Chapter 23

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Here is a cheecky little question for all of you to answer:

QOTD (question of the day) = how may pillows do you have??

AOTD (answer of the day)= 6 : )

Let us continue ;) xox

9th feb 2015 (3 months later)

"Do i have to go back" i whined getting pulled along the path by jai and luke, they are frankly pullig me along to school, somewhere i really dont want to be. "Yes cmon we do this daily since the second what is another day? Jai said convincing me as i resisted making my arms go red. "Another day? Another day! Seriously! Its te same old day and 'another day' we gothere people stare and call us names. We listen to strangers rave on about the earth and things w odnt understand! Yeah it is just 'anoter day'!' I say as the boys stop tugging on me "look winter, i know with everything you just want to sit down and do nthing, but if you dont go to school then what would we do if the corts take you aaway from not have a managable legal gardian. We dont want to loos you winter. Not to sme random family anyway" jai said sympathetically.

I know what he means, and daniel wouldnt be too impressed with me either. "Ugh fine, but if i ever get towed away im sleeping at our house. Dibs jais bed" i said continuing to walk to the hell hole.

We walked in as expected with eyes on us. "Told you 2" i said as we walked dwn the same corridors "yeah maybe we should just go home, prtend this whole morning never happened?" Luke said looking down "i wish, but we cant,i dont want to get towed away" i said walking down the corridor. I reached my locker and told the boys to meet me at home room. I grabbed my maths and chemistry books aswell as my pencil case and shoving them in my bag before walking down the hall and into the sickning room. I spotted luke and jai in thei orriginal seats. I grabed my phone from my bag and looked at the screen expecting to see nothing. But instead i got a lovley text, well not so lovley it was from alice "hey wints, me and jake are wagging today.. sorry but marcus should be there! Most likely see you after school bye xx have fun ;)" i sighed at the message thinking how lucky she was right now "ugh watever ;) dont get up to too much fun lovebirds ;) teachers coming bye xx" ahah i love her reaction when i say that. I know they arnt dating but i know they like each other . Its a joy. Just on cue the teacher walks. He does the roll all as i just sit there. "Where is alice?" Jai leans over and asks me. "She ad jake wagged" i said wiking at him making him laugh,

"Class dissmissed" mr reginelo declared letting the pile of student run free to go to their next class wich mine happened to be chemistry. I walked down the corridor and spotted a firmilar face "aye marcus!!" I yelled over the gossip by near group getting his attention "wow im glad one peson didnt leave me all aloe today" he said as i laughed "i know right what right meanies" i said laughing harder. "Come on lets get to class and out of everyones way." He said as we made our way to the lab.

The bell went and more people piled in sadly luke and jai wernt in this class so it was only me and marcus today. "Class listen up! Today we are doing test!" She bellowed making me want to just die. "Just t see where you all are at" she added. That isnt going to make the fatct better, we are still doing a test. I though to myself as she walked around handing out papers to students including me. "You all may begin,you have 30 minues to complete it, once finished stay seated." She said once all papers were handed out. I scratched at my brain finding the answers to different questions. About 10 minutes into the test a small knock at the door was present. A young boy walked in he looked yr 7 and started talking to the techer. He walked out and i brought my head back to the paper.

Thre was another knock and i was getting agitated with all the inturptions. I keept working trying to finish the test "winter, you hve a visiter, pack your stuff and leave quietly" my head snapped up and i looked towards the door i saw a glum beau, this didnt look plesent, i packed my bag and whispered a goodbye and goodluck to maarcus next to me giing him the answer for Q25. We laughed as i made my way to the door, quickly handing in my paper.

My face droped as i made my way out side, i closed the door behind me and stared at beau for a bit. "Beau?" I said un aware of what was going to really happen next. "Winter umm" he started but coudnt finish "what happened? Is daniel okay" i askd as tears priked te rim of my eye, my hear throbed against my chest with my mouth going dry. Could this seriously be happening?. No words were spoken from beau only movements. His hand moved infront of me with something in his hands. A brown book it looked like, i recognised it nd picked it up, my diary.

I stared down at it as my breath hitched. I looked up and saaw the smallest smile on beaus lips turning soon into a grin. Tears fell out and i moved in tohis arms. I hugged him tight as i pulled back. "Are you serious?" I asked not convinced of whats happening. As he nodded. I smiled letting all the tears in the world fall. "Go, ill get luke, jai ad james, go" he said pushing me to go. I pumped my legs until my body couldnt fel them. My smile grow bigger as the distance grew smaller.

I found my way through passing traffic and barking dogs as i ran past with all my might. I made my way into the hospital and pressed the botton for the elevator. It felt like years and it hadnt come up. I looked around and locked my sight on the stairs. I ran up them skipping every second stair going up. I found the foor and running into the lke a bat out of hell. Finding his room to second as i barged in seeing blured visions due to my tears. I ran over and hugged my brother that now lay on the same bed. But this time smiling. The world stopped for the moments as i felt his touch on my skin. "I love you daniel" i said making my grip tighter. "I love you too winter" his voice echoed through my ears for the first time in months. "Dont ever lave me again1" i said still into the hug "i wouldnt dare to leave you" he said whispering to me.


The chapter most of yo readers have ben waiing for!!!!!! Da da da darrrrr!!!!! DANIEL SAHYOUNE LIVES TO SEE ANOTHER WAKING HOUR!!!! THREE CHEERS FOR HIM. HIP HORRAY, HIP HORRAY, HIP HORRAY!!!!!.

How did you lovely people like that chapter??? Was it surprising? Were you expecting it???
Im sorry bu this is only the star of everything ; ) haven even gotten to the morel of the story yet ;) xoxoxox

I really really realllllyyyyy hope you enjoed this chapter!!! Personally i think it was very confusing but then im not you guys so i need feedback pleaseeee???? Ahah xx


Bye for now, not forever. Unti next time!
-megan xoxoxoxoxoxox

P.s i wasnt ready for this chapter! I thought it was getting to boring for you all so i thought i would spice it up a squidge ;) i seriously love all my readers! You put he smile on my face with all your comments!! Wow!! I hope youre 2015 is going well so far?? Mines been shit tbh!!... but hope it gets better :) still ned to smile!

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