Chapter 19

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Dedicated to:

Queiton; what is youre top 3 things on youre chrsitmas list?

17 Nov 2014

Why does the same thing happen every day. I wake up to the same beeping sound around 9:00, i go out and by myself a drink usually orangejuice, come back and sit and talk to you a bit and aask you stuff. People come in and check on you, same tests everyday, also there is a trainee doctor that helps out kass he came in yesterday. Friends/family come a visit and invite me places, i say no, they go off and do their thing, luke comes and drags me out of the place we go t a cafe and have lunch then if its a good day we g and do something then we come back and sit and do nothing. Yay what a life. I know you woud want me out and about but i cant seem to leave you here, youre the best big brother i have ever had and to be truhful even though we fight sometimes you are my world, i never want to loose you, this should have happened to me instead i should be the one lying on the bed not moving and in a coma with cuts and scares up and down my body. Daniel i need you, i cant live without you. When you wake up  dont know what i will do with my life, treasure youre then my own and make sure you safer then myself? Yeah probably. Its hard to complete waking up in the morning without youre voiceringing through my ears to get out of the bathroom and to make my own breakfast, i miss the small things. Tomorrow im planning on going home and cheecking up on everything that needs to be done and clean up and do everything i need to.
So this entry will be short, i didnt write yesterday as jai took me to the beach and we hung out there the whoole day i guess, it was a good get away from the same plain walls i see everyday here and the same beeping noise of youre moniter.
Love you plase wake up daniel
-Winter Sahyounie

18th November 2014

Winter P.O.V

As  walk down the streets with my ear phones pluged into my ears blasting th music ive been listening to for ages, i think about how i need to downloa new music as mine is betting boring. I come to a hault as my fence is in front of me. I open the gate as the squeeky sound indicates tha rust and need of oil. I walk through with the almost silent sound of cars rush past the firmilar road. I turn the key and walk in to the light but dark house. "Ugh this place really needs a clean" i talk to myself pushing a bag out of the doorway. I walk into the kitchen and open the blindes as the light beems through scattering the darkness into a different room. I walk up stairs and to my room as my footsteps are heard over the empty house. Everything looks so dark and motionless. I open my curtains and look out of the small blacony that hangs over the garden below. I breathed in a sighed as you could feel the touch of dust here and there, i ran down stairs and into every room around and opening up the bliends, i walk into the kitchen again and looking in the fridge and pantry and see a few tin cans ut nothing edable because everything els is out of date and just gross. I go outside and pick up a  few bjects that as been knocked down and grab a broom from the side gate. I go to the path and brush the orange leaves away from the path onto the grass. It felt like everything i had has been draw out of me and everything i whish for is for only for daniel to be okay. I huffed and trew the broom down leaning onto the lounge chairsi walked over to the pool and picked up a basket ball that was floating i threw it into the shed and walked back to the door while brushing my hands drying them, i felt my foot get tangeled on something hard. I felt my self falling toward the floor, i put my arms in front of my face and felt the inpact, pain but not bad and sat up , i grabbed my phone and hovered over his number and it brought tears to me eyes how much i missed him. And slid my finger passed it and brought myself to a number in quick reach

After a few rings the phone picked up "hello?" His voice spoke throughut the speaker "hey marcus" i said huddeling myself wiht my spare hand "oh hey winter, how can i help you? Are you okau?" He said as i heard him moving throughout the phone "i cant do it anymore" I asked wiht tears running down my face as i felt the wet sensation on my arm. I loked to see blood dripping down my arm, it brought nopthing to my mind. I looked down at my knes to see thm grazed and ready to start bleeding "ill be there in a few minutes" he said as he hung up .

I waited only a few minutes before i heard his voice at the front "winter??" He screamed "out the back!" I shouted back as i heard his footsteps running through the house as i had moved myself to up against the chair and sat there with tears runing down my faceand blood dripping down my arm and left knee. I met his gaze, as he gave me a sympathetic look. He walked over and gave me a hug as more teas felll down my face "i cant live without them marcus ive lost them both!" I cried into his arms "shh, you havent lost them just missplaced" he said whispering into my ear. I needed to ger out of this mind straihgt! I need to get him out of my mind


Hey everyone!!!! Hope you enjoyed this!!!! I think this is how i will do the chapters from now on! Until the diary entries are over!! Also the enties are different from the dates to what the chapter actually is !!!

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Bye for now, not forever! Until next time


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