Chapter 9

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Winter P.O.V

"DANIEL" i screamed as my brother came running down the stairs "cheeck list!" he says running back up the stairs too soon come back down holding a sheet ofpaper "okay winter rooms are cleaned, kitchen is cleaned, lounge is cleaned, nothing broken, bathroom cleaned everything is done!" he said with a tankful sigh

today our parents are coming home for a while  and daniel and i are dredding the moment, but first we have to suffer a luch out with them before they come and terrorise us at the house! "winter time to go!" daniel sid as i fixed up my clothes which was my blue demin shorts with my balck and white patterened top with my combat boots. i run down stairs and jump into the car with daniel in the drivers 'ready?" i asked as daniel nodded and started the car and headed for Icafe

we got out the car and spotted my parents "shit were late!" i said looking at them "no were not they are just early?' daniel said trying to convince himself more then me!

"ah hello Winter hello Daniel how have my precious babies been?" my mum said sweet talking us 'hey mum weve been good!" daniel said giving her a kiss on the cheeck then mving aside so i could hug her "Hi dad" daniel said giving him a manly hug "hey son" my dad said moving back leaving me again to hug him

i stepped back and we sat down with me and daniel on one side then our parents on the other "lets order then we will talk!" my mum suggested looking at her menue as did the rest of us "hi my name is Elaina ill be your waitress today how amy i help you?'' i heard a firmillia voice and i looked up to also see a firmilia face as my face lit up as did Elaina. and yes i mean the Elaina we met at the shops a few mnths age! we have been hanging out reguarly and nw we are all friend! " hi could i  get the steak and can i also get a coke!' my farther ordered as Elaina wrote it down "could i get the ham and cheese sandwhich with a water" my mum oreder "and what can i get for you too" Elaina said with a smirk "can i please get a bowl of fries with a lemmon lime and bitters" i asked "and ill get the nuggets with fries with lemmon lime and bitters please" daniel said as Elaina samiled "sure you orders will be hear shortly" she says walking off and i took out my phone and texted Elaina 'hey gurl meet the parents ;) forgot you were working today.'  i quickly spressed send and put my phone back down soon getting a reply 'nice to meet them ;) and i wasnt rostered on they called me in and said latst minue change so i had to come in but glad :)' i laughed at the message and put my phone back just as the cnversation started 'so daniel how is the janskins going?' my farther asked, he has nver like the idea of daniel being in te group and always pronounces the name wrong "its janoskians and ts going great" he replied with a smile as my parents brushed it off hoping he would say it was going crap!

"winter hows school going? have you got a job yet?" my dad now asked me, he is persistant i get a job but ive already got youtube! "school is school and ive told you ive got a job! youtube!" i said as Elaina walks ovee with daniel and mine orders and placed them down "thanks" i said as daniel and i digged in " DANIEL, WINTER firstly dont just say thanks she is not your weird friends! and secondly wait until your farthr and i get our meals" my mum screamed a us making me laugh "mum she is our 'weird friend'! Elaina this is my mother and farther, mum dad meet Elaina" i said still laughing "hi mr and mrs Sahyounie nice too meet you" she spoke "hmm pleasure" my mum said in a judgmental tone gah i hate when she judges our friends "ill bring the rest of th food in a minute" Elaina said walking away "thanks Elains for the exta sauce" i said in time for her to hear me as she turned back arond and laughed

we finished eating and left to go home we packed our parens suit cases into the boot and jumped in the car "ah daniel i will drive!' my farther spoke "sorry dad but nope my car my rules and my rules are that only janoskian member or lightz'n'boltz are alowed to drive this car! and winter sits in the front!" saniel said wnking at me and i laughed and i jmped front and my parents jumped back 'i regret the day i bought you this car!' my dad says getting in the back with my mum

the popular song starts playing half way through our car ride and i turn up the music while daniel and i blast out lungs out while my parent are in the back sighing and blocking thir ears!

we finally reached home after many song had been blasted and i walk in and go half way upstairs "WINER GET BACK DOWN HERE AND HELP YOUR FARTHER AND I UNPACK!" my mum screames at me as they walk inside with daniel behind carring their bags ugh!

"im sorry mum but um- daniel and i promised the fans we would do a twitcam! like we cant say no! just think how dissapointed they would be!' i said thinking of an excuse while daneil dropped their bags inside the dorr and we ran straiht to my room "nice save sis" daniel said closing the door 'thankyou!" i said baack logging onto my laptop and tweeting "sahyounie twitcam in 20 #sahyounietwitcam" as did daniel we waited for a few minuts before setting up the twitcam and i joined my phone to the bluetooth docking station before sitting down and talking! "hey guys!" i sid waving "hey yall!" daniel said into the camera

the twitcam lasted for a few hours as we answered a lot of questions and talked "okay so @janoskiansblast said can i can sing teenagers by my chemical romance" i said out and i belted out some lines from th song "they say all teenagers scare the living shit out of me, thy could care less as long as someone will bleed, so darken your clothes or strike a violent pose, maybe theyll leave you alone but not me" i said at the top of my lungs "okay last question" daniel said and started reding it out "okay @bluebrookslala said winter would you rather nutella or daniel?" i laughed at this qustion "umm daniel coated in nutella" i said (if anyone knows who said that comment below ;) ) and laughed "okay thankyou for watching!hope you enjoyed todays twitcam byeee love you all" i said blowing kisses as daniel did too! "byeeeee" i said and loged off and smiled  


hey yalll quick filler  hope  you enjoyed :)

- FAN?

bye for now not forever, until next time
- Megan xx

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