Chapter 17

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"Winter your talking crap stop lying" my mum told me over the phone "he did move! Why would i lie about something like this!" I nearly screamed into the speaker. I was talking to my mum over the  phone and i was telling her about my incident with daniel wich happened 2 days ago, "darling i get that you miss him but youre just hallucinating im sure things will get better soon sweetie" my mum raved on. The blood boiled in my body "yeah whatever" i spoke with anger rushing through my body "anyway ive got to go, so wish everyone a safe week love you" she spoke as i didnt answer but hng up the phone

With a great sigh i leaned my head back with frustration, "tough concersation?" I heard a voice by the door as i snaped my head towards the door and saw a figure walk over "yeah" i said realizing the person was luke "why doesnt she belive me?" I ask the unanswereable question that was floating around my mind "because she doesnt want to belive it, she lost all hope when she asnwered the phoe call saying that her son has been in an accident and is in a coma, she doesnt expect him to be the one to wake up" he explained gentle squating next to my chair. I nodded at his answer and looked down at my lap, after some silence luke stood up and kissed my foreghead before walking out od the rooom and down the hall.

Luke P.O.V

"So how did her mum take it?" Jai asked as i sat back at the table at the hospital which has now taken over our dinner talbe at home "not so well, she doesnt belive winter" i spoke in a sad tone as my elderst brother let out a sigh "we cant keep staying here all the time,we have to get out, live our lives, we have fans dont forget" beau carried on stating the obvious but making it complete in all of our minds "i know, but without skip we would have no fans" jai answered not looking in any other direcion besides the floor. After that it fell silent, dead into what was ticking in our minds. "I need a breather" i said standing with all the force in me. I walked to the door and leaned in "come one we are going for a walk" i said as her small body jumped at the suden noise as she un did herself from the position and snuggeled herself closer to my jumper which was way too big for her as it fell below her thighs with her ankel length leggings. I grabed her hand as i intweened our fingers feeling her warmth. We headed for the door without a word to one another.

As i lead her past many passing roads i still had my hand connected with hers i took her back to my house. I went inside and grabbed my keys and wlaked out again, without saying a word winter followed me not asking any questions. I started the car and twisted my body when reversing out of the drive way, i checked behind me before stepping on the accelerater.

Going at a constant speed along with the drivers around me, i listened to the quiet music playing in the background. "Where are we going" i heard her voice next to me as she contined to look out the front window as the sunlight hit her face i shot a glance at her. "Somewhere" i said simply not wanting to give away my favourite place of the city. We kept driving for many more mintues finally going onto the last road leading up to where i have wanted to go. I parked the car and pulled the keys out of the ignition and opened the car door. Winter followed my actions as i walked over and grabbed her hand again "this is where i come to think" i said pulling her to the picnic bench that was set infront of the top of the hill.

I brought winter to the top of melbourne, where you can over see everything. Its where i come and just put my phone in my car and watch over the hustle and bustle of the city below me, always feels like nothing will cover my view and makes me ontop of everything.

I sat facing out of the view as winter sat next to me "when im over everything i cant help but just sit and watch everything below, its like everything just comes to a stop and everyone doesnt know where i am, like im an invisible person climbing round with making noise to give away clues."

"Here i wanted to give you this" i said after silence conveyed over both of us, i handed over the object that stayed in my bag, wrapped in brown paper. She grabbed in with care leaning foward a bit. Unwrapping it with ease she faced me with a slight smile "i bought you this so ou could express everything you feel. And to talk to daniel when ever you wan to"

I bough her a diary or journal to expess everything, it was white material like a fabric. "Thankyou luke" she said placing the book down on the bench and giving me a frail hug, it wasnt normal it was an empty hug. I miss her full hugs, not the sad hugs that she would give when people dont know her, but i know her, im her boyfriend, is she saying something

'Luke stop overthinking' my mind played around with itself fighteing at the new suspicion oh how much i wish it wasnt true.

Hey everyonee!! Sooo this is my last week of yr 8 OMG YAY!!! Soo after that i have a 7-8 week holiday which mean i will be updating a lot more since my family are working most of the holidays. Also i will be doing a special chrsitmas edition just let me add everything, it will be on the story line of what it is now but it will be published on christmas, i may even post 2 on chrsitmas depends ;) alsooo THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU SOOOO SO SO SOOOO MUCH FOR 6K i was dreaming i swear it is amazing how ive ever dreamed for this moment but now its coming true! So thankyou

If anyone ever needs to talk please dont hesitate to message me or kik me on meggggg2 i mean it! Im hear to talk or even if you want to get to know someone new im here! I would do anything for you all!!!

I hop yo enjoy this chapter i love you all so very very much


Bye for now, not forever. Until next time
-megan xxxoooxxx

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