Chapter 16

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"Winter come on i think we better go" luke said tugging at my shoulder but i stood there and let his hand fling down "how could i let this happen" i spoke softly catching lukes attention "winter its not your fault. Please" he spoke in a calming voice. I shrugged it off and i couldnt watch anymore. I turned my head and closed my eyes but openeing them right away after picturing what i saw. "Lets go. We will meet them at the hospital" luke said as my mind bobbld with hatred for myself. I turned my heel and walked away tears starting streamingout of my eyes, jake was in sight as my hand brushed along lukes soon to be grabbed by his strong grip. I let go as i closed the distancce between jake and i and embrassed him in a tigt hug, "he will be fine winter" he whispered in my ear as more tears flowd out of my eyes, we pulled out and got into the car,beau driving with jake in the passengers seat and luke to my right holding my hand and jai to my left as i leaned my head on his shoulder.

We reached the hospital as i walked in still in lukes hands grip, sires were being herd and alarms were beeping. I sat down in the waiting room and let a tears slip from my face and land on lukes shoulder.

Doctors and nurses ran in carrying a bed with whom i also saw at the accident sight.

Moments after more people came through with another bed and this time it had daniel on it. I jumped up and ran to the bed as nurses pulled me off but i screamed at daniel to wake up and let this all be a dream, but he didnt even budge "daniel please!" I screamed getting pulled back further and further still wriggling around in the persons grip. Tears still strangled their way out and down my cheeck falling on the floor.

I gave up and fell to the floor wiht my feet still steady on the ground. I covered my face with my arms and let the doctors proceed. Istill had the grip of my arms but it moved to around my arms and my body when i sat on the floor,  the doctors had ran off with the bed and i watched as each wheel left the side of my body, i only heard a few words to what people were saying like 'surgery' and 'fast' and 'emergancy'.

It had been abiut 20 muniets and i had gathered my eotions together to last for a while, a moved from the middle of th walk way to now on the extremely uncomfortable seats which were numbing my butt as i every second passed "winter did you want me to drive you home?" Beau asked as he stood up infront of me as i gently shoock my head "okay im going to drop off jake, then i will be back with food" beau said as he walked away, jake came up to me and gave me a hug saying goodbye and that he will be up here soon withe the others aswell which i gave him a slight smie for.

I continued to sit in the same chair as before with jai asleep next with his head on my side as i had my head leaned on lukes shouder and him gently rubbing his thum over my hand calming me down. It was now starting to become daylight and my eyes weighed heavey but not allowed me to goto sleep as every time i clossed my eyes it was a nightmear.

Beau walks in with mcdonalds in his hand and drinks in the other. "Dinner slash berakfast has arived" i beau im his attemtation on a chirpy voice which his normal chirpy vioce has dissapeared. I moved which made jai wake up and check his suoundings "my neck hurts" he says rubbing the painful spot "no wonder shirlock, you slept like you had your neck chopped off" luke replys.

Beau hands out the food and gived me a medium chips with a cheese burger without pickles or onion and a vanilla thickshake. I slowly pick at my chips stairing into space not really intresed in what im doing. I get half way through my chips and i put them aside ipick up my burger and open the rapping and stare at it for an amount if time before handing to the side where jai grabbed it and scoffed it down within a few bites. I layed my head on lukes shoulder again and he layd his head on my head "cmon you need to eat the chips." Luke whispered as i was surprised with what he had said, "i saw you give yor burger to jai, you need to atleast eat the rest of your chips" he said as i sighed and grabbed my chips and started picking at them again

I had finished my chips and was half way through my thickshacke when a nurse came out "Daniel Sahyounie" he said aloud catching my attenetion as i stood up and walked over anxiously "hi is daniels parents here?"he said looking at each of us with curious eyes. "No she is on a buisness trip" i spoke with a tang of lies spreading throughout my words "okay well is anyone his legal gardian" he asked again "daniel is the legal gardian of his sister" beau said pointing to me "ok well then you must be winter?" He asked looking down at his files as i nodded "okay well can i speak to you alone" he said glancing at the boys behind me "they can here it too" i said making sure i didnt hve to hear the news alone "Beau Brooks and these are my brothers Luke and Jai" beau explained as the doctor shook each of their hands "okay so daniel has had emergancy surgery as he has had a serious injury to his right side of his head. Although this surgery was a very dangerous one, there was a risk that he wouldnt make it. Im sorry but daniel is now in a coma and it isnt certain to when he will wake. It could be tomorrow or next year, maybe..." he drifd off a the end knowing we knew what he meant he may never wake up..

The doctor continued to explain the situation as i blancked him out, "can we see him?" I heard luke ask as the doctor nodded and llead us to a room "only 2 at a time sorry" he said as i looked at him with a blank expression i nodded as he left and we were left standing out the front stareing at the door "you and beau go in" luke said to me as i looked up then to beau then down at the floor, "lets go" beau said leading the way, i follwed in beaus steps and walked through the open door, i couldnt look up. I just couldnt.

Eventually i forced my head to look up and there he was. Scrates and bruises up and down his arms and face. He looked cleaner then the last time i had seen him, but it still wasnt daniel sahyounie.

I had been a few minutes and beau and i walked out and let the twins go in "im just going to get some air" i said to beau as i walked down the halls and out side as the chilling air hit my face, i snuggeled closer into my oversized jumper and kept walking. I found myself at the port and i looked down at my phone, i had been walking for about alf a hour. I walked to an incaving in the fance where there was a bench, i sat on the bench and stared out to the sea where i saw a few people taking a walk down the sand, i felt a pressence besides me and i loked over and saw jai. He put his arm around me as i snuggeled closer into him i let a tear slip and continued looking out and not saying a word. Im glad i had the jai to be that person who knew me well. Like im close with beau and expecially luke but jai has always been there when i needed that snuggle or in times like these. He was the person i needed right now.


Heeeeeey : ) so the last chapter was unexpected right???? Yes?????? No????? I dont know?????? Well i hope you enjoyed it anywayyy same with this chapter.

Also please tell me if it is soo much drama!! Becasue the whole story is based on the biggest drama happeneing in the next few chapters sooo keep an ee out ;)

Also i will try update us much as i can but they may or may not be crappy chapters. I have my dance concert on the 28th- 30 and that needs practicing anddd my exams have been brought a week foward soooo yahhh thes not next week but the week after and typical me i haent even started studying :/ so yah ill keep you guys updated ;)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter
- FAN?

bye for now, not forever. Until next time

Megan xox <3

P.S THANKYOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR ALL THESE READS!!!! ITS CRAZYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! people expect what 100 reads (like i did) but when i say 4.77K they actually are astonished I SUCCEDEED AT SOMETHING OMGGG THANKYOUUUUU!!!!!!! I love you guys soooo much

P.P.S if anyone needs to alk about anyythingggg just message me! Im always here to talk whenever so dont hesitate to send a message. Or just even ask for my Imessage and we can talk and we can be friends also my kik is = meggggg2  sooo kik me  and we will tlak ;)

Stay beautiful x

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