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Namjoon dumped Bee unceremoniously onto the floor as soon as the door was closed behind him. He pulled her roughly to her feet and dragged her along with him, not giving her a chance to fight back. She groaned as her legs struggled to keep up with his long strides, and when the slid out of the side door, Namjoon slapped a hand over her mouth, muffling her noises and making it hard for her to breath.

She whimpered as loudly as she could when she saw Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook climb out of Jimin's car, swiftly followed by Yoongi. She struggled hard, but Namjoon wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug, holding her tightly to his body.

He pulled at her, sneaking around the outside of the building with Hyori closer behind until they were just far enough away from the boys to make a quick getaway.

"We don't need her anymore," Hyori said, viciously pinching Bee's bruised arm and making her yelp, "Get rid of her, Joonie,"

Namjoon grinned, "Yeah, here is fine," 

He let go of Bee's mouth, and she yelled as loudly as her lungs and throat would allow her, screaming for Jimin to come and get her.

Jimin and the others whirled around when they heard her yell, and Namjoon waved at them, before shoving her hard. Bee fell forwards, her already bleeding head smacking into the floor as she was unable to throw her arms out to save herself.

"Bee!" Jimin yelled, sprinting towards them. He was too far away, however, to stop Hyori kicking Bee, rolling her limp body down the bank and into the rushing water of the river.

Namjoon too Hyori's hand and dragged her away, and by the time Jimin reached where they were, they were already gone.

He leaped straight into the water, panicking as he dunked under, trying to find Bee.

"Fuck!" He screamed when he realised she wasn't there. The strong current had swept her away, "Bee!"

"Hyung!" Jungkook called from further down the water, near to where to car was, "She's here!" He was struggling to keep Bee's limp body above the water, and Taehyung immediately jumped in too to help lift her back to the bank.

Jimin scrambled to get out of the water, rushing back and skidding a halt by her side, already on his knees.

"She's breathing," Jungkook gasped, coughing the water out of his throat, "She's breathing,"

"Look at her!" Taehyung growled, pointing at her bruised face and shoulder as Jimin carefully pulled her onto his lap, trying to hold back his tears.

"The fuck did that asshole do to her?!" Jungkook growled, "Where is Daisy?!"

"I'll go find her," Yoongi said, his eyes cold as he also stood up, "Look after Bee, Jimin, I'll be right back with your baby sister,"

Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, the fury evident in their eyes.

"We're going to get Namjoon," They growled at the same time, standing and sprinting quickly in the direction that Namjoon and Hyori had gone.


Daisy couldn't stop the tears from dripping down her face. She was pressed into the dirt, luckily not on her bruised cheek, but her shoulders were burning with the pain of having them twisted behind her back. Still, her only thoughts were on Bee.

She tried to roll herself over, but the chair stopped her from moving, and she had to stay pressed uncomfortably into the hard floor, breathing the dust in through her nose.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and she flinched, waiting for Namjoon or Hyori to come in. Squeezing her eyes shut, she winced when she heard a soft curse, and the chair moved with her still in it. 

However, when the touch on her face was soft, instead of rough, she opened her eyes.

"Jesus Christ, Daisy," Yoongi whispered, his eyes wide as his fingers gently stroked her cheek.

"Y-Yoongi," Daisy whimpered as he stood up straight, moving behind her to undo her binds. She slumped forward once she was free, and Yoongi reached out, lifting her to her feet and pulling her into his arms, cradling her carefully.

"Daisy, I'm sorry," He whispered, burying his face in her neck, "I'm so sorry, I should have been with you, I shouldn't have let you go without me,"

Daisy just wrapped her arms around his body, squeezing him as tightly as she could as she sobbed into his chest. Once she had cried a little with Yoongi just holding her, she pulled away slowly and he reached up, wiping away her tears with his fingertips.

"You're safe, now," He said, "And we'll make sure this doesn't ever happen again,"

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