Chapter 24

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Q: what fandoms are you in?

A: Janoskians and Bars and Melody :D

(lets continueee)

Daniel P.O.V

'some say brightness is the start of a new begining. but what happens when you are impobalized yet the light is getting brighter. im free to move but there is a strain holding me down tackeling me to the floor with every worlds soccer player ontop of me. i can hear everything around like every word is being shouted yet my mouth is sealed shut unable to untie the stitchers grasping my two lips together.'

that all sudenly changed when everything my eyes and mouth were used to took a turn hopeing the events were the good ones. 

jus like would wake up for school my eyes flicked open as i saw plan dull walls infront of me nothing special around. i felt like my bones needed oil to move. i opened my mouth with the dry feeling in my mouth with nothing coming out besides carbon dioxide. i felt the spark moving my brain as it sent all the way down my legs and my arms making them move a feelingi havent felt for what it feems like month yet i feel it only has been hours. i moved myself so i was sitting up a bit more as i looked around. hospital? where was i. the dull light blue walls felt repetative with the single white door in the corner and the window with horizontal blinds the same colour as my walls was open. the only colours were the muliple flowers scattered around the room and 'get weel soon' cards on shelves. how? why am i so confused. the soubnd was silence other than far beepings and quiet talking around but no one was in the room that i was in. 

"um hello?!" i said as it came out as a crock. i coughed making my mouth less dry "anyone hell-" i got cut off mid sentence hearing the sirmilar voice of 2 people beau and gina! as it got closer and i heard beaus huskey laugh i setteled down a bit with my nerves enclosing. as it they got closer i made out ginas feminen voice "ill be right back, just grabbing a drink" she said as beau replyed with and yes and his footsteps got closer. 

hearing him slightly singing a song i didnt recognize as he walked in carring a glass vase. he was intensly looking at the curves in it wen he walked in. his gaze met mine as his jaw hung wide open and stood stiff letting the glass fall out of his grip and shattering on the floow. "daniel, your" he said trailing off stepping out of the glass. tears threatning the spill out of his eyes. "im what?" i asked curiously wondering if something was on my face "omg your awake" he said coming over and giving me a hug. i hugged back as the wet feeling grew on my shouder "beau why are you crying?" i asked now really curious what the bug hassel was about "you dont remeber?" he asked weirly "remeber what?" i asked again. 

"you were in a car acident. you have been in a coma for 5 months" he said with a sad tone as nothing came back "no i wasnt, stop playing around!" i said laughing a bit as beau didnt laugh. he was telling the truth. my face dropped relizing i was in a car accident and i dont even remeber

"wait what!?" i half shouted reclaiming myself  "im sorry daniel but its true" he said with his head held down. my mind went wizzing. 

"were is winter? was she with me? is she alright?" the quesion poured out of me thinking of my sister being afriad she was with me "winter is fine. she was at alices's house when it happened, she is at school now" beau said as i sighed a relief and put my head back just aswe were inturpted "beau whats all the glass on the floor for" gina said walking in and looking aat the glass not noticing i was 'awake' 

when she looked up she was shocked like beau she came over and hugged me kissing my forehead "im so glad that you are okay" she said said with hope in  her voice. "beau clean up the glass then got get winter, luke, james and jai from school. pretty sure they want to see him" gina orderd beau to do as he got off the side of the bed adn quickly sweeped up the glass with the broom which was behind the door. soon he left to go get winter, james and the twins. "im just going to grab the nurse" gina said rushing out to grab the nurse. she soon returned with a girl in a white coat "ah daniel you are awake" she said eyeing the paperwork above her glasses. "so we are just going to run some tests then we will see when you are ready to go home". she said smiling and writing something down on a paice of paper and walking over grabbing the stethoscope from around her neck "okay deep breath in" she said as i sat up. 

after all the medical work was done the nurse whose name i found out to be kassandra walked out leaving it to be just gina and i "how has everyone been?" i asked gina who was sipping away at her iced tea. once she swolloed she answered me "everyone has been downa bout what happened mainly effecting winter and the boys. but we have got them back at school a bit with many rejections coming from winter as she waneed to stay with you, but she learnt that it would have been what you wanted her to do instead of sitting around here all day" she said explainng my questions answer. i nodded and left it at that. 

i was about to doze off when i heard loud footsteps getting closer to my door. i lifted my head and saw who was now standing at my door. with tears starting my fall and a smile on her face winter ran over and hugged me as i hugged back not wanting to let her go as tears threatend to fall out of my own eyes "i love you daniel" winter said intoo my chest "i love you too winter" i said back to her "dont ever leave me again" she said gripping tighter "i woulldnt dare leave you" i whisperd


heeey sorry i havent updated havent been in the right head space really. things have just been down hill a bit and everything went spireling out of control. sorry :/ but here is just a filler chapter i couldnt think of anything to write so im sooo sorry :3 i wil try update soon and it will go further than this stage xoxo
hope you enjoyed this chapter!


bye for now, not forever! until next time.

P.S school is coming up soon -.- kind of nervous but excited a bit for the first 2 hours then i want to go back on holidys!! aha 
P.P.S who ships kiana and luke, chelsey and beau, lucy and daniel???
P.P.P.S OMGGG WE ARE NEARLY AT 9K READS!!!!! please keep sharing this book and helping me out. ive finally aconplished something without my tearcher saying what right and wrong SUCK ON THAT TEACHER!!!!! lol love you allll sooooo so so sooooo muchhhhh xoxoxox <3 <3 <3 <3

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