Chapter 12~ Part 1

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Winter P.O.V

my dreams got cut off by the morning light shinning through the curtains. i turnt over and daniel wasnt there. i sat up and slid my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up blocking out the memorise from last night. i walked down the stairs and saw daniel sitting on the couch digging into a large packet of chips while watching criminal minds,

he noticed my pressence "morning winter how you feeling?" he said taking his eyes of the TV while it was during an ad and smiling "better" i said smiling back "well you better get ready!"daniel said chirpy getting up leaving the bag of chips lying thereplacing his hands on my shoulders "um why i didnt plan anything today" i said in confusion "well if you dont remeber your going out" dainel said turing me around by my shoulders and pushing e upstairs "Oh yeah!! crap i nearly forgot! wait how do you know?" i said walking up the stairs with the push of daniel 'just get ready, wear something um fun!" he said letting me go and walked into his room as did i still so confused

i jumped into the shower and let the water run down my skin as i rubbed the shampoo into my hair, i jumped out and wrapped the towl around my body drying of the dropets of water. i walked out of my bathroom and into my room searching my draws with my towl still wrapped arouns me

i picked out my peach skater skirt and my plain black t-shirt tucked into my skirt with me black vans and my hair natural wich is slightly curly and down

i walked out of my room and down the stairs and saw daniel down stairs wth luke in his black jeans and his checkered top buttened up to the top with his Obay snapback with the curls pocking out. i reached the bottem step when luke talked "wow winter you look... georgous" he said looking my up and dwon as my cheecks heated up and i looked to the ground and stepped the last step and hugging daniel goodbye "you looke pretty" daniel said giving me a hug and pulling out winking at me "have fun!" daniel said waving by as we walked out the door. so happy my parents would have had jetlag and would be sleeping YAY, i thought to myself walking with luke down the driveway and into his car wich i never knew he had"okay one, you have a car?, two, where are we going?"i said getting into his car with luke laughing "ok yes i have a car. two its a surprise" he said smiling to himself "you now i hate surprises" i said looking over to him shrinking into my seat getting another laugh fom his mouth with was smiling greatly

after half an hour of driving we finally came to a holt i looked out of the widow and saw a massive sign saying "MELBOURNE ZOO"

my door opened and i saw luke was the one who dd that 'aw gentalmen' i though thanking him as i got out of the car "i called daniel and asked where you loved to go. hope you dont mind?" luke said putting his hands into his pockets going to the back of te car "smart. and i love the zoo!!" i said jumping up and down like a 5 year old

we walked to th register and luke payed for us to go in. we got wristbands and luke helped me put miine on. after that we strted wandering around when i spotted the koalas. i ran up to them and stood in awe stairing at the enclosure "you like them?" luke said as i nodded a lot smiling at him "they are so cute" i said looking at the koalas.


it was now 12:28 and i was starting to get hungry and i think so was luke. we had seen the elephants, girrafs, lions, koalas, the rainforrest and foxes

"you hungry?" luke asked "yeh a bit" i said smiling

we went to the food court thingy and there were multiple shops "pizza?" luke asked pointing to a hotdog stand as my mouth started watering "YASSS!!! how doyou know i love pizza?" i asked looking over with a huge smie on my face "i just know" he said with a grin.

we got out pizza and sat down on the seats and started munhing at the delicious pizza infront of us"so where do you want to go now?" i asked once i had finished my pizza and whiped my hands from the oil "i want to take you somewhere" luke said standing  up and  taking my hand and dragging me out of the gates and stoppping he grabbed something out of his pocket with was a peice of black cloth and held it out "whats that for?" I asked pointing towards the cloth "its a blindfold" he said streaching the blindfold out and holding it up to his chest "here" he said putting it around my head covering my eyes and doing a knot at the back sucuring it so i cant see "how many fingers am i holding up?" He asked but the blindfold worked and all i could see was darkness  "umm 3" i guessed and luke just said 'good' i smiled and put my arms up like you know how when its dark and you dont know whats around you and you up you arms up and swing them around trying to find where you are. Yeah well thats what im doing right now

Lukes hands graped my arms and let go putting them on my shoulder from behind and pushing me along "if you make me bump into a pole i will kill you!" I said with my hands out infront of me "i wouldnt do somthing like tahat! What are you on about" luke said sarcasticaly laughing after walking a bit i remebered "luke why didnt we drive?" I asked "um i dont know.." he said but i couldnt see his facial expressions as i am blindfolded.....

"Here" luke said moving around "piggyback" he said obviously standing infront of me "jump" he said as i did landing on luke "crap sorry" i said as luke lauged "its cool lets contunie!" He said and walked foward

It has been a while and the sun is blazing down at us as we walk down the street. I mean as luke walks and he is carring me. I have offered to walk but he rejects my offer every time!

"Can i walk now!!" I said with my eyes still bindfolded and my head on lukes shoulder as luke again laughed and finaly placed me on my feet "okay you ready?" He said holding the back of the blindfold "wait we are here?" I said smiling! As i felt the pressure release and everything reaveled.

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