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Daisy sighed as she stared at her newly painted nails. She had enjoyed her girly time with her best friend, but with Yoongi downstairs, she was still uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Bee asked, "You don't like them? I can re-do them when I'm done with mine, if you want,"

Shaking her head, Daisy leaned back on Jimin and Bee's bed, "No, I like them,"

"What is it?" Bee asked, putting the final layer on her now black nails, "One of your brothers?"

"No," Daisy replied, "Their friend, actually,"

"Yoongi?" Bee looked a little confused, "What's wrong? Got a crush?"

"No!" Daisy exclaimed, "Not at all" It's just-" She cut herself off with a sigh, "Nevermind,"

"What is it?" Her friend pressed, "He's such a sweetheart, what could he have possibly done?"

"Sweetheart?" Daisy scoffed, "What Yoongi are you talking about? Min Yoongi is terrifying!"

"He's not, he's an absolute darling," Bee blew gently on her nails, "He's one of the sweetest people I know. He even went with you to pick up your stuff, didn't he? And he protected you from your asshole ex-boyfriend,"

Daisy pursed her lips, "I guess,"

"And he gave up his bedroom for you," Bee pointed out.

"I suppose,"

"And he helped carry your things in and even cooked dinner-"

"Alright, alright," Daisy grumbled, interrupting Bee's ever-growing list of why Min Yoongi was a nice guy, "I get the picture. But he still scares me,"

"Why?" Bee looked genuinely confused as if she just couldn't understand what there was about him to be scared of.

Daisy sighed, "He's always scared me," She said, "I've known him even longer than I've known you, but he's just so... scary,"

The blonde smiled, "Isn't that because you have never actually bothered to have a conversation with him?"

Daisy's mouth flapped open and closed a few times before she composed herself enough to have an answer, "I haven't spoken to him,"

"Well, there you go," Bee grinned, "Talk to him,"

"He keeps staring at me," Daisy pouted, "But Jimin won't help,"

"Just tell him to stop," Her friend said exactly the same thing that Jimin had told her, and she sighed.

"I don't even know why,"

"Then ask him," Bee pointed out, "But I'm pretty sure that it's just because you're so cute," She got to her feet and packed her nail varnish away, and once she was done they decided that it would be a good idea to head downstairs to check on the boys, as there was a lot of noise coming from the living room.

They made their way down, but as soon as they reached the living room, Bee let out an exasperated sigh and Daisy couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Jimin and Taehyung were both shirtless and wrestling in the middle of the room, apparently fighting over the last beer, while Jungkook and Yoongi laughed and cheered from the sidelines.

"You guys are so stupid," Bee muttered, heading to the bottle and popping it open, "Me and Daisy are having this!"

"What?! Babe, no- Ah!" Jimin was thrown backwards, hitting the floor with a loud thump.

"Victory!" Taehyung cried, rushing to Bee to get the bottle. Bee just stepped to the side and he ran past her, straight into the wall and unable to stop.

The remaining the guys, as well as Bee and Daisy, fell about laughing as he got to his feet, rubbing his head and grumbling out a quiet complaint. Daisy turned, watching as he headed back to his seat, but her eyes met with Yoongi's before she could turn back. She quickly looked away, but not before she had a good look at his face.

She had never, in the entire time she had known him, seen him laugh, and his smile was surprisingly cute. He showed a lot of gum when he laughed, and his eyes lit up, changing his face from cold and intimidating to handsome and warm.

She blushed as she looked down and when she looked up again, her eldest brother was shrugging his shirt back on and pleading with his girlfriend for the beer. Taehyung had also put his shirt back on and was skipping around her, trying to take it from her hand.

"Nope," She said, "You guys have had enough and me and Daisy want a drink too," She stuck her tongue out and dodged their attempts to grab it, heading to where Daisy was stood, "You want a shandy? I don't actually like beer,"

Nodding, Daisy followed her friend into the kitchen, laughing at her brothers, who were still complaining. Bee poured the beer into two cups and lifted a bottle of lemonade out of the cupboard. She struggled for a moment to open it, and handed it to Daisy, who also failed.

"Ask one of the boys," Bee said, leaning into the freezer to hunt for some ice.

"Give it here," The bottle was taken suddenly from Daisy's hands and she looked up to see Yoongi twisting the lid off, "Can I have some lemonade, too?" He asked Bee, who had found the ice she was searching for.

"Of course," She said, "Ah, I just need to grab my- something... or other," She grinned at Daisy and rushed from the room, "Be right back!"

Daisy glared in her friends direction as she left and sighed. The atmosphere in the room had grown tense as she was once again left alone with Yoongi, who was just stood quietly, holding the open lemonade bottle and staring at her. Deciding that she needed to finally speak up, she took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

"Y-Yoongi," She said his name quietly, and he hummed as he turned to pour himself some lemonade, "Th- thank you for lookong out for me today,"

He shrugged and topped up the glasses with the beer in with the lemonade, "You don't need to thank me," He placed the bottle down and turned to look at her.

She squirmed under his intense gaze. Despite everything Bee had said, he still made her really nervous. Still, she needed to ask him why he was staring. 

"Wh-why.." She stammered, unable to get her question out.

"I didn't know you had a stammer," Yoongi commented suddenly, "And I've known you for years. I've not heard you speak like that when you talk to your brothers or Bee,"

Daisy suddenly felt ashamed and her cheeks turned pink, "I only do it with you," She said honestly.


"Y-... You scare me,"

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