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"I really need to get some new pyjamas," Daisy muttered to herself as she pulled her shorts and vest top on. She had already showered and her brother and his girlfriend had taken themselves to bed. Yoongi was waiting outside the bedroom door for her to finish getting ready for bed, and when she was finally done, she took a deep breath and opened the door to let him in.

As she expected, his eyes latch onto her as soon as she stepped back from the door, and she felt herself blush, feeling exposed. He cleared his throat and tore his eyes from her, obviously realising that he was staring. Closing the door, he slowly sank down onto the pile of blankets that Jimin had left next to the bed a little earlier.

"You really like Kumamon, don't you?" He asked quietly, clearly trying not to look at her. Instead, his eyes flit about the room, fixating on the various plushies she had scattered about.

Daisy blushed a little harder and nodded, "Yes," She said, a bit defensively. Yoongi finally looked back over at her and a smile appeared on his face.

"He's really cute, right?"

Unable to stop herself, Daisy smiled at the sight of Yoongi's gummy grin. She hadn't seen it very often, and she got the feeling that he hid his love of cute things from her brothers.

"Super cute," She agreed, reaching out and passing him one of her bears, "Feel him, he's sooo soft,"

Yoongi touched the plushy with his fingertips before bringing it to his cheek, rubbing his face on it. Daisy felt her heart begin to pound in her chest, just from how cute he was being.

"Really soft," She commented, "Feels nice,"

"My brothers don't know you like cute things, do they?" She asked suddenly, curious. Yoongi put the bear down and looked up at her.

"No, I should think they'd know by now. We've all known each other since we were kids,"

"But you hide it," Daisy pointed out. She had never known this side of him, and she had known Yoongi almost as long as her brothers did.

"Not really," Yoongi hummed, "I'm really obvious when I like something," He looked up into her eyes, "I tend to just... stare at what I like. Jimin noticed me staring at you years ago," He cleared his throat and looked away, "I guess Jungkook noticed as well, but he never said anything. Taehyung is just oblivious to everything," He took a deep breath, "It was Jimin that threatened me,"

Daisy swallowed hard, her face still pink, "He threatened you?"

"Of course," Yoongi chuckled a little, "You're his baby sister," He looked down at his hands, trying not to stare at her.

"They didn't threaten Namjoon,"

Yoongi barked out a laugh and looked back up at her, "Yes they did. All of them did. So did I,"

"Really?" Daisy was a little shocked at the news, "When?"

"Right at the start of your relationship," Yoongi said, "I'm surprised he stayed with you after some of the stuff that was said to him, to be honest. He might be an asshole, but he's got guts,"

"What did they say?" Daisy was aware that she was asking a lot of questions and only speaking in short sentences, but she hadn't really had a proper conversation with Yoongi before. It was kind of nice to hear his voice. It was very soothing.

"Ah, well," He looked a bit sheepish, "Nothing you want to hear, Daisy," He smiled softly at her before getting up and flicking the light off, "It's getting late, we should sleep,"

Daisy lay down and tucked herself in, listening as Yoongi rustled about on the floor, tryng to get comfortable on the hard surface. She suddenly felt bad for him, and although she was nervous, an idea popped into her head.

"Hey, Yoongi?" She said quietly, breaking the quiet. Yoongi hummed and she took a deep breath, "You're not uncomfortable down there?"

"I'm fine," He said, his voice soft, "Go to sleep,"

"Yoongi," She was glad that it was dark, as she was bright pink and chewing her lips nervously, "You can share the bed with me, if you want

The rustling sounds of Yoongi trying to get comfortable suddenly stopped, and she heard him whisper, "What?"

"You keep looking after me- I don't- I mean, I would quite like it if you joined me on the bed. To sleep,"

It was silent for a moment, but eventually, Yoongi spoke, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Daisy swallowed, "Come into the bed. It's a big bed, there is space,"

There was a dip as Yoongi slipped into the bed next to her, and she gasped when she felt his cold hands touch her collarbone.

"Sorry," He muttered, "It's dark, I can't see where I'm touching,"

"I don't mind," Daisy shocked herself when she spoke, "It's okay if you do,"

She heard Yoongi's breath catch before he spoke, "It is?" His hand slowly reached out, fingers trailing gently down her face and across her lips, "Then, can I kiss you again?"

Yoongi must have felt Daisy's hesitant nod, because he propped himself up on his elbow and leaned down onto her, gently finding her lips with his own. The hand that wasn't supporting his weight rested on her cheek, holding her softly to him as their lips moved. Without thinking, Daisy moved her arms, hooking them around Yoongi's neck as the kiss slowly deepened, her lips parting wider to give access to Yoongi's tongue. She moaned softly when their tongues met, and he shifted his weight, shuffling closer to her as his hand moved from her cheek to around the back of her neck. He slowed the pace of the kiss and pulled away reluctantly when Daisy's fingers tangled into his thick hair.

He swallowed audibly, "We should- ah- go to sleep," He said, breaking free from her arms and laying down next to her. Daisy sighed a little and rolled over so her back was facing him. Even though he had asked to kiss her, she had felt embarrassed that she was into it more than he was and that he had broken away first.

However, she felt a sudden heat at her back as Yoongi curled his arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest, his front hot against her back.

"Goodnight, Daisy," He muttered into her ear, already falling asleep.

"Night, Yoongi," She whispered back, closing her eyes and trying to relax.

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