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The journey home from the zoo was incredibly uncomfortable. The entire ride was silent and when they got through the front door, Jimin whirled around on them angrily.

"Start talking," He snapped. Bee and Daisy were quiet, looking back and forth between Yoongi and Jimin.


"Hyung!" Jimin yelled, ignoring the fact that he had just told them to speak, "You fucking promised me!"

"I know, but-"

"You told me all those years ago that you wouldn't touch her!"

Yoongi sighed, "I know,"

Bee stepped in between them when Jimin moved closer to Yoongi, "You're forgetting something important," She pointed out, "What about your sister's feelings?"

"Was this your idea?" He snapped at her and she narrowed her eyes.

"What so you mean, was it my idea? I didn't force anything to happen between them and you know it! If they have feelings for each other, that is not your business!"

"It is my business!" Jimin growled, "She is my baby sister and he is my best friend! I don't want to be caught in the middle if something goes wrong!"

"It has nothing to do with you!" Bee cried, "Aren't they consenting adults? Hasn't Daisy been through enough? If Yoongi makes her happy, then you can't say anything about it!"

"For fucks sake, Bee!" Jimin yelled, "You just don't understand it! You're not family- ah! Wait, I didn't mean-" Jimin reached for his girlfriend, who's eyes had gone wide. She stepped back, almost crashing into Yoongi as tears filled her grey eyes.

"I'm not your family?" She said quietly. 

Daisy's mouth dropped open as she looked at her brother. Bee had been with them for years and she knew that both Taehyung and Jungkook, as well as herself, saw Bee as a sister.

"Shit, Jimin," Yoongi breathed, shaking his head.

"You..." Bee couldn't seem to get any words out, and Jimin took another step towards her.

"Baby, I didn't mean- I just- Fuck, baby, don't cry, please- Ah, no, Bee!"

Bee slapped his hands off her when he reached out. She turned on her heel and took Daisy's hand, tears pouring down her face.

"Daisy, can you take me to Taehyung's place, please? I don't... I don't think I can drive right now,"

Daisy nodded and glared at her brother.

"Bee, wait, no-"

"You disgust me, Jimin," Daisy said, truly upset by what had happened, before turning on her heel and leading Bee from the house.

"Fucking... Shit!" Jimin cried, kicking the coffee table so hard that it flew across the room, smashing into the wall and breaking into pieces.

Yoongi watched them leave before turning back to Jimin.

"You majorly fucked up, this time, Jimin," He pointed out, "You've been with Bee since you were a teenager. We all consider her family,"


Outside, Daisy had her arm around Bee as they walked down the driveway to Bee's car. Although to a lot of people, what Jimin had said would be no big deal, to them, it was extremely painful. Bee had been with their family for a long time; they had been best friends ever since they were young. To be pushed aside like that, despite living together, hurt Bee a lot.

"Where are your keys?" Daisy asked softly, tucking the teddy that she was still carrying under her arm when Bee just held out her bag.

Just as she opened it, however, something slapped against her mouth, covering her nose. An arm wrapped around her body, and she struggled hard, trying to scream when she saw Bee hit the floor, her eyes closed. She kicked and swung her fists, but everything went black before she could break free.


Jimin had been pacing for almost the entire night. He had tried calling both Bee and Daisy, but neither of them were picking up. In the end, Yoongi suggested calling Taehyung, so Jimin put him on speaker.

"Hyung?" Taehyung yawned at the other end of the line, "It's six AM, what do you want?"

"Did Daisy and Bee get to your place alright?" Yoongi asked, "They haven't been picking up their phones,"

"Huh? They were coming over?"

Yoongi and Jimin froze.

"They aren't with you?" Jimin asked, panic rising in his stomach.

"Why would they be?"

"I'll call you back," Jimin hung up and looked over at Yoongi.

"Try Jungkook,"

Jimin nodded and called the youngest of the brothers, only to get the same answer.

"Why would they be coming to me? Wait, are they not with you, then?"

"Jimin and Bee had a huge fight and she asked Daisy to take her to Tae's" Yoongi filled him in, "But they aren't there, either,"

Jimin handed his phone to Yoongi and dashed out of the front door, only to return a few seconds later, "Bee's car is still here," He lifted up his hand, "And this was on the floor,"

Yoongi stood up, "That's Daisy's bear,"

"Hyung? What the fuck is going on?" Jungkook's voice came from the speaker, "Where are the girls? I'm coming over, don't go anywhere!"

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