Twenty Four

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"I wasn't packing a bag, dumbass," A snappy voice sounded from the doorway, "I was trying to find a cooling pack for my face,"

Daisy and Jimin both whirled around. Bee was standing propped up against the doorway, one arm was wrapped around her stomach, hugging herself, and her sore arm was just hanging next to her.

"B-Bee," Jimin got to his feet and Daisy smiled.

"I couldn't leave you, stupid," She growled at him, "Despite what you think I am a part of this family now,"

"I think I'll go back to bed," Daisy said softly, abandoning her coffee and quickly exiting the room. Bee and Jimin needed to talk, but they didn't need an audience.

Just as she was about to open the bedroom door, it was flung open by a panicked looking Yoongi. When he saw her, he tugged her into his arms so hard that they both almost lost their balance and went tumbling.

"Fuck," He muttered, his face buried in her hair.

"W-What is it?" Daisy gasped for breath, trying to pull free of his tight grip. Yoongi loosened his hold and pulled her backwards, kicking the door shut behind them.

"I woke up and you were gone," He said, "It felt like you weren't really here to start with, and that you were still with Namjoon. Don't do that,"

"Ah, sorry...?" Daisy said with a frown, "I needed the bathroom and I was talking to Jimin,"

"Wake me up, next time," Yoongi growled, "You made me panic. I thought you'd left me, again,"

She smiled, "Okay. I'm here, though, so it's fine,"

Yoongi sighed and finally let her go, before sitting himself back on his bed, "Are you alright? Do you still hurt?"

Daisy nodded and sat next to him. He lifted his arm and she snuggled in, resting her head on his chest, "Yeah, but I'll be alright. Jimin and Bee are talking. I've never seen him cry before, not even when our parents passed away,"

"Really?" Yoongi said, "He cries a lot, you know. For a tough guy, he's a cry baby,"

Daisy looked up at him and laughed, "Really?"

He nodded, "How do you think he has gotten Bee to forgive him so much?"

"Crocodile tears?" She gasped, "That's-"

"No, no, they're real," Yoongi said, "And when we pulled Bee from the water he was full-on sobbing,"

"Wow," Daisy said, raising her eyebrows, "I didn't know that,"

"Well, I guess he doesn't want people to know," Yoongi mused, "Just how Jungkook is actually a gaming nerd and Taehyung has an unhealthy obsession with historical dramas,"

Daisy pulled away, "No way!" She laughed, "And you love teddy bears! What a group you lot make!"

Yoongi smiled and ran his fingers down her cheek, stopping at her chin. He tilted her head up to face him as he leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was slow but deep, and he pulled her slowly so that she climbed onto his lap, straddling him with her arms around his neck. Yoongi moved his own arms around her waist, holding her tightly to him as their lips moved passionately with each other.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Jimin was stood in the doorway, his eyes wide.

"Ah..." He cleared his throat, his cheeks turning a little pink, "I did knock, but... Well, I guess you didn't hear me,"

"What do you want?" Yoongi snapped and surprisingly, Jimin grinned.

"We're going out for lunch in a bit, was going to tell you to get ready, but if you'd rather stay here and... Well, use protection, yeah? I don't want to be an uncle ye- Ow!"

Bee appeared behind Jimin, reaching up and flicking his ear, "Leave them alone, Jimin," She said, pushing him away from the door.

"Sorry guys, we're leaving about twelve, so you've got plenty of time to..." She smirked, "Get ready,"

She reached out and pulled the door over. Yoongi groaned, dropping his head to Daisy's shoulder.

"Why does someone always interrupt us?"

Daisy smiled, running her fingers through his soft hair, "They interrupted when I was answering your question last night, too,"

Yoongi lifted his head, a blank look on his face, "Question?"

"You asked if I liked you, too,"

His face quickly turned pink, "I uh- I think I figured out the answer to that, now," He said, not making eye contact.

"You have," She grinned, "What is it?"

"You... ah- you do?" He said hopefully.

She smiled wider and leaned back into him, pressing her lips into his. He moaned as her tongue entered his mouth and immediately pulled her tighter into his body, laying back and rolling them over so that he was on top of her.

"Is that a yes?" He asked, pulling away.

She nodded, "Yes, now, please kiss me again,"

Yoongi smiled brightly; the smile that Daisy had grown to love, with all of his gums showing.

Just as their lips were about to touch again, they heard a sneeze and a curse. Yoongi got up from the bed and pushed the door open, revealing a blushing Bee and an irritated Jimin.

"Were you listening in?" He asked, his voice cold.

"Ah, well, gotta go!" Bee cried, dashing away quickly.


"You know... I... Well, she's my sister, Hyung, and- Bee made me do it!" He yelled, also running when he saw the look on the older mans face.

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his temples, "I can't-" He turned and looked at Daisy, "Get dressed, we're taking this somewhere else,"

Daisy laughed and jumped to her feet, "Give me ten minutes,"

Yoongi stalked up to her, leaning down and kissing her hard, "Make that five," She said breathlessly as he headed out of the room to let her get dressed.

"Make it quick," He said, closing the door behind him.

Daisy smiled, her heart so full it could almost burst. She had a traumatic time just a few hours ago, but now, she was beyond happy. Bee and Jimin had made up and she and Yoongi had made so much progress that it was almost unreal. She could never have imagined that the cold, silent and scary Min Yoongi could be so loving and gentle. He was so warm and caring that she wished that she would have made the effort to talk to him all those years ago.

"Alright," She smiled, quickly throwing her pyjamas off and tugging some clothes on, "Let's go!"



AN: That's it, Bumblys! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed the slightly different "You Scare Me"!!

There will be epilogues for this one!

I will be doing the second series, too, so keep an eye out!

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