Epilogue: Yoongi and Daisy

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Yoongi was holding Daisy's hand as they walked down the street, heading for his new (old) place.

"You never actually told me why you were staying with Jimin, to begin with, if you had your own place," She said. He leaned down and pecked her on her cheek with a smile. Her bruises had long gone and since her face was back to being clear, Yoongi couldn't seem to keep his lips off her.

"I guess I didn't," He said, letting go of her hand and brushing his fingers along her shoulder and touching the skin at the base of her neck. Daisy shuddered in pleasure, her eyes closing as she walked.

"I was with Jimin because my place burned down,"

"It burnt down?" Daisy fully opened her eyes as Yoongi stopped moving, tugging a setof keys from his pocket.

"We're here,"

Daisy gasped. The place was huge! It was at least twice as big as Jimin's house and had a huge driveway, big enough for at least four cars.

"Yeah, my housemate was trying to make a cup ramen and set fire to the place,"

"I thought you make cup ramen with a kettle?" Daisy asked, looking around as Yoongi pushed the front door open and led her inside. He led her up a huge set of stairs to his bedroom, "Wow, all your stuff is here already,"

"It was finished last week," He said, "I just didn't want to be without you,"

Daisy blushed and smiled, looking down at her feet. Since Yoongi and her had become official, he had become so sweet and cute that she didn't know how to react sometimes, except for blushing.

Yoongi smiled at her and sat on his bed, opening his arms up to her, "Come here," He said. 

Daisy immediately went to him and he guided her to his lap with his hands on her hips. He wrapped his arms around her waist once she was sitting comfortably and she slid her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair when he pressed his lips to hers.

She moaned into his lips when his hands slipped under her t-shirt and moved up her back, hot against her skin. They had never gone further than a kiss before, as Jimin and Bee were always around the house, interrupting them when things started to get heated. Yoongi was obviously making the most of being in his own home.

Removing his hands, he tugged her shirt off and his fingers made quick work of her bra, tossing it across the room as soon as her breasts were free. He spun her around so that she was pressed underneath him on the bed. Daisy lifted her legs and hooked them around Yoongi's waist as his hand moved to cup her breast, gently massaging her. He pulled his lips away from hers, moving along her jawline and to her neck, making her moan softly. 

She felt empty as he sat up, quickly tugging his shirt off before leaning back into her neck, his hand sliding down her stomach to the top of her jeans.

Daisy hummed as he popped the button, slowly inserting his hand into her underwear. She moaned when she felt his fingers touch her heat for the first time, rocking her hips up as he began to move his fingers. She gripped hard onto his arm as she felt the pleasure building in the pit of her stomach and just as she was about to spill over, she heard a shout, and Yoongi yanked away from her.

"Yoongi? Are you here? Oh, there you- Oooh, I'm sorry,"

"Shownu," Yoongi growled, "What the fuck do you want?!"

"Ah, I just wanted to know if you were here," The tall man in the doorway swallowed, his eyes flickering back and forth nervously between Yoongi and Daisy, "I didn't know you were.. ahem... Busy, so... Yeah,"

"Well, fuck off," Yoongi snapped, "And close the door,"

"Sure, Yoongi, Sorry,"

The man stepped out of the room, closing the door as Yoongi turned back to his half-naked girlfriend.

"I'm getting a bit sick of being interrupted," He sighed, pecking her on the nose.

Daisy smiled weakly and sat up, swinging her legs off the edge of the bed, "Was that your housemate?"

"Oh?" Yoongi smirked, "Where do you think you're going?" He hooked an arm around her waist and threw her back on the bed, "You're not getting away from me that easily, Daisy,"

She shivered with anticipation as he leaned back over her, their lips almost touching, "I'm not letting that stop us, this time,"

Daisy gasped as Yoongi pressed his lips between her legs, grinding his hardness into her, "Yoongi!"

Yoongi hummed into her neck, "Save your voice, you'll be screaming my name, soon enough,"

"Ah, Yoongi!"


AN: There are three more epilogues coming!

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