd excited. I laughed at his reaction "well then looks like im locking myslf in my room until pizza come" i said genuenly about to lock myself in my room th whole night. "Who said you were having pizza?" Daniel interupted "who said i wasnt?" I fought back shrugging "hmm okay" daneil said averting his gaze back to the TV along with beau. I tried their style and turning my head facing the TV and watching the show that was on. I got into the mood and watched the show without inturputions for about and hour as the show was quiet intresting.

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