Chapter 28

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Q; whats your favourite school subject (besides recess and lunch)

A; maths! And media and sport... oh and health

Winter P.O.V

Walking into the halls were the usual! People were talking and laughing to them selves and friends. As for me i carry my bag on my back and yawned as if i had just woken up. Well i basically did but i feel like i havent gotten any sleep in atleast 2 years!

The boys went home early this morning to get ready for school but i know they are just as tired as i am. Beau is staying home with daniel again as i finally get to go back to school nd concentrate this time.

I walked to my locker alone as i did my code and opened it to reveal multiple book, pens, more books and a picture of alice, jake, marcus and i last year and a picture of me and daniel. I exchaned the books i needed and closed my locker and went to find luke, jai and james. Spottin them easily i walk over and to find luke asleep slumped up againt the stair way pole and jai and james deep in conversation about to fall asleep. "Whats up guys?" I said sitting down on the stairs lookng at the 2 boys who were talkin as luke slpt like a baby. "Oh hey" jai said looking at me "tired?" He sid noticing my uncontrolled hair and half alseep features. "Yepp" i said yawning. "Ugh, luke wake up your girlfriends here" james said as he kicked lukes leg making him wake up as his ead slipped off his hand "wh-what" he said focusing on his movements and not noticing me "ha rude?" I said to james as his actions "morningg" luke sung in a tired tone "aha morning sleeping beauty" i said simitaiting his childness "yeah yeah" luke answered as the bell went and we walked to our classes


At the end of the day i was happy the day was over! I followed the boys out of the school as we walked to the shops where we were going to get a drink and some chips "why cant we just go homeee" i whined as all i wanted to do was gohome and sleep "becuase we are going out for a quick feed" james said as he sung his bag ovr his back. "There is food at home" i protested "winter just stop we ar going out for food and that final" james said as i crossed my arms and kept walking in defeat.

Once at the shops we walked in and went to the food court where we went to the shops that sells chips and ordered 4 chips before walking to muffin break where we got our drinks which was just iced chocolates and frappes. Grabbing both our orders we went and sat down and starting eating ut food

"Anyplace?" I asked to make sure. "Yep" luke replyed ... right now we are just asking each other questions and answering them. "Okay if i could go any place i would go... england!" I said proud of my answer "aha okay. Shall we go now?" Jai said for the 5th time in an hour. "Yeh lets go" jaes said as we slip out of our seats and walked out.

Checking my phone i saw a message from beau  'hey winter. We went to my place meet us there once you are done' i didnt bother replying and told the boiys as we made a detour and went to the brooks house. Walking in we went to the lounge and placed our bags on the floor and sat down on the couch making it squished as there was 4 of us fitting on a 3 seater. As we lughed and talked we heard beau and daniel come in from the kitchen "how was school kiddos!" Beau said as daniel stayed quiet "mmmm fabuloussss" i said sarcasticly "ha well we got bored at your house so we came here" beau again "cool" jai said focused on the TV as we all laughed. "Hmm i got homewor to do" i said staning up and grabbing my bag and takin to the dining area where i set up my math books and pencils and got rewady do start as i didnt want a detention for not oing my homework.

After about an hour i had completed not much of my math. I didnt get any of it!! "Ughh!! I dont get this!!" I screwamed aloud the boys were still in the lounge talking and watching TV "what subject?" James asked "math" i said in a sad tone "ouch goodluck!" Jai said having fun with my struggels "wow what great you lot are" i said putting my headd in the palm of my hand. After attempting to get the next question, i felt a presence beside me as someone sat down "what you stuck on?" The person said as i turned my head and saw luke puling in his chair beside me "the whole thing" i said giving up and pout my chin on my arms as i lyed on my books "awe dont say that, here" he said taking a pencil from my stack and started writing stuff down looking up and down rom the page to the book as to me that all looked like scribble!

Once luke had finished writing he started explaing it all to me again in a more simple way. "Wait to x times the amount that divided is the square root of 118?" I said finially getting the method we had to use "yepp" luke said putting down the pencil "wow, didnt know it was actually that easy" i said astounded "yeah just takes a little bit more of an explaination then what the teacher gives" he said shrugging "thanks" i sad smiling and leaning in for kiss as his lips touched mine and  felt him smile a bit in it "ew you two! No PDA in the house" jai said disturbing me and luke. Luke tipped his head back gulfing up a laugh as i laughed to myself as i blushed. "Thanks jye!" Luke said as jai snapped his attention to his twin brother! I coul tell what was happening befor it happened. Before you knew it there was a war between the two boys as jai chased luke around the house making me laugh my guts out!

Thats why i lve these boys! They are so fun!!!! And hey i finally got my maths donw so i wasnt complaining.



So sorry i havent updated!!! You know school... it takes up a lot of timeeee...and ive got naplan and exams next term!!!!! But i will try my hardest!!!

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!


bye for now, not forever. Until next time.
-Megan xxxooo

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