Chapter 2

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Winter P.O.V

I woke up at 9:00 and had a quick shower I got dressed into my black jeans and white singlet with a brown cardigan over the top leaving my hair down 

I went down stairs and no- one was awake so I decided to cook breakfast

I made bacon and eggs with fruit and plain pancakes

I heard noises upstairs so I guessed they were awake

After a few minutes I saw Marcus , jake and Alice walk down stairs with hope in their eyes "please tell me that's pancakes" Marcus said as he walked into the kitchen and squealed like a girl running and jumping in his seat "that's you Marcus that's you" jake said sitting down next to him

Alice and I joined them laughing our heads off


It is now 6:00 and the party starts in 1 hour I have chosen my outfit I'm wearing my floral skirt and my black heels with my white crop top and my hair curled and more of a natural look with makeup just light foundation with baby pink lipstick and a bit of mascara and eye liner

The boys were just wearing black and blue jeans with a white shirt and Alice was wearing her hot pink dress and again hot pink heels

We got to the party in the nick of time we could hear the music pounding throughout the street

We got to the party and walked in and saw the swam of people jumping around with swear dripping if their faces and heels around the place. I spotted Jaidon and went behind him and whispered in his ear "hey babe" he jumped a but but turned around and hugged me tight "hey princess" he said kissing me on the cheek "oh beautiful come to my house tomorrow morning I need to show you something" he said winking in my way as I blushed vividly and answered okay

"Did I want a drink" he asked "just water please" e nodded and walked off

It had been around 10 mins and I gave up I found Alice and started dancing jumping around listening to the pounding music that bounced throughout my head making my head hurt

Half way through the night I was dancing by myself when a fit tall blond boy came over and started to dancing along with me being crazy "hi I'm Sam" he screamed over the music I smiled and answered back "my name is winter" we danced for a few more hours and we eventually made our way to the backyard "so lets play 20 questions" I said "okay you go first" Sam replied "okay single?" I asked "taken bacon!" he said happily "same" I said dreamily "aha okay umm siblings" he asked shit what do I say do I tell him the truth do I lie "winter you okay" he asked worriedly "yeah um just bit tired" i said convincing myself as well realizing im actually warn out. "oh okay" he said simply waiting for me to answer the question "oh um yeah i've got an older brother you?" i said simply as he nodded" yah got a younger and an older" he nodded taking a sip from his drink

"So what's your number I would love to catch up another time" I said pulling out my phone and handing it to Sam "same here" he said grabbing his phone and doing the same

I handed his phone back and he saved my number as 'Winter' he handed me my phone back and it said 'Sammy' I smiled and we kept talking

for my it was getting fairly late so i found Alice, Marcus and jake before i begged them to leave as the agreed and soon enough we left eh pounding party 

We got home and I went into the room I was sleeping in still at Marcus's house I got changed and layed down


I woke up breathing heavily as I remembered that dream, I always get the same dream . I recalled it and tried to get but back to sleep failing miserably i stayed lying there until slowly but eventaully sleep covered me till i was out cold. 


Hey guys sorry about the wait :/ I've got a good chapter tomorrow so yeah :) xx it's the school Hollidays so I will update quite a lot hopefully NO PROMISES but hey thank you guys sooo much for reading it





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