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I didn't work the next day. I woke up that morning with no appetite. My stomach was twisted up. I tried Florian a few more times but still got no answer. I sighed placing my phone back on the night stand and laid my head back on the pillow. I stared up at the ceiling.

I can't believe I'm so stupid.

I picked my phone up and decided to see if he would respond to a text at least.

Can we talk?

I sent it praying he would reply. After 10 minutes I got no reply. I sighed getting out of bed and heading into the kitchen to get something to drink.

I pouted myself a cup of juice and guzzled it down before settling in front of the tv and turning on Netflix to fill the silence.

Michael's POV
Things on set were tense. Florian was very obviously upset and was letting it effect his acting. I stood to the side watching him.
Steven called cut and Florian stomped off towards his trailer. I jogged trying to catch up with he long strides. Damn he's big.

"Flo!" He didn't stop. "Flo!"

"Not now Mike." He called over his shoulder as he reached his trailer. He swung the door open hard and I slid in behind him.

"Let's talk." I said leaning against the counter while he sat on the couch, a towel sling over his head as he looked at his feet. He stayed silent so I began the conversation.
"So I know about you and my little sister." I said.
His head snapped up fast as he eyes tried to gauge how I was feeling about it.
"Mike man I-" I cut him off before he could finished.

"I'm not mad. As long as you treat her well and don't break her heart you're good with me." He nodded looking down again. "But I also know she fucked up. And I caught her in the parking lot crying about it." I sighed sitting down next to him on the couch.
"Man. Nicole, she's the sweetest person you could meet. She always looks for the best in people. She knows that she fucked up and when I looked in her eyes last night, I could see fear. Fear of losing you. And I know you're pissed. Hell I'm pissed too that she'd be that dumb. But please hear her out?" I reasoned. His head lifted as he sighed and sat up.

He nodded. "I'll talk to her. I was so mad last night I didn't want to hear anything. She explained the situation to me and I know there's nothing happening but I guess I got a little jealous. I'll call her." He answered.

"Thanks man. I wish y'all the best. But I will beat your ass if you break my baby sister's heart." I joked getting off the couch. He chuckled as I left the trailer satisfied with my mediator skills.

Florian's POV
I took Michael's words into consideration and picked up my phone seeing the numerous missed calls and texts from Nicole.

I decided to text her back because I'd rather is talk in person. She had texted me if we could talk.

Yeah. Come over when I'm done with filming for the day.

I sent it and sat the phone down on my lap before almost instantly getting a reply.

Okay.. I'm sorry.

I sat the phone down and laid my head back. I didn't realize how much I cared about her and how much of an effect she had on my mood. I was off today. Everyone could tell. I was fucking up my scenes and could get my lines right or the choreography.

I texted Steven that I wasn't feeling well and that I was gonna call it quits for the day. He said it was cool and I gathered my stuff and got changed into my street clothes before leaving my trailer.

When I arrived home I sent Nicole a text telling her she could come over whenever. She replied that she'd be here in 30 minutes. I got settled in and turned on the television waiting for her to arrive.

Around 45 minutes later I heard the doorbell and made my way over to it. I opened the door and she stood there in leggings and t-shirt, makeup free and holding a pizza box. I smiled at the sight.

"I brought a peace offering." She spoke softly, holding the box out to me. I took it and opened the door wider.

"Come in." I held the box over her head as she walked him.

I lead the way to the kitchen setting the box down on the counter and flipping it open.

I lead the way to the kitchen setting the box down on the counter and flipping it open

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I chucked at how corny and cute she was. I looked over to see a slight smile on her face as she watched my reaction.
"Come here." I called opening my arms for her.
She rushed into them immediately burying her head in my chest.

"I'm sorry Flo." She cried.

"I know baby." I cooed rubbing her back.

"I promise I don't want him and he's gone from my life. I don't want him in it if it's gonna cost me you. I care too much about you." She explained. She rested her chin on my chest looking up at me. I wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I forgive you baby. I shouldn't have got so mad after you explained the situation to me." I apologized. I bent down and pecked her lips.

She shook her head, never loosening her grip on me. "No baby you had every right to react like that." I nodded bending down to kiss her again.

"Now let's eat some pizza." I cheered grabbing a slice from the box. She giggled and grabbed a slice too taking a bite into it.

"I haven't ate anything all day." She confessed. That was very odd because she loved to eat.

I grabbed the pizza box and lead us over to the couch sitting it on the coffee table infront of us. I grabbed her blanket from the hallway closet. She always had to have a blanket over her if she was laying on a couch even if she wasn't cold it just helped her get comfy.

She smiled at me as I came back with it and wrapped it around herself as she grabbed another slice of pizza.

"So I talked to your brother today." I said nonchalantly as I scrolled down to our show: Greys Anatomy.
Her head whipped in my direction. "Oh god what'd he say?" She asked before adding " I'm sorry. I told him about us last night cuz he saw me crying. Oh please tell me he wasn't an ass to you." She pleaded nervously.

I shook my head laughing, pulling her in close to me. "No he was actually really cool about it. Just threatened to beat my ass if I break your heart. Plus he was the one who got me to call you." She looked up at me. "I was shit today on set. I fucked up all my scenes and I was miserable without you there." I confessed.

She smiled up at me leaning up to place a tender kiss on my lips. God I didn't know how much I missed her until this moment.

"I've been laying on my couch all day crying and just waiting to hear from you." She confessed.

We turned our attention to the screen for the episode to start.

"Wait this is ahead of where we were last time..." she said confused. "Florian! You watched without me!" She pouted, slapping my arm lightly.

"Sorry." I apologized, "I just couldn't wait to see who McDreamy picked!" I raised my hands in innocence and she rolled her eyes snuggling into me.

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