Epilogue: Jungkook and Alexis

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Jungkook sighed when he spotted his sister, Bee and Deanna across the street from him. He was sat on a bench, waiting for his date to arrive and they could not have picked worse timing.

He had rescued his date from a group of boys who weren't taking no for an answer; when he couldn't take the sounds of their voices anymore, he had stepped in. They took one look at his face, and, knowing who he was, made a quick escape. That had left him with a near-to-tears girl who clung onto him and wouldn't let him go. After spending the rest of the day with her, still trying to shake her off, he realised that she was actually pretty cute. Once he had finally calmed her down and gotten to know her a little more, he asked for her number. A few days later, and there he was, waiting for her to turn up and trying to hide from his sisters.

Of course, they saw him immediately and rushed to say hi.

"Kookie," Daisy called as they came up to him, "What're you doing here? I thought you were spending the day with Jimin and TaeTae,"

"Ah, no, well, I have plans," He said, clearing his throat and glancing around, hoping that his date was running late.

"What plans?" Bee plonked herself next to him, "Tell me, tell me,"

"Nosey," Deanna smiled, "He doesn't have to tell you,"

"Thank you, Deanna," Jungkook smiled gratefully at her, "You always rescue me from these psychos,"

"Psycho's?!" Bee and Daisy exclaimed at the same time, "How dare you?!"

Jungkook laughed as both of them smacked him gently with their bags. The smile dropped from his face, however, when he saw his date standing frozen behind Deanna, her face both shocked and sad.

"Jungkook, you-" She sniffed and turned, walking quickly away from them.

"Ah, Alexis, wait!" Jungkook umped to his feet and dashed after her, pushing through the three girls and surprising them.

"Oh, he had a date," Daisy remarked.

"Well shoot, I think we just ruined it," Bee agreed.

Jungkook caught up with Alexis easily, gently gripping her wrist and pulling her to a stop, "Alexis, they're-"

She jerked her hand out of his grip and glared up at him, "Why don't you go and finish talking to them, first?!" She snapped, making Jungkook grin.

"You're jealous?"

"N-No!" She spluttered, "You asked me out and I come to meet you and see you flirting with three girls!"

Jungkook laughed, "You're jealous! Cute! Come on, you need to meet them. It's not what you think,"

Alexis dug her heels in as Jungkook tried to pull her, "No,"

He smirked, leaning down close to her ear, "I can throw you over my shoulder if you'd prefer," His voice was deep and full of promise, making Alexis blush a deep red.

"Fine," She muttered, relaxing.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held it there, despite her efforts to throw it off. She didn't resist, however, when he began to guide her back to where the three girls were still standing, looking a little sheepish.

"He's back," The girl with the long black hair said. Alexis looked down. All of the girls were so pretty that it was no wonder that Jungkook was having such a nice time with them.

"I'm back and I brought her, too," Jungkook said, "You three need to stop being so mean, you made her misunderstand.

"I'm sorry!" The blonde cried, rushing forwards. The black-haired girl grabbed her, tugging her back.

"He just said that we caused a misunderstanding, don't go rushing her, Bee,"

"Oh yeah, sorry,"

Jungkook smiled, looking down at his date, "This is my little sister, Daisy," He pointed at the black-haired girl and then at the other two, "These are my- well, sister-in-laws, I guess. Bee and Deanna,"

"Aw, really?" Bee beamed at him, "But Jimin will never ask me to marry him,"

"I'm sure he will, you've been together forever," Daisy laughed, "I'll make him ask,"

"You're related?" Alexis looked up in horror, her face burning, "I'm so sorry!"

Deanna smiled, "It's alright. Jungkook is handsome, so he probably gets a lot of girls hanging around him. It's understandable that you thought we were one of those,"

"I've never seen girls around him before," Bee smirked, making Jungkook roll his eyes.

"I've never seen him chase after a girl before," Daisy mused, "Usually if a girl walks away, he lets them," Jungkook blushed a little, clearing his throat.

"Ah, he's blushing!" Bee cried, "Kookie, so cute!"

"Aw, Kookie," Daisy teased, "I didn't know you were so adorable!"

"Fuckin- stop it," He groaned, "You're doing this on purpose,"

"You know us too well," Bee laughed.

"Alright, let's go. Let's leave them alone," Deanna, ever the voice of reason, finally spoke up, "Sorry, we're going now," She pushed the other two away and they all waved goodbye, leaving Jungkook embarrassed..

"I'm sorry about them," He mumbled, scrubbing at his hair with his hands.

"No, I'm sorry," Alexis smiled, "I thought... Well, I don't really have a right to get mad. We've only been on a few dates. I'm not even your girlfriend,"

Jungkook hummed, "Yeah you are. Anyway, where do you want to eat? I fancy pizza,"

"I am?" Alexis said, her mouth dropping open, "Your girlfriend?"

"Of course," Jungkook scoffed, "We've been on dates, we've kissed and you met my sisters. You're definitely my girlfriend Now, food?"

"Can I call you Kookie, too?"

Jungkook's face went bright pink, "N-No,"

"Why not?" Alexis pouted a little, "They call you Kookie,"

"C-Cause- I- uh- They're the only ones who- I mean-"

"Alright, well, let's go and eat, Kookie,"

Jungkook spluttered again, "Don't call me that! When you say it, it makes me- um..."

Alexis grinned, glancing down at his jeans and then back up to his face, "Oh, I see. You get feelings from it, huh?"

"Oh no," Jungkook groaned, "You are just like them... You met them once and you're already turning into them,"

Alexis laughed, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together, "Let's go and eat, Kookie. Maybe after, we can go back to your place and try and figure out those feelings,"

Jungkook looked down at her suddenly, a smile playing at his lips, "Alright then, sounds like a plan," He leaned down, kissing her hard, "Let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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