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"Is this... Namjoon?!"

Every body in the room tensed as Jimin pulled the phone from his ear and pressed the speaker button.

"Hello, Jimin,"

"Why the fuck have you got my girlfriend's phone, asshole?!"

"Why do you think?" Namjoon sniggered, "Her and my ex-girlfriend are sitting here keeping me company. Although, I'm pretty sure she wants me back, right, babe?"

A little whimper echoed through the speaker of the phone, and all the furniture was thrown backwards violently as they all leapt to their feet.

"Where the fuck are you?" Jungkook growled, snatching the phone from Jimin's hand.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," Taehyung took the phone from Jungkook, gripping it so hard that it looked like he was going to break it, "You're fucking dead!"

Taehyung's phone began to ring in his pocket, but he ignored it, still gripping Jungkook's phone.

"You can try," Namjoon laughed on the other end of the line, "If you can find me,"

The sound of skin smacking skin rang out, followed by another whimper, and Taehyung's knuckles went white, he was gripping the phone so hard.

"Well, I guess you can have the blonde, if you want. She's of no use to me. I'll leave her somewhere for you to find. Maybe the trash? Looks like she'd blend in, though, especially if she's not moving. You might not be able to find her,"

Jimin grabbed for the phone, but Yoongi beat him to it.

"If you touch either one of them again, you won't even live long enough to regret it," His voice was so quiet, that Namjoon became silent, both trying to listen and trying to control his fear, "You had better pray that I find those girls in perfect health, or I won't make the mistake of just sending you to the hospital again. You'll need to be sewn back together before they can even bury you,"

He hung up and took a deep breath, handing Jungkook's phone back to him before turning to Taehyung, "Your phone is ringing,"

Jimin was cursing as he paced the room. He was more panicked than angry, now and his fists were clenching and unclenching by his sides, "I shouldn't have let them go," He muttered, "This is my fucking fault, I shouldn't have let them go!"

"Answer your fucking phone!" Jungkook yelled at Taehyung, "I can't take that sound right  now!"

Taehyung pulled the constantly ringing phone from his pocket and gasped, seeing who the call was from.

"It's Daisy!"

Yoongi tugged the phone from him and answered it, quickly putting it to speaker.


"Is this Taehyung?" A male voice sounded and once again, everyone tensed.

"Who the fuck are you?" Taehyung growled, "Where is my sister?!"

"I guess it is, then," The voice said, still whispering, "My name is Hoseok, I-"

"One of the asshole friends," Yoongi cut him off, "He was there that day,"

"Where is my sister and my girlfriend?" Jimin took the phone, "If you don't answer me right now, you're-"

"Don't shout!" The voice urged, "Namjoon doesn't know I'm calling you!"

Daisy's brothers and Yoongi all looked at each other, "Fine," Jungkook muttered, "Get talking,"

"I can tell you where we are, but you have to promise to leave me and Jin Hyung out of this; we had nothing to do with it, I swear" We only knew that he had the girls here when we heard him and Hyori talking about it,"

"Where the fuck are you?!" Jimin snapped angrily, impatient and worried.

Hoseok gave them an address on the other side of the town; an old building by the river. As soon as the address had left his mouth, the boys were out of the house and in Jimin's car.


Daisy was frozen as Namjoon pulled the phone away from his ear, a grin on his face.

"Why did you call them?" She asked softly, the tears pooling in her eyes, "If you're not going to let us go, why did you call them?!"

Namjoon grinned, running his fingers down Daisy's cheek, over the place that she was already bruising, "They need to suffer, baby," He said, "They need to know their place. They aren't as tough as they think they are. Tripping over themselves for a couple of girls," He snorted and reached around Daisy, grabbing Bee by her shoulder and yanking her around.

She cried out in pain and Daisy realised with shock that her exposed shoulder under her vest top was already black with bruises from where she was thrown to the pavement before.

"Stop!" She cried, "You're hurting her, leave her alone!"

"I know," Namjoon smirked. He leaned down and undid the ties keeping her to the chair, but left her hands bound behind her back, "Well, I promised that they could have this one back," He laughed, dragging her out of the room by her shoulder.

"Daisy!" Bee cried, "No! Don't! Let me stay with her! Daisy!" She fought hard against Namjoon, even making him grunt with pain as she kicked him viciously in the leg. However, she was knocked to the floor when he slapped her hard in the face.


"Stop," Namjoon ordered, "Or you'll regret it!" Bee, of course, ignored him, struggling when he lifted her back to her feet. He smacked her again, but this time caught her before her body hit the floor. She kicked weakly as he threw her over his shoulder and slammed the door closed as he left the room, leaving Daisy alone in the dark.

Not long after, he came back, without Bee. As he leaned over Daisy, Hyori came rushing into the room, her face panicked, "I just saw Jin and Hoseok leave," She gasped, fighting for breath, "And another car pulled up out front. Jimin was driving it!"

Namjoon frowned, "How did you tell them we are here?" He snarled, smacking his hand hard into her face; enough to topple the unbalanced chair over.

"We aren't finished, Daisy!" He said, turning to face Hyori, "Let's go,"

Hyori gave Daisy a quick kick in her leg, before rushing after Namjoon, leaving her moanin on the cold, dirty floor.

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