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"You goddamn asshole!" Daisy struggled in the arms locked around her waist, "Let go of me! Don't touch me!"

"Daisy!" Her boyfriend cried at her, trying to hold onto her, "I swear to God, it's not what it looked like!" Namjoon was much stronger than Daisy, but he was having a hard time keeping her pinned to him.

"So your tongue in her mouth and your dick inside her was my imagination?!" She screeched, finally breaking free of his grip and stepping away, "In my own bed?! If it wasn't what it looked like, then what the fuck was it?!"

Namjoon's mouth flapped open and closed as he tried to talk, trying to format some kind of excuse that could appease her. Before he could come up with anything, Daisy let out a cry of anger and slammed her hands against his chest, forcing him to stagger backwards away from the door.

As soon as he was out of the bedroom, she quickly closed the door and locked it. She could hear Namjoon banging against the wood on the other side, trying to talk to her, but she quickly moved to her wardrobe and reached up to her tiptoes, yanking one of her suitcases down.

Throwing it on the bed so it flopped open, she quickly began to toss close and toiletries in, fitting as much into the suitcase as she could for now. Once she was done, she opened the door and pushed past him, side stepping him when he reached for her.

"Babe, wait-"

"I'll come back for the rest. You had better pray that my brothers don't get a hold of you," She said spitefully as she dragged her case down the stairs, hoping that it didn't spring open as it bounced down the steps.

"Daisy, I told you to fucking wait!" He yelled angrily at her as she headed towards the front door, "You can't leave, I need you to pay half the rent! And if you tell your brothers, I'm- don't tell them!"

"Bye, Namjoon," She closed the front door behind her, locking it quickly with her key before heading down the little path that she loved and out onto the street.

As she headed down the pavement towards the park, she pulled out her phone, trying to decide which of her three brothers was best to call. After a few moments of debating, she decided on calling the oldest, as he had the worst temper, and she wanted to keep an eye on him – plus, her best friend lived with him, and she could use her support right now.

"Hey baby sis, what's up?" Despite the tears in her eyes, she smiled when she heard his voice, "Why haven't you called me lately?"

"Sorry," She replied, enjoying the calm of his voice, "Jimin, can I stay with you for a little bit?"

"Sure," The answer was swift, as she knew it would be. Her three brothers doted on her, and although she didn't like to admit it, she was pretty spoiled by them, being the only girl. All three of them had pretty much raised her after her parents died, "I have a Hyung staying, though. If you don't want the sofa, I can ask Tae if you can stay with him?" By ask, he meant tell, and Daisy knew it.

"The sofa is fine," She said after a moment. The living room had a door, so as long as she could put her suitcase away somewhere, she didn't mind sleeping there, "I'll see you soon,"

"See you soon!"

Once she had hung up, the next thing she needed was a lift to Jimin's place. She didn't really want to wait around for a cab, just in case Namjoon found her – he was really angry when she left. She looked through her contacts and pulled up the younger of her three older brothers.

"Daisy," Was all he said when he picked up the phone. He seemed to be a little out of breath, which could mean that she had disturbed him working out, or he had just finished with a fight.

"Can you come get me?" She asked, feeling the tears build up in her eyes again. She knew her voice cracked a little, and she knew her brother heard it.

"Where are you?"

"Outside the park near my-" She cut herself off, clearing her throat, "Near Namjoon's place,"


Jungkook was a man of few words (unless he had a drink), but he was very reliable. He was always there for Daisy if she needed him. She was lucky, as all three of her brothers looked out for her.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she saw Namjoon across the road, and panic began to build up in the pit of her stomach. However, just as he spotted her, Jungkook pulled up in front of her and got out. Without a word, he took her suitcase and threw it in the trunk, before getting back behind the wheel and waiting for her to strap in.

"Fight with Namjoon?" He asked, looking out the window at the taller man, who had stopped walking as soon as he had seen Jungkook, "Need me to talk to him?"

Daisy felt satisfaction run through her body as Namjoon seemed to hesitate even further under Jungkook's glare, before taking a step back from the road and onto the pavement.

"We broke up," Daisy said, turning her attention to out of the front window, "Can you take me to Jimin's please?"

Her older brother nodded, shooting a glare at the now frozen Namjoon, but pulled away without starting anything.

Namjoon was bigger than Daisy's brothers, but like most of the people around the area, he was scared of them. The three brothers were famous for being trouble makers when they were younger. They had gotten involved in a lot of nasty things when they were younger, even getting mixed up with the police a few times. They weren't bad guys, however, they were just bad tempered.

Now that both Taehyung and Jimin had girlfriends, they had mellowed – mostly. Jungkook was always the calmest of the three, and it was hard to get him riled up, but he had a foul temper when he lost it.

"What happened?" Jungkook finally spoke and Daisy cleared her throat, not really wanting to answer. He shot her a look and spoke again, slower this time, "What, happened," It wasn't a question this time, it was a demand.

"Don't get mad," Daisy chewed her lip. It really wouldn't be a good idea for her to tell her brothers what happened.

"That means it's something that is going to get me mad," Jungkook stated.

"Don't tell Jimin or Taetae," She continued.

"That means I'm going to get really mad," He said.

After a small silence, she decided that if she was going to tell any of her brothers, Jungkook would be the best option. He was the most reasonable out of the three, and it took quite a lot to make him snap.

"I caught Namjoon and Hyori in my bed,"


AN: This is going to be a little different from the original, but I hope you enjoy it more!

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