Chapter 33// Part 2

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it had been 35 minutes into the drive and so far i was lounge along the charcoal seat with my 'party' playlist bouncing around the car in the background. i was scrolling through my phone as Zac and Daniel were talking about.. i dont know but they were talking and i wasnt paying any attention.

i pressed on my snapchat app and waiting for the yellow screen to load with the cute little ghost on the front. it loaded to a black screen son to turn the camera onto my legs. i went to my snaps and started looking through some that people have sent me. i have a couple people from the public. I replied to most of them and as much as i could before i video'd daniel and Zac blasting the music and screening along to the lyrics. I posted the snapchat with the caption 'car journeys' and closed my phone and put it on my chest as i lay spread accross the seats staring out the window in front of me laughing and singing along gently.

We made so many pit stops for food and toilets breaks i dont even know how much.. thanks daniel. "Okay truth or dare" daniel spoke to me as he looked in the review mirror at me.

"Truth" i said simply not bothering to move as i saw Daniels brain tick as he tried to think of a truth question. "Okay ummmm if you could die your hair what colour would you die it?" "Ermmm either pastel green,blue or pink ohohohoh orrr dark electric blue" i said excited. "Okay we will die your hair then" zac suggested and daniel laughed "yeah nah mate", "oh yes please "i answered now excite for my new project of getting my brother to let me die m hair.i laughed and layed back down along the seat as i listened to the song that was playing on the radio that i had known off by heart already since it had been release, flashlight from pitch perfect 2 (i went to go watch this as an end of naplan party and it was very very fun) "your my flashlight" i sung quietly as i went onto my phone waiting for this very long journey to be to over.


"home sweet some" Zac said as i closed the door and tied up my earphone and tangled them into my bag. "wow its changed a bit since we came here last" daniel said slamming the car down closed as Zac pulled out all of our bags and handed them to us. "thanks" i said as i held the handle and walked into the unknown but known house. Zac and daniel both walked in straight after me and zac called out "IM HOME" he yelled out as we heard a bit of noise in the kitchen as from what i remember "Zachary where on this earth have you been!" we heard the soft angelic voice of our aunt raise throughout the house as she tunt around the corner. "oh my gosh! daniel, winter" she exclaimed as her face lit up and came towards us embarrassing us both in a huge hug "i didnt know you were coming today!" she added releasing us both and pushing us through the house into the living area where everyone els sat. "uncle" i said i spotted the man sitting on the couch as he turn immediately at the sound of my voice. "ahh winter what a nice surprise" he said getting up and hugging me along with daniel who greeted him aswell. "elliotttt" i said as he came over and hugged me.

after seeing everyone again we got shown our rooms. gladly daniel and i both had our own rooms as this house is a stables house so workers usual stay here sometimes but now its used by daniel and i. i put my blue suitcase on the shelf and opened it up not bothering getting anything out. i set up everything i actually wanted around my room like my makeup box and deodorants. also charges and i put my laptop on my bed. i sat on my bed which was only a king single but still good, i opened up my laptop and went onto the my school website so then we can write random assignments for credits, and since i wasn't there for most of it i thought i could do some extra work for the teacher for extra marks. starting off with a book that we did a short story about a few years back that now im turning into a book for credits. i opened up the file and started typing a few sentences before going back and deleting them all relizing that not how i wanted it to go. i did that several times before finding out how i wanted to write it 'all the wild ones live in the unknown land. shouting and screaming you never know what will happen next, there kind are called the 'unpredictables', from the names you can tell they are uncommon and different, very different. Is that why they hide themselves? because every other time they have tried to be 'normal' they get judged?" my writing flow got interrupted by my aunties voice shouting up the stairs "kids lunch is ready" i looked up and shut my laptop and raced downstairs with everyone.

"so winter how is school going?" my uncle asked as i ate my Italian salad my aunt made. "its going okay, i missed most of this semester but im writing a novel to get extra credits" i said nodding my head as i stabbed some lettuce with the fork before shoving it into my mouth. "oh yeah, at least you are making it all up" she smiled at me "daniel, how are you going" she asked watching my brother as he ate before speaking "good, feeling a lot better since the accident but im good now" he nodded as he smiled reassuringly. "that's good" my uncle said as i nodded "okay, zac you need to do the bush track and make sure that's all fine for the students tomorrow, daniel and winter can go along too, get some fresh air, pretty sure the car was very stuffy" my aunt laughed picking up all of our plates. "okay, lets go guys" zac said as i stood and followed him outside into the stables. "so winter you can ride peanut and Daniel you can ride storm" he said leading us into a stall where it had the tack and helmets. handing daniel and i one i placed it on my head and did up the buckle before walking out into the horse stable. "winter meet peanut" zac said standing out the front of a horse stable, the horse was light caramel colour as i smile and remember always coming here and riding the horses.

"Jackson please help winter tack up the horse" zac called out into the long hallway with a few people here and there. one of the people looked up and began walking over. he was about the same age as zac, he had light brown hair and curly. it hang just above his eyes, "evening winter, im Jackson." he said and nodded. i smiled and held onto peanuts ropes. "hey" i said lightly as Jackson swung the mat over the horses back before the black saddle and then measured me up for the stirrups. "okay you ready to get up, do you know how to ride?" he asked as i walked over. "kind of" i said as i held onto the reins and lifted my left leg on the stirrups before hauling my right leg over before i placed my ass on the seat. i connected the other foot to the other stirrups and held the reins. "okay pull to stop gently knock your right foot for him to move, turning it just pulling to the side you want to turn." Jackson said undoing all the knots before walking peanut and myself out into the hallway. "jacks, tack up and join us" zac said from the stall a few stalls down as he nodded and stopped me before telling me not t do anything.

after a few moment Jackson rode out on a dark dark brown horse. "okay like i told you, knock your right foot to move." he said as i tried and felt the peanut move and so did i. "okay come on lets go." he said as we both trotted off out of the stable and met up with daniel who was on a plain black horse and zac who was on a brown and white horse. "okay you two" zac started as we got the low down on how to deal with riding a horse. it soon all came back too me from a few years ago and i nodded throughout the speech by zac.


ahhhh im so so so so soooooooo sorrryyy!!!! ive had a hell of a lot happen, i had my naplan! i got a job!!!!! which is a massive time consumer, ive got to uphold my grade (what grades.. ahha i know) and try and keep a social life holding together, so ill try update as much as i can which will hopfully be once a week again and im soorrryyy thankyou for all your reads and votes and what not I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY VERY VERYYYYY MUCH thankyou there is no amount of words to describe how thankful i am!!!! ahhhhh ily 22K!!!! lets do this yall!!1 my dreams are finally comming true!!





bye for now, not forever. until next time



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