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Jungkook's body stiffened and he quickly pulled the car to the side of the road and turned completely to face Daisy, "He cheated on you?"

Daisy nodded.

"In your home?" He continued, "In the bed you shared with him?"

She nodded again, the pain of what she had been through rising up again to appear as tears in her eyes.

"I'm gunna fuckin' kill him," He muttered under his breath, cracking his knuckles loudly.

"Please just drop it, Kookie," Daisy begged him, "I just want to get to Jimin's place and forget about it. I don't want you getting into trouble over someone so worthless,"

Her brother stared at her for a moment, before pulling the car back onto the road. He was gripping the steering wheel tightly, and Daisy could see his knuckles turning white.

"I'll go with you when you go and pick up the rest of your stuff," He said sharply. After that, Daisy couldn't get a single word out of him, but she was comfortable enough the rest of the ride to be silent.

Jungkook dropped Daisy off at their oldest brother's house, but left before she got to the door. She knew it was because he was angry and he probably didn't want Jimin to catch on.

She rang the bell and her brother opened the door with a wide smile, greeting her with a crushing hug.

"Hey, Jimin," She said as he took her suitcase and ushered her inside.

"Are you staying or moving in?" He laughed as he placed the case at the bottom of the stairs. Daisy forced a small smile.

"Bit of both,"

Jimin tensed, turning to look at her with a slight frown, "Where is Namjoon?"

"We broke up," She said simply.

His eyes narrowed, "Why?"

Daisy shrugged and Jimin's eyes softened a little, "I'm sorry," He said gently, "I know you cared for him,"

Huffing, she pointed at her suitcase, not wanting to talk about her failed relationship any longer, "Where is this going?"

Her brother hummed, "It can go in the spare room, for now, but Yoongi Hyung is working in there at the moment,"

"Oh," Daisy chewed on her lip. Out of all her brother's friends, Yoongi was the most terrifying. Ever since she was young, he had scared her. He had never said or done anything inappropriate to her (her brothers wouldn't accept that), and she had never even had a conversation with him because she was so nervous of him. He didn't speak much; he just at quietly and observed everything. However, she had seen him lose his temper once, and it was one of the most terrifying experiences of her life. She still didn't know what set him off, but even Jimin, who was the worst of them all, had to help pull him back.

"He's going to take the sofa," Her brother continued, oblivious to his sisters fear, "I spoke to him earlier. He volunteered to sleep in the living room," He hummed, "Maybe it would be better if you took my room and I took the sofa. You two are the guests,"

Daisy smiled, "What about Bee?" 

Bee had been her best friend for years, but since she had been with Namjoon, they had both been caught up in their own lives and hadn't seen each other in a while. She was actually looking forward to when Bee came back from work so she could see her.

"She's staying with her cousin," Jimin said a bit stiffly.

A knowing grin spread across Daisy's lips, "You pissed her off again, didn't you?"

"A little," Jimin sighed, raking his fingers through his thick, dark hair, "I'm like a walking set of instructions on how to annoy her,"

"You need to stop doing that," Daisy finally laughed, "She's an angel for putting up with you for so long,"

Jimin shrugged, "I know. Go take your bag upstairs. Just knock on the door hard, he might not hear you if he's working. I'll make some coffee,"

As Jimin headed towards the kitchen, Daisy took a deep breath and lugged her suitcase up the stairs towards the spare room. She hesitated a little when she came to the door of the spare room, before taking another deep breath and rapping her knuckles against the white wood of the door.

"Jimin?" The voice was gruff and a little sleepy, and Daisy couldn't help but tremble a bit.

"N-no, it's Daisy," She stammered, trying to keep calm. She didn't usually stutter, but around him, it was like she couldn't help herself - she was just so frightened of him.

There was a moments silence before he spoke again, and Daisy could feel her heart thumping loudly in her chest, "Come in,"

She pushed the door open slowly, keeping her eyes low as she slid the suitcase inside, "Sorry to disturb you,"

"It's fine, you aren't," She looked up to see Yoongi sitting at the small desk, a laptop in front of him and a set of headphones draped around his neck. He was moving his fingers furiously across the keys, not even looking at her.

"A-Are you sure that it's okay for me to take this room?" She was trying not to seem nervous, but her shaky voice gave her away, "I don't mind taking the sofa if you want to stay here,"

Yoongi finally stopped typing and looked up at her. She shrank back nervously when a strange look crossed his pretty features, "No, I don't care where I sleep - I can sleep anywhere. A girl should have a bed, though, if there is the option for one,"

She forced a small smiled to her lips, but it dropped when she saw his eyes roam down from her face, stopping at her chest. He stared, almost without blinking, and she cleared her throat uncomfortably.

"Hey," He said, "Are you-"

"Daisy! Hyung!" Jimin's voice floated up the stairs, cutting Yoongi off, "I made coffe, get your asses down here!"

Sighing with relief, Daisy made a quick escape from the bedroom and hurried down the stairs to her waiting brother.

"Maybe I should have called Taehyung," She mumbled to herself, jumping as Yoongi appeared silently behind her. She wasn't sure how she was going to stay in the same house as this man when she was this scared already.

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